The Whispered World - Text Walkthrough


The enchantingly epic adventure game The Elusive World is available for the first time in a special edition. The Elusive World will captivate you with its many animated details and fantasy characters.

Autumn forest / The Autumn Forest
Subsequently, the introductory video wake up in the video. We look around, call Spot, but he is not here. On the wall near the bed, we examine a sheet with the trick "Man is a cannonball." We put forward the bedside table, we take away the list of cases "Note" from it. In the backpack, click on the list and study the schedule of the day:

5:00 Wake up
5:30 Meeting the dawn
7:00 Spot feeding
7:30 Public search
10:00 Rehearsal of the trick "Man - Cannonball"
12:15 Bruno's wash
18:30 Video cleaning
19:00 "Alphabet" practice
21:30 End

We examine the bear skin on the floor, take the front left paw "Claw". We open the bear's mouth and take the dropped key "Key" from Ben's box. We examine the suits hanging on a rope, which we cannot get. We open the door and exit the video.

On the lawn, Sedwick alone will approach his pet caterpillar Spot and talk to his brother, juggler Ben. Subsequently, as Ben says that Spot needs to be drunk, we take the caterpillar and apply it to a basin of water. The caterpillar will be round, but a new icon will appear in the Spot management menu.

We open the door of the adjoining "right" video and go inside. On the right side, on the bedside table-stump, we take grandfather's false teeth "Dentures" and the handkerchief "Handkerchief", on which she lay. From the hook on the wall, as opposed to the bed, we take the "Hairnet" hairnet. We approach the door, close it and take the cork "Cork" from the bottle standing outside the door. We examine a cookbook, a cauldron with oil soup, a shelf with test tubes of dubious content. We open the door and exit the video.

We approach the sleeping giant Bruno. To the left of it, we note an empty trap "Trap" for fiery dragons. Sedwick mentions that Spot is going crazy over these kids, and his grandfather is using Noah's eggs as bait.

We go to the side of the forest "to the left of the camp". Ben asks where we're going and taunts: "Look, don't get lost." We leave, but here we return back, causing the laughter of the older brother and the reason to joke about our direction in the territory. We talk with Ben on all topics:

When is our next performance "When's our next performance"?
Could someone else play the clown "Can't someone else play the clown"?
My nightmares must mean something "My nightmares mast mean something".
Is there anything I need to do "Is there anything I can do"?
Why am I always getting lost?

From the dialogue we learn that the date of the next presentation is unknown, because this land is similarly deserted, like those where we passed not so long ago. People leave the earth in horror that their world is approaching its own end. Other than that, Ben thinks Sadwick doesn't have enough talent to do anything other than clowning. And it's time to start practicing: pronounce the alphabet with the help of a burp and prepare the number "Man is a cannonball." And even more correct - to search for people who want to look at the circus spectacle.

In the end, we ask why we are constantly lost. Ben jokes again that this is just another one of our options, and without a map and a compass, we won't even find our own legs. To which we quite seriously ask where to get a map and a compass "Where can I get a map? Where can I get a compass". Ben replies that there is one card in the video, but it is hidden from Grandpa because he misunderstands it as a recipe. And about the compass, it’s more correct to ask your grandfather.

We go to the video clip on the left. We are trying to open the stove damper, but nothing comes of it. In the Spot management menu, we give it an ordinary look. Then we use Spot on the chimney "Hole", the damper opens from the inside. We take Ben's "Casket" box from the stove, use the key on the box in the backpack and earn the "Map" card.

Let's go to grandpa. For some reason, he takes us for Ben and only talks about clown hats. Or joking, or survived from the mind? We need to find out about the compass, but you can simply talk with the old man on any subject:

I don't want you to take me for Ben "I wish you wouldn't always mistake me for Ben".
I have seen one of these terrible nightmares today "I had one of this terrible nightmares again".
Say, grandpa, you've seen almost all the things in your time, haven't you "Say, Grandpa, you've seen a lot of things in your time, haven't you"?
I want to look around the Autumn Forest, but I always get lost "I want to take a look around the Autumn Forest… but I keep getting lost".

When asked about the Autumn Forest, grandfather will start a long speech, getting confused in terms, but finally he will still provide us with the Compass compass. To the left of the video, almost at the very forest, we take a shovel "Shovel". I'm going to the woods.

Now we have a map on which, apart from the circus camp "Circus", the only dynamic point is the shore of Lake "Shore". We go there, we meet a funny little man. He will probably be our audience, for this reason we ask him questions:

Who are you "Why are you"?
Would you like to see the circus "Do you want to see the circus"?

The boy knows that they call him Bobby and he is Chasky "Chaski", "herald of the world", carrying out principled assignments on behalf of the King. And such nonsense as elephants on colorful balloons and chimpanzees in joyful caps cannot distract him from the principled quest mission. We heard about Chasky from our grandfather, but Bobby simply cannot become one, because:

Chaski are noble messengers of the King not miserable chickens like you.
Chaskis are brave protagonists, not green-skinned quitters like you "Chaski are brave heroes not green-skinned quitters like you".
Chaskis are skilled trackers not dim-witted dorks like you.
Chaskis are cheerful adventures not sluggish bores like you. "Chaski are cheerful adventures not sluggish bores like you".
To be honest, I don't really know much about the Chaski "In fact, I don't really know much about the Chaski".

