Skul: The Hero Slayer - How to enable Russian


How to install crack in Skul: The Hero Slayer. But this time it's different.

Adventurers joined the imperial army, and the hero of Caerleon stood at the head, who led the troops on a full-scale assault in the hope of erasing all demons from the face of the earth once and for all. They attacked the demon stronghold, vastly outnumbering the enemy, and reduced the castle to ruins. All the demons in the castle were taken prisoner, except for one unsociable skeleton named Skal.

There are many hidden areas in the game, you just have to look closely enough, a good sign that there will be a hidden area is to see a pile of gold in a place that seems to be blocked. There are many interesting things in this game that you just need to find in the right place. Each level seems random, but over time you notice things in areas that are the same as the previous run, so this allows you to learn and adapt to the area and know if there's a secret and when there isn't.

How to switch to Russian in Skul: The Hero Slayer?

There is no Russian language in the game, but there is a crack that will translate the game into Russian, the crack can be downloaded from our website below.

Instructions How to enable Russian in the game Skul: The Hero Slayer

The installer file will help you switch the language if you don't know how to do it. On a pirate, the language change occurs by changing the value of Language=english to russian in the file with ini extensions. On the license in the Steam client > game properties or in the menu. But this crack will save you the trouble and do it all for you.

Download: Skul The Hero Slayer crack (000 KB)


That's all you need to know about how to enable Russian in Skul: The Hero Slayer. If you have something to add feel free to leave a comment below.

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