Wacky Wizards - How to unlock a new ingredient


This guide will show you how to get the required item or ingredient in Wacky Wizards?

How to get a new item or ingredient in Wacky Wizards?

How to get a new cane in the old update? /November 17, 2021/

Basic actions:

  • Go to Oz's house, which is hidden behind a gray wall, at the door of which there is a bush of grass.
  • Walk through it and go behind Oz's house.
  • There is a mysterious bush with an inscription "Don't Pour the Hot Potion".
  • Now you need to do exactly the opposite and pour hot potion into it.
  • Go back to your cauldron and create a hot potion by dropping one chili pepper into it.
  • Now return to this area and use the potion. This will set fire to the bush.
  • square hole opens up - jump into it.

  • Walk forward and you will find a locked door.

How to open a locked door?

  • You need a potion that will make the door explode. Create it with Dynamite.
  • Have a drink explosive potion, which will make you and the door explode. Go inside and you will find the second door.
  • Then you will need Potion of Ozto access another door marked "Only Oz". Don't try to enter normally, because you will die immediately.

How to make a potion of Oz?

  • You can do this by adding the heads of Forix and Jendel to the cauldron.
  • To do this, go to the waterfall and enter at Cave Club.
  • Turn right and you need take Forix's head, and then pick up Jendel's head in the desert next to the cactus.

  • Unite both in their cauldron, and you will have a potion of r Oz.
  • Now come back to the second door and drink the Potion of Oz.

  • Take Oz's wallet out of the room and give it back.
  • After a short interaction with him, you will receive the old cane ingredient in Wacky Wizards.
  • You can put the cane in the cauldron to make an old potion and see what happens.

How to get the new Anime Sword (Anime Ingredient) Premium Item?

The following actions:

You will need to head to the in-game store and click on the "Anime Sword" item to unlock it. But this is only possible with 2500 gems as it is a premium item.

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