How to play with a friend in Cuphead


Only the owners of the PC version of the game with a graphics card from NVIDIA can enjoy this method, but this method does not ask for the 2nd Cuphead copies. 1. Install and open the GeForce Expience program and go to the option.

2. Wash the introduction of experimental options

3. Spread overlay

4. Going to the video game, press Alt + Z (or what overlay is called)

5. Go to Overlea options and cut the setting that allows comrades to join the video game

6. Blank and open overlay again. You owe a new function "Broadcast"

7. Put on it and in the management of guests, we cut the futsation "plays together with me" - "Ready"

8. Put on the "Stream" again and copy the link for the invitation to which and send your own friend. After that he will be able to join you.

Game Page: Cuphead.

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