Fortunately, Bobby is impatient and after listening to only the first part of the sentence, he immediately interrupts us "otherwise we would inevitably have made an enemy." By agreeing that we have little information about Chasky, we get a thorough account of Bobby about his hidden quest mission. He carries the most powerful artifact "Whispering Stone" to the metropolis of Corona, to the royal castle. Now let's ask Bobby about everything carefully:

Whispering cobblestone? Doesn't sound very massive "Whispering stone? That doesn't sound very powerful".
And now I'm supposed to help you with your mission, right?
So the stories about Corona are "Are the stories about Corona true"?

First, Bobby is very serious about our dreams. Because our world is on the edge. And this is just a preview. The earth will crumble and night will come. The same was most in a dream! Of course, Bobby slightly hesitates that our dream is prophetic, because only very principled people are ready to create such dreams. Overlords, Oracles and ... Chaski.

We are trying to ask for assistants to this talkative creature. In the process of dialogue, we either persuade Bobby not to hesitate in our capabilities, or we doubt them ourselves. In the end, a way out was found. 1st test. Catch a fish and deliver it to Bobby.

Under the feet of Sedvik we raise the stick "Branch". In the backpack we combine the stick with the hairnet and earn the net "Dip Net". We throw the net into the lake and the fish "Fish" appears in the backpack. We give prey to Bobby, automatically select the fish bone "Fishbone".

So, the first test is passed, now it's time to talk about the quest mission. Bobby warns us of a huge threat, because Asgil "in the Russian version - asgil" is on his trail. Have we heard about Shan "in the Russian version - Shaan"? Answer types:

Shana... Shana... it's the ringing of a bell... "Shana… Shana… Shana… that rings a bell…"
Shana… That’s sounds like the name of a witch.”
Shana... isn't that the disease where you feet itch terribly?
Shana? No.Never heard of her "Shana? No. Never heard of her".
Autumn forest / The Autumn Forest "development"
If there is no strength to listen to Bobby, then we choose an extreme prescription. As a result, we earn a small lecture-educational program about the Oracle Shan, the royal clairvoyant, who lives in the Autumn Forest. Bobby expects to get a certain number of recommendations from her. And Shana will be able to interpret our dreams.

It remains to find out where we can find Shana "Where shall I start looking for her".

Bobby says that all he knows is that Shana lives in a cabin somewhere in the middle of the Autumn Forest. He descended from the mountains in the East and perfectly examined the plain and the whole Autumn wood from that place. But the huts are nowhere to be seen. Only some ruins in the USA. He was already there... a couple of columns and statues, that's all. There is also a mine in the mountains. And a cyclopean tree in the South.

After which the dialogue, our map must be updated.

Having agreed to meet with Bobby, if we learn something about Shan, we leave for our own activities "press the reddish arrow to exit the territory."

We go to the tree "Tree". We examine the hollow in the center, and the sparkling resin on the right side on the trunk. Here we have nothing to do yet, for this reason we pass to the ruins of "Ruin". We approach the statue and with a handkerchief we erase the "Moss" moss from its head. We find a hole, probably for a certain key. In the language of sculpture, the engraving: "I am the memory of the mighty Sea Eyes. They looked at our world for 1000 years. They looked at us with their own countless eyes. We presented them with a greenish round fruit of the Tree of Fate as a present. And they rewarded us by bringing Illumination into our lives." Weird poetry, we note and pick up the 2nd Turtle sculptures on the right side and on the left. We can’t go further, for this reason we return to Bobby. We say that we found something in the ruins "I discovered something in the ruins". With amazement, we learn that the Whispering stone serves as the key to the mechanism, we persuade Bobby to give it to us temporarily, motivating the plea by the impossibility of finding Shana in another way "If your don't give me the Whispering stone I'll never be able to find Shana". In the end, Bobby will agree and give us a Whispering stone. We return to the ruins.

We insert the cobblestone into the hole on the head of the sculpture, watch the earthquake, at the end of which Spot swallows the whispering cobblestone. But however, in the arch behind the gates collapsed and some changes happened in the circus video.

We return with a confession to Bobby, and this one caught a cold. Really, Asgil nevertheless got to our newest acquaintance? We select all that is left of him: a knife "Knif" and bombs "Bombs".

We go to the ruins. We cut off the bushes with a knife, we pass into the arch. The cobblestone brothers are trying to talk to us.

We ask if they have any idea where to find Shana "Any idea where I can find Shana"? The pebbles say that she lives in a hut outside the door, but we then see that there is a door, but there are no huts! Oh yes, the hut was exterminated by termites. Asking if that means Shana doesn't live here any more "Does that mean Shana doesn't live here any more"? No, the pebbles answer, she still lives here. We open the door, we pass, but there is no result. The cobblestones secretly giggle at us, calling us "milk" "in the Russian version of" yellow mouth "" about this, that we are trying to enter the door in the usual way. Yep, let's try something different. Go around the back door and go downstairs.

This is Shana's home, but it's empty. Let's examine the clock, armchair, cabinets with records, open the door and leave the hut. It will be necessary to talk to the cobblestone brothers.

We tell the cobblestones about the following, that Shana is not at home "I've been in Shana's cabin but she wasn't there". As a result, the pebbles say that Shana is the Oracle and lives in a buddy society. And it only happens at certain times of the day. One of the cobblestone brothers states that Shana arises half an hour later in the afternoon. And the 2nd interrupts that not she herself, but only the 1st sign from Shana will appear at 12:30. We return to the hut and wait for a hint.

