Phasmophobia How Salt is valid


Find out this manual how the salt works in Phasmophobia, if you are still interested in this question, then read further, we will tell you how to do it.

Phasmophobia is a psychological horror with a cooperative network regime for 4 players. Paranormal activity is growing, and you and your team will have to use all available equipment for ghost hunting to assemble as much evidence as possible. This is how salt acts.

How does salt act in Phasmophobia?

With the help of salt, you can place on a map of up to three bunch of salt. Because the salt of poisonous for most ghosts, you can use them as a deterrent to protect yourself from the attack. As an example, a rayph can be brought, which will cancel its attack if it turns out to be near a bunch of salt.

That's all you need to know how salt works in Phasmophobia.

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