Lineage 2 How to Earn Aden


Find out in this manual How to make money in Lineage 2, if you are still interested in this question, then read further.

Lineage 2 Past and the future of Elmoraden was awake together to become a new gaming reality. In these moments, the kingdom plunged into permafrost, the epicenter of which is located in the castle of the monarch of the ice. Collect a squad and throw a challenge to the owner of the stronghold - the monarch of Claclose. That's how to farm Aden.

How to make money in Lineage 2?

So, at the 23rd level, I entered the clan, and they were against my will gave me a few items, I suggested to completely return them a duty with mats and everything else. A few days later, a friend with whom I met, lent me +12 ELS. This is a weapon from 134 P. Atk. For example, this weapon is disgusting and probably costs more than 25 million on most servers. In any case, I lined up the level with him, and when I reached 40, I joined the creditor clan, and then he told me to sell weapons. Since I was impatient, I sold weapons for 23.5 million. It was at the 40th level, now I have the 61st level, and I stand more than 100 million. In addition, until the 40th level, I was able to earn up to 5 million Adenes with a gift of 1 million Adena, when I had no money.

This is my secret, at 40 LVL I got mostly 25m, but I had to buy equipment, so it quickly decreased to 2-3m. Although I had top gear C.

Well, now I completely delegated myself, let's start.

I spent 30% of my time to visit the giana and price check. My goal was to find someone selling mats cheaper than who buys them. In fact, it worked well, I remember, once I earned 90 thousand per minute. Another time I caught a man who wrapped the price on the rug and bought it for 750. I earned a good one million on this.

Another secret, which I use: I am looking for people buying materials that can be made (i.e. coca-cola, synthetic cola, DMP, etc.). For example, I found a person who buys Coca-Cola for 2,6K. I went shopping and bought charcoal on 222 and coal 450 per piece. For the preparation of cola, 3 coal and 3 charcoal are required. Thus, the total cost amounted to about 2100, including the cost of crafts. The guy needed 3.5 thousand coca-cola. Thus, I earned 500 Adena per calas on this transaction. It took me about an hour or two. But I coped. I earned about 200 thousand on it.

These were small income. In the middle of the 35th Lvla, I was able to get a good Full Drop, and I had about 3.5 million adena. So, I was in Dion and saw the Brig's steering wheel for 1.8 million (this is cheap), I immediately bought it, and later I sold 2.2 million.
The principle of this: buy cheap and sell expensive. Just need time to find suitable transactions.

Now I have 30 million cash, 55 million is my +5 TSU * SLS, about 5-10 million trash in stock and my full BW Heavy Set and my full Top D SET + Top D Weapon on my alte. So now I have money.

Now I buy aa on 2a apiece, and then I go to seek Merchant of Mammon and buy 10x +4 Dex - 4 CON. Total 3.5m, I sell 10 dyes 5m per piece. It is a pity that I have noticed this morning and missed 2.5 million AA 2 per piece. In the aa, AA fluctuates from 2.2 to 3a per piece (mainly 3a).

This is what I'm going to do during a couple of weeks, I just need to make sure that I have enough liquid money to buy aa at a good price.

Another way to make money: I went to AFK and created a buy store in Dion / Glud and bought mats about cheap. It really works, but for me the problem is that I have no two-boxes, so I can't do it. If I had a box, I guarantee that in just 2 months I would be twice as richer than now. Since I do not have two boks, I can't sell things during the game, so I have to sell things cheap, and I can't create buy shops.

Another way to make money recently - instead of buying Tsu * SLS, I bought TSU and SLS separately and made them myself, saving 2 million, then I sold a few pieces, and one brought to +4 and sold for 40 million to get money for the game.

Then I did my +5 Tsu * SLS, of course, if Vapon broke, I would stay without money.

Now about sowing, I'm still a little confused, because the bots spoil all. But when you buy seeds, make sure that you buy seeds that can only be sown on the monsters of a certain level in your specific level range and in a specific area. I'm still a little unsuccessful.

To try, I bought 20 seeds for 59-69 levels and went to patriots. In addition, you get 2 or 3 times more profit if you sew monsters from catacombs or HPX. So I sowed 20 monsters and received back 42 seeds or plants or something else. I spent 5 thousand for seeds. When I passed them, I got 2xdmp. DMP = 35K on my server, so it's 70K at a price of 5K.