We use a fish bone instead of an hour hand on the clock, set it to 12:30 "select the minute hand, click on VI" and press the key in the center. A beam of light will appear in the window under the ceiling and point to a note in the locker. We take a note, we read "Benefit for the slumbering giant." Shana probably knows about our to-do list, since at 12:15 we are my Bruno?

We set 12:15, press the key in the center, again the beam of light will point to the note: "Colors are returning to the world." It's probably dawn. And we meet him at 5:30. We go to the clock and set 5:30. A beam of light falls on a chair and an eerie-looking salamander appears in it. This is Shana, the Oracle.

Seeing a boy in a clown suit, Shana gets annoyed. How dare he find himself where he has no place and who sent him? The speech is expected to be long. We talk about Bobby and Asgil's possible counterattack on him. Then we ask you to interpret the dream, but Shana is angry again - she interprets the dreams of great people, not clowns. In the end, we present the final trump card, i.e. We're talking about the Whispering Stone. The oracle is frightened, since the cobblestone must be located in the royal palace, in the Crown, otherwise the balance will be upset and the world will be doomed. But nevertheless she is ready to listen and interpret our dream. And what do we hear when Shana falls into a trance? That Sedwick is one of those who will bring this world to death!

We are not able to tell about such a prophecy "whatever answer we choose" and by all means we translate the speech to another topic. By the way, since you need to take the artifact to the Crown, to the royal castle. We ask Shana how to reach him? Salamander recommends finding Kalida, who lives on half the lake, she will probably be able to help us. Exit the Oracle's hut.

We go to the ruins. We note a small newt with Noah's testicle. Can't pick up an egg. We pass to the tree. To the left of the tree we notice fireflies, we try to catch them with our hands, but they disappear in the hollow. We use a cork from a bottle on the hollow and again we catch fireflies. This time they are hiding under a rock. We move the cobblestone and dig a hole with a shovel. We descend into the tunnel under the tree, which leads us to its top. We examine the territory, note the peninsula in the center of the lake, where we need to find Kalida. We go down through the trunk and go to the circus camp.

We go to the video clip on the left. From the floor we select the fallen clown's cap "Pointy Hat". Exit the video and talk to Ben. Choose a topic for dialogue:

We are obliged to recommend the most sophisticated entertainment "We should offer entertainment that's more sophisticated".
My nightmares mast mean something.
Is there anything I need to do "Is there anything I can do"?
Do you know anything about someone called Shana "Do you know anything about someone called Shana"?
Did you feel the earthquake?
I'm afraid I was able to do something really stupid "I'm afraid I might have done something really stupid".
I have to run away "I have to leave".
Do you know how I can reach this island in the middle of the lake?

So he doesn't know about Shana. When asked about the peninsula, he recommends using the “Man is a cannonball” trick. Let's ask about the earthquake. Ben states that he is not particularly horrified. We are trying to find out if it is possible to scare him with anything at all. We ask the brother: “Do you really think that I will believe that nothing will scare you“ You really expect me to believe that's your never scares ””? Nothing, Ben replies. Even snakes "Not even of snakes"? No, because snakes don't have claws. Spiders "Not even of spider"? No, spiders are toothless. Tigers? They have one head. Maybe in this case Asgilom? Ben is interested in what kind of animal it is, and here we paint the monsters in all their beauty: Asgil has sharp claws, so long that they can scratch out their eyes at a distance of a couple of yards. Ben obviously has an interest, which is why his question "What else?" we choose answers: He has 2 heads "They have two heads", but the worst thing is that he emits a terrible stench "The worst thing yet is their awful stench".
Autumn forest / The Autumn Forest "development"
Ben agrees that the animal is not nice and it is not worth meeting with.

We go to the mine "Cave". We examine the totems. On the 1st, something like a bowl is attached, which cannot be torn off. We go into the Spot management menu, make it round and throw it at the totem. We select the fallen bowl "Bowl". We pass into the cave, inspect the network. We are trying to rip it off with bear claws, it does not work out.

We go to the tree.Use the bowl on the resin "Resin", earn a bowl, the absolute resin "Bowl full of Resin". We collect the monsters: we use the bear's paw on the resin dish. Then we glue grandfather's jaw to it, then sculptures of 2 turtles. We get a two-headed monster "Two Headed Monster". We return to the circus.

We demonstrate the monsters to Ben, he imitates horror, while losing one of the balls. We select the ball "Ball" and remove the pants "Pantaloons" from the rope. We go to the ruins.

We throw the ball to the newt, we ourselves select the testicle Noahi "Noahi-egg" left by him. We go to the circus camp.

We use the testicle on the trap for fiery dragons. When the trap is full, use Spot on it, it will be a fiery caterpillar "the corresponding button will appear in the Spot control menu." Now we are able to "ignite" the pet at the right time.

We go to the mine and use the lit Spot on the network. We pass inside, there is some big-eyed creature. Let's count his eyes: 11 pieces. Probably, this was told in an incomprehensible ode in the language of sculpture. It is necessary to present a round greenish fruit. Let's round Spot and show it to the eyes. Lighting will light up, it turns out this is a bulb of the Many-Eyed Fish. From the floor, near the skull, raise the rope "Rope".

