Driv3r / Driver 3 - full walkthrough


Step-by-step walkthrough and tactics in the missions of the game.


Police H.Q.

No, it's not a mistake, it's the Driv3r / Driver 3 intro video showing us a police operation in Istanbul in which some weirdo delinquent in sunglasses with the deadpan of a Terminator shoots cops right and left. A little delay, and here is our main character, he is being taken on a gurney to the operating room, where his heart will stop ... Is this the end of Tanner? Or is it someone's bad joke? Now let's rewind time 6 months ago and go back to Miami. Up to the aforementioned denouement, there is still a lot to do.

You are required to come to the police station. Go out into the yard and get into a dark car, which is in the garage. Do not rush to the area indicated on the location, but first, learn how to drive perfectly, because without the filigree driving technique, DRIV3R is simply nowhere. Offenders without any special troubles will constantly leave you with your nose, forcing you to follow the bleak inscription more than once. Try to gently go into turns, cut corners with jewelry, ram light hedges and fences, learn to dodge poles, trees and annoying traffic. When you are quite comfortable, sail off to the police and approach the person next to the computer. After that, rush to the door, next to which hangs a sign with a machine gun, and go through the fire training course. It is necessary to destroy only reddish targets, leave the blue ones alone. That's it, easy enough, right?

Lead to Baccus.

What can not be said about the first persecution. Faster rush to the parked police car on the street and drive with all your might, trying not to lose sight of another police car with a reddish arrow at the top. When you arrive at the place, the mission will end. Who complains about problems? Yes, it is not easy, but it will only get harder and harder.

The Siege.

Here we are at the offender's house. Here you can act in 2 ways, by the way, in almost all missions there are other options for passing individual episodes, although the end is always the same: either go around the house on the left, shoot 4 assistants of Backus, and later chase him. Or immediately get into a police car and go in any direction. The result will be the same - you are sitting in the car and chasing the villain, however, the beginning of his route may vary. In general, just sit on his tail until he crashes into the corner of the house. Watch a movie in which Tanner first shoots Backus, and later kills him, thinking that he is pulling out a gun. In fact, the poor fellow reached for the keys. After Tanner and his companion will discuss a plan to infiltrate the South Beach gang.


Move through the measured night town up to the hotel. Speed ​​does not matter, so you can take a breath. At the reddish arrow, get out of the car and climb the stairs to the roof. Rush along the roofs to the reddish inscription on the facade of the house, shoot a dozen bandits along the way and get into the elevator. In the garage, press the key to open the gate, shoot the entire group, get into the car and blow into the street. Watch for the damage strip, you must deliver the wheelbarrow to the destination point safe and sound. Here, as luck would have it, a certain reptile will appear and will ram you. You can try to run away from him or just get out of the car and shoot him. So that later you can move in a relaxed way and not think about anything. Watch as Tanner meets Kalita, the gang's minion, and her companion Lamas.

Impress Lomaz.

Kalita will ask Lomas to test Tanner in action. Well, show your best. Leave the house to the pier, get into the boat and swim across the bay, later along the canal to the docks, where Lomas is already waiting for you. Get into the car and smash piles of barrels, tanks, frames of premises marked with arrows. You only have a minute and a half for everything, so hurry up. After that, return to the pier where you left the boat, where you will transfer to the newest car. Now move to the bar indicated on the location, get out of the car and smash it to shreds. Here it is necessary to have time to fill the strip of harm in the allotted time: kill all the guests, the bartender, shoot the dishes, furniture, paintings, etc.

Gator's Yacht.

Watch the video in which Tanner and his companion talk about who might need to drive 20-30 cars to Europe? In the next episode, a cold-blooded Jericho will shoot his own ringleader in an elevator. Nasty guy, don't you see? Well, we'll get to that. Kalita will call and ask you to pick up C4 in order to install it on Gator's yacht. Exit through the glass doors to the pool, get into the boat and sail to the 2nd letter, look at the map in the word "Miami". Shoot the bandits in the stilt house and pick up three C4s there, one will be in the first room, and the other two in the bedroom with the hostage. Now blow to Gator's yacht, if your boat was killed, use someone else's, clean it from aggressive parts and install explosives. One - in the engine room, another - next to the steering wheel, the third - in the dining room with a huge TV set. After laying the last bomb, you have 30 seconds left to get all the way to your own boat and take your feet faster. Then watch Gator's pride blow up.

The Hit.

