Airships Review - Conquer the Skies and Module Variety


Simulator of building military vehicles and flying ships and testing them for strength in a real battle. The idea in the idea is wonderful, I personally have not yet seen anything similar. The idea hides a great reserve for fiction, the possibility of showing your own design and strategic capabilities, killing and capturing an abundance of enemy equipment and capturing the entire world of Airships - Conquer the Skies. But the sale, let's put it this way, is slightly damp. The graphic component is unpretentious, which is clear, however, not at all clear, like a video game with a huge number of objects, but such graphics manage to slow down so thoroughly. But basically it is not as critical as it might seem at first glance. At first, a gamer may be put off by the overwhelming presence of abilities and limitations that are dumped on you right away. Even training is quite stressful, but not only because of the huge number of explanations and options that they try to teach you. It is very difficult to get used to the controls in the first couples. It is out of habit, badly responsive and sometimes illogical. For example, a ship can foolishly disobey and not fly to a designated position, even if the captain's bridge and all the elements for movement are intact. Either the little men will not want to repair or put out anything, even if the team has priority for this. This certain number is unnerving.

Similarly, one can notice the limitations in one's own abilities to command. For example, it is impossible to specify exactly where to shoot. But on the other hand, in my opinion, this would only once again overcomplicate the management. Another card randomizer can play a trick on you and lock you in a terrain that your gun is unable to get out of. Well, in the course of the game, of course, the elementary nature of the tactical component of conducting a battle in defiance of the computer, which works only on the basis of a database of algorithms for its own guns, is revealed. If you have information about their radius and thesis of work, you can easily and very quickly overcome them. If, of course, your ship wants to obey orders.

Nevertheless, all the disadvantages mentioned above only prove that the video game is not in vain located in “early access”, and that, probably, the creators will fix all these jambs over time, bringing the video game to perfection. One way or another, there is already a unique good idea, a wide designer, where you can poke around for hours, bringing your own military transport to the state of an impeccable death machine. Alas, with all this it is worth considering the plane of the relief, well, even when flying. All your own rivals, although they look grayish, have every chance to succumb. In general, fighting and building your own fleet is very funny, as well as boarding foreign ships. The game has a large strategic and design reserve, which, with proper development, will be the most creative and thoughtful simulator of the construction of military weapons. If you are close to the topic of creative design or tricky fights in the present tense - take it confidently. Moreover, there is a video game on the network, and the most fascinating enemy in the strategy is, as you know, a living person. So you can completely run into flying genitals, which in one helmet will defeat your entire army, and in the end, they will also create a natural tea bag.

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