Another way to make money is, of course, depends on your server, but go to Hyra, buy SOR or any other equivalent weapon for 1.6m, go to BS of Mammon and pay Him 480K AA so that he improving your weapon to top D .

On my server, if you carefully search, you can get AA for 2a, so 480k aa = 960K Adena, and weapons costs 1.6m adena. As a result, about 2.55 million adenes are obtained, and the best D Weaopns is sold for 3 million. I know a guy who sells them 50 pieces per week or so, and this is 25 million per week. I have no two boxes, otherwise I would sell there 2.9m and got it all.

Hmm, what else there are ways to get money if you are in the party, try to buy mats on the cheap people. If you want to be really hardcore and be really legal, you can do this.

Suppose you are really 3-box. 2-box and 3-box means that you have bought 3 accounts and can have more than 1 L2 at the same time.

So if I have 3 accounts, then one guy in the Dion will constantly buy materials, and the other is to constantly sell.100m" lang="en" style="height: 28px;">If you see something cheap, you can buy it and transfer to your Perm seller. I always sell cheap, because I am impatient, and if I sell, it means I do not develop.

I advise everyone to sow seeds at all levels, because it can only help how I was convinced. I understand that after the potions of healing and shots of the soul, the profit from hunting is quite small, if not negative.

In addition, I love to resell my gear if it is very common. For example, a brig shield is very common. Therefore, I go to bed and sell it for the night of 300k, and I go to the next morning and buy it again for 250k. I did it with FP Armor, I bought and resell the FP armor 3 times and eventually earned 3 million on it.

The main thing is to know the prices so as not to get to write and not overpay. In addition, I never bought out equipment, and after use I sold it cheaper. When I was 53 LVL and used full BW armor, I sold it and bought everything back, receiving 1 million profit.

Also, to save money when you can use the dawn priests, often instead of porting from Dion in Hyran (worth 8.1k) I use priests, crying 1400Adena and get somewhere closer to Giana, and then Soe in Hyrane to save money.

I will not be surprised if my thrift saved me more than 1 million

The grouping and participation in the raids is also cost-effective, and the level with the paddle is very good, since you get objects from trophies. I have a 33rd Padalcher, and people like to work with her because of trophies.

Another way to make money, but it requires patience, to sell soul shots.

Basically, buy D, C, B or A crystals and soul ore and take pictures of the soul and / or soul spirits. On Hindemith Here is an approximate cost and sale.

Note: Hindemith Server

DSS to make from the giana = 10a and the sale price of 11a if you want to sell it quickly and 12a usually
CSS to make from the giana = 15a and the sale price 17a is usually
BSS for production from Gianna = 54-56A and sale price 57-61 Aden
Ass to make from Giana = I think it can be 85-90A and sale price 95-101A

I know one guy in Hindamit Billabang, it only sells DSS / CSS / BSS / ASS. It's cheaper if you do it, but not really much cheaper.

This can be done well. I also know some people who buy non-flames D in cheap prices, crush them with the help of the gnome and sell crystals D separately.

What else there are ways to earn legal money in this game. One big problem in this game - no one can be trusted, I tried to "hire" people so that they sell things for me, while they left them a small part of the price, but you can not trust people.

Another legitimate way is to train bots, but many of them are forcibly blocked as soon as their level of HP becomes lower than a certain one.

Hmm, what else there are ways to make money in this game. You can always go along the way OE. But I thought about it, and it does not make sense to do at least to C class, and so that it was really profitable, you need to bring it up to +10.

+10 C Grade on Hindemith> 100m

But it is very risky, I broke 2 weapons, going on +4 in the class class, and I was lucky, and I did +5 BB. The fact is that I have a +5 BB, but if I can sell it at a very good price, I will do it. I found a buyer for 7.4 m at my +5, which is a very good price, so I sold it.

I went to Hyran, bought SOR for 1.6m, paid 480K AA and boom, I have a new weapon, which cost only 2.6m. Yes, the difference between 106 P. Atk and 92 P. Atk, but you know that while I did not even notice the difference, I'm already with Grade.

If you want to save money, you can not use SOULSHOTS and try to hunt the Mobs 1 / 2xhp. There are quite fun in the group. Try to find a group of legal players and play with them, they will understand when you do not use Soulshots.

