Squishy The Suicidal Pig Review


Starting to play Squishy, ​​my key mistake was that I decided from something that this game could be quite a decent puzzle platformer, despite the suspiciously low price.

And the first few levels, really resembled the average budget indie game with Zakoshu under Mario and a hundred of other games similar to the genre. But, having reached the end of the second chapter, I realized that this is only shirma, everything is not at all and in general, the game is designed for a somewhat different approach.

In fact, Squishy The Suicidal Pig is a parade of nonsense, unacceptable, dunning, ineptly built-in borrowing and simply a nicudaneic game design. There is a resistant feeling that the game is made by the coalheads of freshmen in their free from study and google time. For nothing, everything is somewhat like.

The only thing that causes at least some response in the midst of this theater is absurd, do not believe the plot. The story of the pig, whose parents were taken to the slaughterhouse and, trying to find a way to reunite with the father and mother, he did not find anything better, except to impose on his hands. Having accomplished the act of suicide, the hero, of course, falls into hell, straight to the devil. The Lord of the Underworld offers him a deal - to die 31 times exactly in the number of game levels to send him a soul to heaven, to parents. At first, such a stained even causes a kind of dignification and pity for the main character. As a result, emotions are experiencing only twice for the game - at the beginning and at the end, when our hero falls into heaven. On the one hand, joyfully for the pig, on the other, you understand that our Naitaria has finally ended.

The game is divided into several "worlds". At the end of each - the boss. If the early levels, due to their modest sizes, do not cause complaints regarding common madness of what is happening, then the farther in the forest - the greater the inexperience of the creators begins to call the eye. Many stages are chaos, the mass of unnecessary to passing elements, like teleports, boxes, the platforms are welded into one bunch, making it difficult to navigate and confuse the player. As a rule, the passage itself takes no more than a minute, but because of the "scattered" everywhere "interior elements", as if socks in a bachelor apartment, the game creates an illusion that the multi-stage puzzle is waiting for us. It is not more or less decent puzzles for the entire game from three to four pieces. Sometimes it seems as if the authors threw half levels in the middle and not finding time to bring the case to the end.

And here we approach the apotheosis of the entire presentation, the see of the point G, which is not easy to find, but which gives a lot of positive emotions - to the legal "cheat", which the authors deliberately inserted into the game. Squishy sharpened under the gamepad, but it turns out if right-click at any point of the screen, then our hero "Attention!" Teleport to this point! Moreover, some stages in principle cannot be passed without using this feature.That is, the authors have embedded a tool into the game, which breaks all the mechanics in fact to the root, wipes her legs about her and throws out, passing the pink. As soon as the "secret knowledge" falls into our hands, the desire to break their head over local puzzles is completely out.

Judge for yourself - in the blink of an eye we can teleport anywhere, even by the edge of the game zone, which completely unleashes our hands. Bats with bosses turn into beating of a baby, the authors even specifically installed additional platforms to which not to get in one way that we could watch the stupid boss awkwardly, trying to get to us. For which it is done - the question is purely rhetorical. And sorry, along with the "plot", the battles with bosses are perhaps the only thing that the authors managed to triek. With a minus, of course.

An insane soundtracom sounding as if some kind of devastating filter is superimposed on the screen of Vakhatalia.

In the light of the foregoing, you do not pay attention to non-working achievements, stupid references to Angry Birds and Portal, causing reasonable questions regarding the age of creators, plus a periodic transition of authors on personality - the game several times in the open text calls the player "noob" and shakes the air threatening structures like " You definitely do not go! ". If you suddenly give you a chance to buy Squishy for 10 rubles - do not worry, the game is worth it.

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