You left Tico alive, you have to correct the mistake. The mission will begin with a pursuit on a bike behind a boat. Rush along the beach, dodging cars going to ram, later along the canal, until you stumble upon an ambush. Tiko's henchmen blocked the road with their cars. After a small scene, the chase will continue. Now both you and your pursuer have switched to regular, four-wheeled movement resources. Keep up until Tico lures you into a small patio where a certain number of bandits will come to his aid. Shoot everyone and the case will be done.


2 days later. The cops got a tip and raided, only they didn't know that Tanner was on their side. You need to quickly get out of the building. Ignore the tail, taxi through the corridors, knock down glass partitions. If you braid, the arrows will constantly tell you the right direction. When you find yourself on the street, check the location of the upcoming route. In the end, Kalita will give the order for you to drown the car. Set off to the embankment marked on the location, drive with acceleration to the springboard illuminated by a reddish arrow and flop into the water. All arrived.

Dodge Island.

Gator has a car that you need to get your hands on. Go to him on the peninsula, you will open the gate, and enter the warehouse. The deal will come true, but again it will be followed by a cheeky set-up. As you show up next to the newest machine, they will open fire on you from the balcony. Perebeyte all, get into the car and knock out the door, jump over a small channel. A container will drop right in front of your nose. Then you have to shoot a little bit, killing a couple of 10 thugs along the way. Once you get to the far end of the island, get in the van and drive towards the gate. You will be rammed by trucks, do not pay attention. The main thing is to get up to the gate, they must be opened by pressing the key next to it. Ready for acrobatics? A bridge is being built in front of you, there are 2 exits - either accelerate and jump over, or go into the bridge control room and lower it. Then follow the location to the marker on the adjacent island.


It's time to deal with Rotor once and for all. Chase him, you can try to shoot the fire will be Lomas, leaning out the window, but this is not necessary. When Gator jumps out of the car, kill his henchmen nearby and inside the house.Later, the chase will continue on high-speed boats and end at the houses on stilts, where you can, in the end, bang your restless victim.


Welcome to Nice.

At first, Tanner will get to know his French employees, and later he will be invited to a meeting by Kalita. Leave the house, get into the car and move in the direction of the marker on the location. During the trip, a bell will ring at one point. Kalita was attacked, you have to rescue her. At the top of the screen you will see the girl's health indicator - don't let it go all the way to zero. Once nearby, shoot all the bad boys in the square, after that Kalita will run to the van. Rush nearby and cover her. The next part of the mission is quite funny: you sit in a van and have to shoot all the cars that have the audacity to follow you. When you scrap about 10 cars, the mission will end. You will again find yourself in the same house from where you started.

Smash and Run.

This is one of the most unique and challenging missions in the entire video game. Although, which of them can be considered ordinary? You need to put three cars into the van on the move, their locations are indicated by greenish dots on the location, while up until it reaches the destination point. Damage to stolen cars is not recommended. You start on a bike, so you will get to your own first car without any special problems. Well, with the rest, how will it turn out that it will turn up faster, although the bike, of course, is better. For the sharpness of feelings, the truck will still wag its back, so that it was possible to drive into it not immediately.

18 Wheeler.

If you really steal, then in a big way. Now it is necessary to drag the whole container, put it on a truck and deliver it to the designated place. To get started, go to the point on the location, you will see a reddish arrow next to the crane, behind the fence. You can seep through it, as usual, in multiple ways. One of them is this: go to the pier, jump into the water, swim through the tunnel and climb the stairs up. You'll be right next to the faucet. Climb up to the controls and place the container on the platform. There are seven containers in total, you need to get the blue one, it is in the bottom center. In other words, first remove the grayish one from above and move it to the lone container on the left. Then cling to the dove and lower it onto the platform. Then get into the tractor, it is in the garage, and dock it with the trailer. It remains to deliver their own cargo to the docks. It would have been quite simple if the police had not tailed you and put their cordons on the roads. The latter have to be rammed, there seems to be no other way to break through. At the docks, move to the two faucets by the water, to the right of the NVidia advertisement.


Catch up with the van, shoot the driver and his partners and get behind the wheel. Line up behind the exact same van and follow it. Later, go out, give everyone in the yard on the 1st, get into a black car with an open top and return to Kalita. As you leave the gate, you will immediately begin to pursue. It’s better to slow down and shoot the offender, otherwise, what’s good, spoils the freshest paint. The subsequent problem materializes in the form of a traffic jam, the one that is also better to shoot, getting out of the car. Later, just move along the arrow, at the end, the gate will open in front of you.