We go to the circus camp, go to the right video clip, lower the rope into the oil soup. Earn the "Fuse Cord" wick.

We go to the ruins to the cobblestone brothers and ask them the follow-up question: "What do the cobblestones do for the whole day "So that the rocks do for kicks all day long""? To which the brothers blabbed about projects to take over the world. Choosing a topic for conversation:

To enslave the world? Obviously not a normal idea. "Enslave the world? Sounds like a crackpot idea"
How are you going to rule the world "And how do you want to rule the world"?
Just for your information: I'm not a sucker "Just for your information: I'm not a greenhorn".
I don't feel obliged to help you destroy the world "I don't think I should help you to destroy the world".
Enough of your fantasies "Enough of your phantasms".

Having told the cobblestones that we are not a yellow-mouthed baby, we achieve a verification test:

Question 1: Who is Shana "Now then: Who is Shana"?

Result: magical snake-like creature "Shan is a mystical snake creature".

2nd question: How many eyes does Manyeyes have "How many eyes do Moreyes have"?

Result: 11 "Eleven".

3rd question: Where does Kalida live "Where does Kalida live"?

Result: On the half of the lake "In the middle of the lake".

The reward for correct answers will be a bottle of stone dust "Stone Powder".

We go to the tree. Use the rock dust on the hat, turning it into a petrified "Petrified Hat". We fall into the hole. We note the oil puddle, put bombs and a wick into it. We light the Spot and use it on bombs. We climb up. We put a petrified cap on the hollow. We sit in it ... and fly to the peninsula.

Kalidas Awakening
Once on the peninsula, we meet a monk. We talk with him on all topics:

I have to get to Corona "I've got to get to Corona"!
I have to find Kalida "I have to find Kalida"!
I have to prevent the world from collapsing "I have to prevent the world from collapsing"!

Our interlocutor is not Kalida, he says in puzzles and subsequently the dialogue disappears without a trace. We walk up the path. In front of the bridge, close to the right candle, we pick up the broken shovel "Broken Shovel". We rise upward, we pass by the bell. The road forks. To the left - a house with a closed door, directly - an open house, to the right - a factory.

We go directly to the open door. We talk with the unhappy owner on the topics:

Who are you "Who are you"?
Why are you so unhappy "Why are you so unhappy"?
I'm looking for Kalida "I'm looking for Kalida".
Who's the owner of "Who's the boss here"?

Our newest acquaintance is called Bando. And he surprisingly responds to the question about Kalida. He is discouraged not by the imminence of the end of the world, but by the fact that the owner has closed the factory. Since the noise of the factory can wake up Kalida. The owner is called Ruben, he is the owner of the island and lives in a house on a hillock.

To the left of the door we note the stairs "Ladder", Bando allows her to take. From the skin on the floor we take out the tooth "Tooth". On the window we examine the pot with a flower. There is a key hanging under the window, which is impossible to take while Bando is looking. We pass into the next room, the workshop, there is a certain mechanism, but it lacks gears. From the floor we select the broken gear "Half of Cogwheel". Directly at the door through which we entered here, we select the ax "Ax". We open the cabinet "Cabinet", from which a bird will appear and scare us terribly. We examine the locked door. We return to Bando's room, open the front door and exit the house. We go upstairs, we go into the house of Ruben, the owner of the island. We talk with him on all topics:

I am Sadwick. Are you "I'm Sadwick. And you"?
Where can I find Kalida "Where can I find Kalida"?
You look tired "You look tired".
I need to please Corona. How can I leave this island "I have to get to Corona. How can I leave this Island"?
What kind of buildings are there? Some kind of factory "What kind of buildings are those out there? Some kind of factory"?
Is it possible to survey everything at the top "Can I look upstairs"?
I met a monk at the shore "I met a monk at the shore" ...
"That's a cute pet you have there".

After a short dialogue, we realize that this nasty person will not only not be able to help us, but will try to prevent us by all means. He forbids waking Kalida. He also does not need the factory, since it fulfilled its purpose - it stamped 10,000 pearls. Can't get off the island. And in general, he wants to sleep, for this reason everything is tomorrow. We leave his house and outside put the ladder to the window. Let's try to get in through the window. The owner is asleep, but the pet makes a noise and they kick us out.

I'm going to the factory. Flint is on the floor, take it.

We go down to the pier. We cut down the stake "Pole" sticking out of the water with an ax. In the backpack we connect the stake with the shovel, we earn the shovel "Shovel". We rise to the bridge. At the left side, we note a piece of rope "Rope", cut it off with flint. In the backpack we combine the rope with the tooth, earn a hook on the rope "Hook with Rope". Hook the bell and ring. We hear the annoyed voice of Ruben, calling Bando. We hurry to Bando's house, pick up the key "Key" and the sock "Sock" from the stool. With the key, we hasten to the locked door to the left of the fork. Inside is a horn. There is a note with the notes "Note" hanging on the wall, we remove it. From the chair we take the conductor's baton "Baton". We round Spot and apply it to the horn, booming sounds and ... grandfather's pants fly out from that place.

We return to Bando's house. We close the front door, behind it we note a mouse hole. We knock, mouse eyes appear in the mink. With a toe we draw out the mouse "Mouse", we grab it. We leave the house.

