Valheim How to use emotions?


Find out how to use emotions in Valheim, what difficulties you expect to do to fulfill the goal, read in our manual.

On this page, Valhamum Manuals will find a list of all emotions, as well as information on how to use them.

How to use emotions in Valheim

In Vagueim, players can use special commands to force their characters to perform a specific gesture. For example, you can make your hand to the counter person, express your disapproval or point out something. Using emotions in Valcheim is very simple - you can use them at any time of the game. Open the text chat window (press ENTER), enter the command, such as / WAVE, and confirm it (ENTER).

At the time of writing this guide, Valhama has 7 different emotions. Perhaps later developers will add even more emotions to help players express much more emotions.

Below is a list of all emotions available in Vagueim:

  • Sit: / SIT.
  • To wave: / Wave.
  • Call: / Challenge.
  • Cheer up: / Cheer.
  • No no no: / Nonono.
  • Thumbs up: / thumbsup
  • Paragraph: / Point

And that's all you need to know how to use emotions in Valheim.

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