Arms Deal.

Judging by the preparations, a lot of firing is expected. Rapidly move across the location to Zigo, this takes less than a minute. Lomas will go to talk, and you get out of the car, go around the building and shoot a group of people meeting you. After that, get into a light green truck with a small box in the back. This is an explosive, and it must be delivered to the place indicated on the location in two minutes. With all this, you need to move very carefully, with every sharp turn, the box somersaults, beats against the body and ... everything can end very badly. Colliding with pillars is also not recommended, because it is fatal. In addition, they will start chasing and ramming you. It is better not to take it to the extreme, but to slow down, shoot the chase and then continue the voyage.

Booby Trap.

The newest exciting video: Tanner will be suspected of betrayal, but he will stand the test. Later, Fabienne will call and say that there is a bomb in your car. Remember the movie Speed, when the bus had to blow up if the speed fell below a certain value? You are in the same situation. When the speedometer drops below 50 mph, there will be a big bad boom! True, not immediately, you will still have time to increase the speed again so that the bomb is discharged. Drive to the beach, there you will see a pickup truck. Line up with him and press the action button so that Lomas jumps into his body. Do not confuse with another key when Tanner gets in / leaves the car. When Lomas escapes, return to the highway and deliver the gift to the sender. Follow the sign to the location, and jump out of the car next to the truck. The explosion will be authoritative.

Calita in Trouble.

At first, watch a video in which two girls begin to sort things out, and not by means of slaps, but with pistols. As a result, Kalita will fail, and you again need to rescue her. There is a choice - either rush to the rescue of a girlfriend, or intercept a truck with killers on the way. If you do not have time, then he will simply crush her. So, the plan is this: first, catch up with the truck in order to protect yourself, and shoot 2 submachine gunners and the driver. Then rush towards Kalita, keeping an eye on her slowly fading health bar. Shoot all the bandits in the courtyard, get the newest assignment - to catch up and destroy Fabienne. Run to the car and follow the escaped cheat. You can not move, but quickly jump out into the street, running past your own car, and try to shoot it when it rushes past. It's not easy to make, but it's still easier than chasing it through the streets.

Rescue Dubois.

Now it is necessary to rescue Dubois, the French employee, otherwise he may not live until the day after tomorrow. At first, without any haste, go to the restaurant. Near the restaurant, shoot the guards, run inside and through the door on the left. Clear this room from the criminal parts, the 2nd part of the mission will begin - the chase. The prisoner is taken away in a car, get into yours and rush along. Shoot until it stops, then finish off the 2 guards that got out of it. Although there is a 2nd option. Do not move anywhere, but try to riddle the car with bullets immediately, when the chase begins.


You start this objective on a speedboat. Sail along the channel to the bay, and later moor at a small boat shed, where a reddish arrow looms. This completes part 1 of the mission. Tanner will be ambushed, but miraculously manages to avoid Jericho's bullet. So, you are locked in a cramped room, there is no gun in another part of the building, there is only a forklift and a bunch of boxes nearby, and the door is about to be cut out with an autogen. What to do? Faster to the loader, hook the box, lift it up on the fangs, do not move until it rises to the highest point - it will fall and place it in such a way as to fill the hole on the second floor. It is better to rest it against the wall, otherwise the box loves to slide and just falls off the loader. Later, climb up the stairs, jump onto the box, from it to the platform and go down next to the boats. You must do all this before the bandits get to you. At first glance, the task seems impossible, but you do understand that there are no impossible tasks, right? It’s better not to jump into the boat, they’ll shoot you right here anyway. Better run out the door, put the bad boys down, get in the car and, having crushed one checkpoint, drive to the top of the mountain, see the map, where Vauban is waiting for you. Near the very top you will come across a couple more cordons. Pick up to the car with the reddish arrow, and the mission will end there. It's time to move to Turkey.