We go down to the fork. We use the mouse on the pants "Pantaloons", pull out. Oh, and we did things! Now we will take a little walk until everyone calms down, for example, we will go down the bridge. Having returned, we climb through the window into Ruben's house, but now we tie the mouth of his pet with our pants. We pass upstairs, everything is failed with pearls. We take one pearl "Pearl". We leave, ringing the doorbell. Ruben wakes up, realizes that the pearls are missing and tells Bando to run the factory.

I'm going to Bando. This has a problem: he does not have a shovel to start the factory. And he asks us for support. We give Bando a shovel.

We go down to the factory. Now she is working. On the right side, under the first stream of steel, take another part of the "Half of Cogwheel" gear. We go to Bando's house, more precisely, to his workshop. We insert these two parts of the gear into the vise "Vise". We light the Spot and apply it to the gears. We get the working gear "Cogwheel".

Starting the mechanism in Bando's house: use the gear on the panel with the mechanism. It will automatically be installed on the additional pin. Now you need to arrange the gears in the correct order. Note that there are fixed gears on the left and right sides, let's start from them. The teeth of a suitable gear will fit exactly into the sketch. So, first: on the additional pin there is a large orange gear and a repaired eight-toothed gear. On the mechanism: a six-tooth small gear, a mediocre multi-toothed gear and a six-tooth small gear. We expose a chain of gears from left to right: mediocre, small, large, repaired, small. The mechanism is ready to work.We pull the lever on the left on the panel "above the first installed gear", the door opens.

We pass through the door. We go to the hut. Here lives our acquaintance from the pier, the monk Mulahai "in the Russian version of Malachi". We ask him various questions:

Nice place you've got here "Nice place you've got here".
I would like to talk to you about Kalida "I'd like to talk to you about Kalida".
What do you think about Ruben "What do you think about Ruben"?
Why so many "What's with all the candles" candles?

The monk speaks in puzzles, but we will hear from him a strange prophecy: “And it was reported: if five Yaks meet in the dark with five more, they will cross the peninsula together. And, having reached the pier, they will begin to sing their own sad song. Kalida will awaken from this song and the results of this awakening will be terrible ... ”All the same, we are determined to find Kalida. So, you need to find the Yaki birds "in the Russian version - yakki" and extinguish the candles. We ask Mulahai for permission to blow out the candles "Would you mind leaving the candles alone?". The monk, on the other hand, lets us solve a problem with chess pieces. We agree.

The arrangement of the pieces on the chessboard: in such a way that the lines on which they stand do not intersect either horizontally, or vertically, or obliquely. One of the actions is a5, b3, c1, d6, e8, f2, g4, h7. Now you can blow out the candles.

From the table behind the monk we take the candle "Candle". We leave the hut and blow out all the candles "in the menu bar, select the picture of the mouth." The 1st Yaki will soon appear "this is the bird that scared us so much in Bando's house." We are trying to take it, but Yaki moves to the barrel. We grab again - Yaki moves to the original place. We round Spot and put it on the barrel. We grab Yaki again, but now the bird sits on the pointer. Yeah, we're trying to take him there, but Yaki goes back to his original spot. We cut down the pointer with an ax and again we try to grab the Yaki. Now he slowly goes into the woods.

We pass into Bando's house, blow out the candles.

We go to Ruben's house, climb through the window, up the stairs. We rise to the "pearl room". Yaki is hiding somewhere here, we can hear his squeak. On the nail "Nail", sticking out of the board in the floor, put a candle. We light the Spot and apply it to the candle. A bird runs past us. We leave the house through the window so as not to wake the owner. We take away the ladder "Ladder" from under the window.

We go to the pier and blow out all the candles on the way.
Awakening Kalida / Kalidas Awakening "development"
We go to the factory. Spot, in its natural form, is applied to the molding press "Molding press". We turn the wheel "Wheel" on the right side of the door. The press turns our pet into 5 balls that fall down. In fear, we put the ladder to the hole under pressure, go down and ... breathe a sigh of relief! The spot is alive and, apart from this, has learned to be divided into 5 parts. Climb up and don't forget to get the stairs.

We return to the hut of Mulahai and pass by it into the woods. Here are our Yaks, all five of them, quietly sleeping under a tree. We use Spot on them, divided into 5 balls. Now the Yaks are hypnotized and follow us. We go in tandem to the pier. The birds are seated on the sculpture. We peep into the note with the notes, number the stave from bottom to top from 1 to 5. The notes must sound in the following order: 5-4-1-3-2. With the help of a conductor's baton, we point to Yaki in the same order "5th - upper on the right side, 4th - upper left, 1st - lower on the right side, 3rd - middle on the right side and 2nd - bottom left". It's done, Kalida is awakened!

Asgils / The Asgil
We examine the Asian flashlight and levers, we pass to the right side of the screen. Have you also seen this? It is obvious that the pebbles are moving behind us and form something like a skull.

We go to the locked door. In front of the door we select the cobblestone "Stone", under it is a broken platform. We return to the levers and pull the 2nd and 5th. Now, when going to the locked door, the skull is clearly visible. We stand on the platform - the door is open!

We examine a large skeleton, a cave, look through the window under the door we entered. We eavesdrop on the speech of the Boss-Asgil with the guard. Yes, a conspiracy is being prepared here in defiance of the King!

