Sea of ​​Thieves: Ships and Decoration Instructions


In Sea of ​​Thieves, your adventure, legacy, and loyal crew revolve around your ship. You use it to sail the seas in search of riches, fight with other gamers.

Ships have every chance of being built and upgraded with wealth, different sails, cannons and other items. Communication between gamers is considered the main thing, but it is fundamentally similar to have information, as everything is called, especially in fast-paced and tense moments.

Schnobel of the ship - The front part of the ship.
The stern is the back of the ship.
The hull is the main part of the ship (between the schnobel and the stern).
The mast is a huge wooden pole holding the sails.
Rigging is a rope that supports sails and masts.
The port is the left side of the ship.
Starboard is the starboard side of the ship.
How to navigate your ship
To steer a ship is a difficult task, for this the entire crew must work as a team.

Often you decide where you are going before setting the sail. Use Wealth Cards or Puzzles to acquire the first key. Check the map outside the deck to find the island you wish to go to. This chart will show you which islands are in relative position to your ship, and it is up to one of the crew to see if you are sailing correctly.

The anchor is placed close to the schnobel. Quickly lower the anchor with X or take the time to raise it. You don't have to hold X while picking it up. The ship is not going anywhere if it is moored - however, one crew member would be useful to you to turn the wheel on the main deck to raise the anchor. The more people help, the sooner it will go.

Each sail contains 2 options. The left rigging allows you to raise and lower the sail. Lower it when you wish to sail, the wind will be able to move your boat forward. Raise it when you wish to brake. The rigging on the right allows you to turn the sail.

The next crew member will be required to grab the rudder at the back of the boat (and note the compass in front of him, this will no doubt help to talk to those who are inspecting the map below). Moreover, both the manager and the chart controller do not have every chance to create a situation directly in front of the vessel, therefore the rest of the crew members must be on the alert either in the observation tower, or ahead, to prevent the threat.

The observation tower is located on the main mast, there is a ladder that climbs you to it. Use this comfortable spot to spot obstacles and islands of interest from a distance. This is a good way to keep an eye on the threat.

While you start sailing, the rest of the crew have every chance to check the lines along the side of the ship to raise or lower 3 sets of sails along the ship. Raised sails will allow the wind to push you forward, but if you are sailing on the wrong path or caught in a storm, it may be better to lower the sails until the wind is behind you.

Whether you're in a battle or battling jagged mountains, it's likely you'll need to make emergency repairs at some point in time or risk sinking your own ship.

The first necessary action is to find the place where the holes appeared. When they are below the decks, water may begin to flow into the ship. The more damage, the faster the water will increase. Finally one hundred percent submerging your own lower decks underwater. In one of the barrels below the decks there will be boards, you can use them to repair holes in the ship, and after repairing the ship, the ship will stop leaking.

Then you will need to use your own Bucket element to remove water. You may need a certain number of crew members working on this at a brisk pace to bring the damage down to the point where it is irreversible. The bucket must first be used to collect water, and then thrown from the side of the ship until there is no more water left on the ship.

Sea of ​​Thieves is an exclusive co-op adventurous video game with supernatural components made by Rare. The video game was first announced at E3 2015, which featured a video clip. Opened in online mode, where gamers have every chance to work together, form teams and fight other gamers with guns in the sea. The co-op mode is considered the main component of the video game experience. The plot revolves around exploration, discovery and ships. Gamers have every chance to take on tasks and find buried treasure or solve puzzles that lead to hidden riches. Then they are required to carry the wealth back to the ship and to the metropolis to acquire funds. Crews likewise have every chance of counterattacking other ships, stealing their wealth and squandering their own position on the latest ship additions and other customizable options.

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