Try to level the level along with the paddle, more drill for all.

As you can still make money in the giana, you can try to make yourself someone like an intermediary for common items. For example, now I work with +4 dyes, and at the end of this week, when I sell my + 5TSU * SLS and I can get more than 100 dyes, I will try to become a trader dyes in the Hindext. That is, if you need dyes, you come to me at a lower price than to trouble losers.

Let's see what happens. As soon as I have enough money, I will start producing weapon class A. I found out with the help of game theory that OE A Waepons is the most profitable and should always be profitable if you do this enough time.

Let me give an example.

EWA = 9-10m on the Hindext, let's say 10m.
SOM = 60 million on Hindext, if not more.

Damn Inflation on Hardcore Hindext.

In any case, let's say you want +4 som, you buy Vapon for 60m, and you are using 4xewa for 40m, now you have spent 100m.

Well, take these 100m and consider in% the chance of transition from +3 by +4 on weapons, I think% equal to 70

So 70% of the chances that it comes to +4, when it comes to +4, it will get some kind of new bonus or something else, that's why +3 K +4 is huge.

So, if the weapon reaches +4, it will cost 170 million, that is 70 million.
If the weapon breaks down, then you will get crystals worth 25 million, that is, lose 75 million.

Suppose you buy 10x som out of 40x EWA, of course, this is 1B Aden, but I show an example. This is 10 attempts of OE, if it works in 70% of cases.

Then you will receive 70 million 7 times, so it is 490 million and you lose 75 million 3 times, so in the end it will be 490 million - 225 million and the boom you have 265 million. profits.

Even if you succeed 6 times, it will be 420 million. Profits - 300 million losses, which is 120 million. Profits.

And this is only when moving from +3 to +4.

I know one person on Hindemith, he only does OE and says that he earns more than losing, so it remains positive. I have no money enough to do it: (.

This weekend I hope to get 100 million in liquid cash and then I can try OE. But if it fails, I will return to 25 million in cash and without weapons lol.

If I go to enchant C Grade and try to bring it up to +10 to get 100m +, the likelihood that it fails is huge.

I can be brave and try to bring your +5 TSU * SLS to +8, then they will cost more than 100 million, but the likelihood that it will work is 35%. It's not so bad, but if it does not work, I feel the end. +10 TSU * SLS costs 250 million, and the likelihood that it will work, is only 17%.

Or I can stay with my new business for the sale of dyes and earn 1.2-1.8 million on 10 dyes sold, if I buy 100 dyes, I will get 12-18 million. Profits. Dyes are sold pretty quickly. I put 20 dyes while I took a shower, and they both sold lol.

I would like to have more, I would like to not hesitate and buy AA for 2a.

How else can you legally make money? Books of spells, but they are so good to sell, and all sell them.

My true goal in this game, to which months I will have to save more than 1B Adana and try to control the market, but I will never be able to compete with bots, so I am sure that some of them have 10V Aden plus.

I want my clan to control the market economically, mainly when we want the price to change, we change it. I want to be like Greenspan, it is a pity that this will not happen.

If a person had enough money, he could really breed prices. I mean, damn, everything you do is go to Hyra and choose the main material. Let's say, the bones of animals (in a few weeks they rose from 800 per piece up to 1200 per piece), and buy them all, that is, buy, buy and buy. In the end, stocks end, then you start to distribute millions of animal bones among the clan members who open the store at a much higher price, and then the boom, you just received 10-20% of profits. Of course, you will have to destroy all bots in the catacombs of APO, as they only make that they drop the bones and spoil them from there. We from Skavvi and I received 1000 bones for 3 hours. Think about 15 trains of bots 24/7, how many bones they spoil.

If everything was in my opinion, I would be the leader of a huge alliance, in which we would simply kill bots for all day in the catacombs of APO, and then would buy all the bones of animals and raised prices to heaven. I would do it more for pleasure than anything else.

Hmm, what else there are ways to make money. Meet new people than more people you know, the more access to cheaper prices. I met a guy who sold my NPC mats, which is like throwing money to the toilet, so I suggested buying them from him. Boom, I get 50-100 thousand profits every time I buy from him.

Another way to make money is to know what to craft, there are certain items that can be used cheaper than they are sold, and there are objects that craft is much more expensive.

That's all you need to know how to make money in Lineage 2..

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