Without getting off the window, we grab the rope "Rope" from the shelf under the window. We rise. In the backpack we connect the cobblestone with the rope, we earn the cobblestone on the rope "Rope with Stone". We tie the rope to the horn above the watchman. Sedwick alone will throw a projectile that will "lay down" the thug. We go into the headquarters, the door to which is located in the mouth of the skeleton, on the right side of the stairs. We examine the plans, stone discs. We leave, but we hear the voice of the Leader, there is nowhere to hide - we get into a prison cell.

Take the hay "Hay" to the left of the door. Let's take a closer look and find the "Needle" needle there. We talk with the door, more precisely with the watchman behind it. Say we're hungry "I'm hungry!" Earn a greenish mess on a "Tray with Food" tray and a spoonful of "Wooden Spoon". God, is this Spot? No, the watchman laughs, it's soup. We require a cook "I want to complain to the cook", but this is not. Either disappeared or ran away. In this case, we require the leader "I want to talk to you leader". "The most famous Luchot "Loucaux"?" - the watchman is amazed. "But he doesn't want to talk to you!"

We throw the contents of the tray into the sewer, earn a sticky tray "Sticky Trey". In the backpack we connect the spoon with the needle, we earn the master key "Spoodl". We put the tray in the hole under the door, use the master key on the keyhole. The key falls onto the tray, which we drag into the cell. Now you need to scrape off the key from the sticky tray with the help of a master key. Yes, the key "Key" in the backpack! We apply the key to the keyhole, we leave the chamber.

We pass to the right, to the first door. We go into the kitchen. We examine the table, pick up the plate "Boul" and sticks "Chopsticks". From the floor "at the stage of the bowl of soup" we pull out the edge "Rib". We pass to the boiler. The moldy soup that they tried to feed us in the cell is brewing in the cauldron. Various "spices" are on the shelves. Mushrooms have grown on the right side of the floor. There is no way to tear them off. A shaggy animal is sitting on the barrel, let's stroke it.

Labyrinth: we leave the kitchen and go to the right, into the open archway. We get to the upper stage of buildings, in the 2nd arch on the left side of the mountain. We go into the leftmost arch - we get into the first arch on the right side of the mountain. Now we go into the extreme right arch and find ourselves in the armory.

In the center, someone is hiding in steel armor. It's impossible to talk to him. In this case, we close the door "we pretend that we left", the visor opens a little and someone inside says that now they will not find him in any case. We pick up the bow "Bow" from the left wall "from the round shield", immediately take the dull knife "Dull Knife" from the table. The club "Club" is leaning against the left leg of the armor, we pick it up. You can hit the armor with a club, from the inside they will ask you not to do this. Oh yes! Let's talk to the seated in the armor. And the guy is not easy: he tries to assure us that there is no one here and these are all our hallucinations. We say that we will tell the Boss that he is hiding here "I'll tell it to you boss". He does not believe that we are generally known to the leader and asks for his name. We choose the result: "He is called Luchot "His name is Loucaux"". The interlocutor does not give up: "So what will you tell him?". And yes, we are quite careful. Who recently disappeared? That's right, chef. We answer: "I'll tell him: I know where the cook is." "I'll tell him: "I know where the cook is""

Now the cook is ready for anything, if only we were silent. We ask why he is hiding. It turns out that he messed up something in the preparation of his beloved Lusho's chowder - moldy soup. As, in general, and 3 cooks before him, who were executed. We ask the recipe, but the young man again rests. In this case, we shout "we choose sentences from some capital letters in the British version and from cyclic ones like" know-a-ay "in the Russian version," coming closer to the door. In the end, the chef gives up and we earn the recipe for Luchot's beloved soup: something from air, something from earth, something from water, and something from you!

We pass to the black wall behind the armor, inspect it. There is a passage there, let's go there, There is a certain blocked valve, but so far we do not have information about its purpose. We leave the armory. Using the same method, we return to the lower stage of buildings.

We go to the grindstone "in the center, under the waterfall" and sharpen the knife. We pass into the kitchen, catch the "Fly" fly with chopsticks, go to the boiler and cut off the "Mushrooms" mushrooms with a knife.

We leave the kitchen and go to the left, to the raised bridge.

We cut the rope with a knife, we pass along the path. We find ourselves near the headquarters of the leader. In the place where the watchman lay, we select the coin "Coin". We rise to the horn and cut off our own rope. Let's look out the window: Luchot put Spot in a cage and threatens to boil him in moldy soup. It is impossible to delay! We rise, return to the bridge, sharpen a coin on the grindstone, earn a pointed coin "Pointed Coin". We use the coin on the edge and earn an arrow "Arrow", which we combine with a bow. We pass to the right through the entire lower stage of buildings and, at the very end, turn left. There is also a mechanism with a wheel, but we are more interested in a frog sitting on the opposite coast. In the backpack, we tie a rope to the bow and arrow and shoot the "Wood Beam" crossbar at the top center of the screen. We grab the rope and fly to the other side. We are trying to catch a frog, but it jumps into the water. In this case, we put a sticky tray on the cobblestone hatched by the frog. We ourselves rise up and wait until the trap works. We go down, pick up the wah "Tray with Frog" together with the tray. Now you can cook the soup. We return to the kitchen.

We throw a frog "together with a tray", a fly and mushrooms into the cauldron. Now we spit in the same "mouth icon". We inflate the fire "again the icon of the mouth" and throw hay into the fire. Soup is ready! We scoop the brew from the cauldron with a plate, put a bowl of soup "Boul full of Soup" on the table. We “stroke” a shaggy animal with a baton, we earn a mallet "Club with Furry Animal". We beat the gong with a mallet, inviting the leader of the Asgils to eat some soup.