Follow Jericho's car, but don't get too close. At the top of the screen there is an indicator that will help you keep the right distance. If you fall behind or very much reduce the distance, the goal will have to be won. In the end, Jericho will stop. Get out of the car, go around the building near which the bandit parked, you will see a gap in the fence and a descent to the door. Go inside and climb the stairs to the top, while remembering that you should not be found. If they see, then Jericho will wash off, and a restart awaits you. Therefore, use a gun with a silencer, and try to hit immediately in the head. Rise to the 3rd floor and jump into the hole in the floor, later to the reddish arrow. Tanner will overhear the dialogue. Now we need to get out, better alive. You won't be able to hide anymore, run out the door, go up to the roof and rush further along the roofs, shooting armed people in light-colored jackets, up to the house under construction. Go down the stairs to the very bottom and get the newest assignment - to get all the way to your own hotel. Shoot everyone, get into the car and drive across the bridge across the river to the other end of the metropolis. The tail will show up almost immediately. Get out of the car and shoot the pursuers, then slow down at the reddish arrow. You are saved.

Tanner Escapes.

This mission begins with a virtual shooting gallery. You are in the back of a truck with Jones sitting behind the steering wheel. In your arsenal you have a grenade launcher and an Uzi. This is completely enough to kill the police cars chasing your car. At the end of the pursuit, your carrier will direct the truck directly into the sea, and you will find yourself on a boat. At first, break away from the pursuit boat, get out on the highway, privatize someone's car and roll, as in the previous mission, up to your beloved hotel. Only now you need to go inside the building. There should be no special troubles along the way.

Another lead.

Chase again. One rushes, the other catches up. The other is you. This pursuit is not very difficult, if you do not take into account a bad departure from the start. When the wheels slip on slippery grass. In general, by the time you find yourself on the highway, it will be too late. You'll have to practice a little. After the pursuit, the 2nd part will begin, with shooting. Don't let the fugitive escape, shoot the bandits in the market, pick up first-aid kits and continue the pursuit. When you kill a couple of 10 bandits, go to the marker on the location, the mission will end.


In this mission, you play as Tanner's partner, Tobias Jones, although, to be honest, there is not much difference. Quickly get into the sports car and start chasing Bagman. When it stops, get out, destroy the young men at the truck and rush to the reddish arrow near the entrance to the building. Further, the task comes down to shooting everyone inside, jumping into the car and planting the gate with it. Now destroy the tail or try to break away from it, later move up to the mark on the location where the mission will end.

The Chase.

Are you tired of the chase yet? For contrast, here is another one, now behind the Gate, which drives worse than Bagman. Try to keep up, in general, when a girl turns off the highway into narrow streets, it will be very difficult. What to tell here, learn to run without slowing down and take turns with little to no braking. The chase will stop at the bridge. There is a choice here: either run into the booth, press the key there and drive further along the lowered bridge, or go down to the water and jump into the boat in order to get to the next destination point. The last part of the pursuit will continue on bikes. Here all that is required is to catch up and knock down the racer.

bomb truck.

Having caught Kalita, Tanner will restore his bona fide name and will again work very closely with the cops. Kalita will speak and tell about the fact that the cars have already been sent to the Russians, and the transfer of funds for them will be carried out today. In the next video, you will see how Bagman brings Jericho a briefcase with banknotes, however, he is not satisfied with the amount, and he will back up his dissatisfaction with a bullet. After the deal, Jericho will try to hide again. You're driving, chasing a truck, and Jones is scribbling from a machine gun from the passenger seat. Everything would be fine if you were not bombarded from its body. Try to stay close so they won't hit you, or stay back a bit so that the bombs have time to detonate. Keep firing until the truck's health bar is gone. When it is destroyed, the mission will end.

Chase the Train.

So, final mission. The main villain Jericho was pinned to the wall, but he drove away on the train. You need to be ahead of this train until it reaches the bridge. This can be done in multiple ways. For example, move along the tracks, dodge an oncoming train, and later get ahead of your own train. Or taxi to the coastal highway not far from the station, there is a hole in the fence and rush parallel to the railway tracks in order to later turn back on them and be already ahead. Finding places to return on the way is not so easy, but they are there, look for them near intersections. You can jump into a hole in the fence, or you can jump on a hillock next to the highway, flying across the road in order to land in front of the locomotive. Watch the cut-scene: Jericho will jump off the train and the chase will continue. Everything is even simpler here ... if you do not count fifty types with machine guns that will interfere with you. Follow Jericho into the alley and finish him off. It remains to enjoy the extreme video in which Tanner is shot and he ends up in intensive care.


For a snack, the creators have stocked up with something else. In order to open various prizes, for example, all passers-by get a gun and start firing at you in Take a Ride mode, you need to find and shoot exactly 10 Timmy Vermicelli in each of the 3 cities. You can see in this material Driv3r / Driver 3 - Secret cars and Tommy.

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