We pass behind Lucho to the exit, we hurry to the headquarters. We look out the window. We speak with Spot - now we are again able to manage it. We light the Spot, the cell burns out and the caterpillar is on the floor. Now we divide the Spot into 5 balls and apply it to the gap under the door. Favorite is free!

We return to the kitchen, Lusho is already sleeping. We remove from his belt the key to all the doors "Master-Key". Exit the kitchen and go right around the corner. We open the valve with the key and turn it. In a nearby test tube, the stage of water rises to the first designation "there are four in total." We go into the armory, go into the room behind the wall, open the valve with the key and turn it. The water in the test tube rises by 2 divisions.

We go to the prison cell. We light the Spot and burn all the hay. There is also a valve here. We open the key, twist. So, it remains to find the final valve.

We go to the headquarters of the leader of the Asgils. We unlock the door with the key. With a mallet we beat on a stone disk with an arrow "to the left". The room turns. We go out the door.

Asgils / The Asgil "development"
Another labyrinth: on the second level of buildings. We ended up in the last arch on the left. We go to the 2nd left "neighboring" arch and exit the penultimate right arch. Now we pass into the extreme right arch and get into the trophy room. Here we see the 4th valve. If we return to the test tube, we will notice that it was filled with water, and the nearby wheel began to move. But we have more to do in the trophy room. Let's close the door and pick up the fork "Fork Thing" from the floor behind the door. This room also has 2 stone disks with arrows. Through experiments and errors, we find out that they are somehow connected to the lower level. We hit at least one of the disks twice. We leave and go to the third "far left on this side of the mountain" door. We fall into the previously locked door on the right side of the kitchen. I'm going to headquarters. If everything is done correctly, then the headquarters door is blocked, but the window is on fire. We look into the window and with a fork knock down the ladle hanging on the left under the window. He falls to the floor, and we return through the door close to the kitchen to the trophy room, hit the mallet twice on another disk. We return by confusion to the headquarters and raise the "Bucket" bucket.

We go through the entire lower stage of buildings to the test tube. There's a broken lever here that we can't reach. In the backpack we connect the fork with the bucket. We fasten this structure to the rope from the lever. We divide the Spot into 5 parts, throw it into the bucket. We round the Spot, from gravity the lever drops and an elevator appears. We go up.

Close to the elevator we select round cobblestone "Round Stone".

We pass to the left side of the screen, into a neglected garden, we talk with a little man in a hat, the director of the station. We are invited to discuss the following topics:

I need to get to Corona as soon as possible "I have to get to Corona really fast".
Asgil is following in my footsteps "I've got Asgil hot on my trail".
I will destroy the world "I will destroy the world".
I'm always forced to talk to wound-up screwballs "I'm forced to talk to wound-up screwballs all the time".
Everything is so terrible "Everything is so horrible".
You cannot help me. Nobody can "You can't help me. Nobody can".

We choose the question about the Crown. The chief says that it’s better to forget about it, the locomotive no longer walks there. We ask: "What other route leads to Corona "What other way is there to Corona""? We know that there is no other way. Then he cannot help us in any way. Let's ask him about the locomotive. The chief calls him not differently, like the Train. We ask: "Can I look at the train at the moment "May a take a look at the locomotive now""? Yes, you can make a visit to Maurice's Majestic Railway Museum "in the Russian version of "Incomparable"" for a fee, while he allows us to personally install it. But ... agrees only after this, as we will offer 10 gold coins. In fact, we don't even have one. However, we have a couple of ideas on how to improve the museum "I have a couple of ideas on what to improve". Asking for a job as an adviser to the boss for one gold a day. Now we are making an excellent offer of our own recommendations:

First, we recommend changing the name "You should change the name". We are convinced that the "Museum Maurice" "in the Russian version of" Deserving "" will appeal to people much more.
Next, please lower the ticket price "You could lower the prices some more". The chief agrees to 8 gold.
We say that maybe the employees are angry "Maybe it's because of the grumpy members of staff", we make a great offer to make a discount for them "You should introduce staff discount". The boss agrees to 50%.
We make an excellent offer to him to take the jester "You should hire a jester" and get another gold one.
We say that the birds in the yard do not respect the aesthetics "Those birds in the front yard are spoiling the aesthetic". The boss will pay us one gold piece if we clear the garden of birds.
We make a great offer to take down all the laundry "You should take down all the laundry". Plus another gold one.

In the end, we ask about payment "What about my pay". So, we were contracted as an adviser, a gardener, a jester and a washerwoman. We have already earned the 2nd coins, we will receive the rest at the end of the work. If there are no more questions, then we answer the boss: "I don't have time for the dialogue" I don't have any time for conversation "".

We remove the pants "Pantaloons", the shirt "Shirt" from the clothesline, and similarly we take the clothesline "Clothesline" itself. Instead of a scarecrow, we stick a club with a fluffy into the garden soil. The birds did not panic and sit still. In this case, we use sticks on the baton and put on a shirt. The scarecrow is ready, the birds have flown away. We approach the boss and ask about the inspection of the locomotive. There is an arrow to enter the museum.

Therefore, you need to climb up, but the elevator is obviously broken. To the left of the front door we examine the shelf "Shelf". Unscrew the right shelf holder with a knife. On the hole in the "Opening" wall, to the right and below the fallen side of the shelf, use the fork. We earn a lever that controls the gears on the elevator panel. The belt connecting the gears is missing, we make it from grandfather's pantaloons "we use pants on one of the gears". We pull the lever, the elevator closes. Aha! It is necessary either to have an assistant pulling the lever, or to jam the door with something. We tie the rope to the handrail in the elevator, attach the rounded Spot to the rope, pull the lever. Nothing comes out, the elevator pulls the caterpillar and returns Spot, who looks like a snake. But now Spot has got a brand new property.

We replace the pants with a flat Spot. We fasten the pants to the lever "a typical shopping bag comes out", put a round cobblestone on the shelf and jump into the elevator.

We send a flat Spot to the "Fire Box", we light it. The train is ready to go on the route, but it is held by a lock-block "on the front wheels". We wrap the Flat Spot around the castle and round it. The lock is broken, Crown - we're coming to you!

We send Flat Spot to the slot under the gates of the castle.

Now we play for Spot.

We use Spot on a friend of Chasky, but he will not find out us. We get to the swing with a stone "to the left of Bobby" and light up. We burn a patch of grass close to the swing. Behind him in the wall we find a mouse hole. We are divided into 5 balls and move to the mink. Now we are directly above the swings. We round up and jump on the swing. While the cobblestone flies up and comes back, we become flat. In this form, we get to the cornice. We change the view to 5 balls and roll into the drainpipe. We round and pour Bobby with water from the barrel. He goes to the shed. We separate into balls again and roll down the mouse hole. We round up - we jump on the swing. We divide into 5 balls and fly up to the roof of the barn. We roll into the hole in the roof and fall into Bobby's sock. We round and move together with the toe to the right. We divide into 5 balls, fly out of the sock and, together with the bowl, fall under Bobby's trousers. We light up and take off with trousers over the barn to the bridge over the gate. We round and fall on the wheel, more precisely on the gate opening mechanism.

We play as Sadwick.

In front of the castle gates, tear off the "Stick" stick from the bush and pick up Bobby's "Pants".

We pass into the barn and talk with Bobby on all topics of interest to us:

Where is the lord of "Where is the King"?
I haven't made any progress "I'm not making any progress".
I bet I'll bemoan that I asked the question, but... How did you get here "I bet I'll be sorry I asked but... how did you get here"?
Are you hiding in a barrel?
You can continue to be here. I'll go and save the world myself "You might as well stay here. I'll go and save the world".

It turns out that Bobby was not captured by Asgil, he was trivially horrified by the rustle in the bushes and did not return even in this case, when he realized that it was only foxes in general. Well, the Overlord is also good! He hid in his own room, as he found out about the threat. Bobby says that to get to the King's room, you need to go through the throne hall to the astrolabe "that is, the observatory".

We select from the floor to the right of the cattle the broken leash "Tether". I'm going to the castle. We examine the throne, the locked door and the distinctive sign of the state on the wall. This is a 15-piece puzzle, the right and left parts of which are intended to be separate. The initial sketch is generated randomly, but the solution is the same for everyone. For those who do not manage to collect the royal insignia of the state, there is a preservation.

We go upstairs, inspect the shield, move the Tapestry tapestry, pull the lever behind it. The door to the balcony opens, but there is no way out. We return the tapestry back. We make Spot flat and launch it under the shield. We round Spot, the shield flies off, and we put a stick in the place of the existing gap. Now we move the tapestry again, pull the lever behind the tapestry and go to the balcony. Further to the right and up, to the royal astrologer. For some reason, he speaks in an incomprehensible language. Take the "Chalk" from the board, the "Key" from the nail on the right door frame, the "Moon Ornament" display from the base of the planetary system, and the "Crank" lever from the floor by the planetary system. We approach the cabinet with encyclopedias, remove the door ring "Rapper Ring" from the outer wall. Now we rearrange the books on the 2nd shelf in the correct order: A-G, H-N, O-U, V-Z "in the Russian version, the roots are signed A-Z, I-R, C-Sch, L-Z". This will allow us to talk with the astrologer. We learn that the door to the king's chambers will open only after the fountain is started. Apart from this, he talks about the dependence of the work of the planetary system and, in general, what is happening in a real society. And mentions the whispering cobblestone. We examine the sketch on the board. The astrologer explains that this is a sketch of the correct positions of the planets: Avrius "Avrius", Pornitus "Pornicius", Vernicus "Vernicus", Silentia "Silentia", Frobble "Frobel". We approach the concept, there are four multi-colored stones and the 1st stone, indeed, is missing. We insert the lever into the hole under the greenish stone, but the Astrologer yells that this is impossible to do: grease and a whispering cobblestone are needed.

We return to the throne room. Use the key to open the lock on the right side of the throne. A hatch will be found under the throne, from which we will pick up the "Handsaw" saw, the "Crowbar" crowbar and the "Pliers" tongs. Use a crowbar to pick up the missing piece of the "Mosaic Tile" mosaic from the floor slabs in the throne hall. Let's apply it to the mosaic with the coat of arms: it fits perfectly, but is not painted. What is needed is not any color, but “royal blue”.

We go out into the yard. We apply the lever to the well, take out and pick up a bucket of water "Bucket full of Water". We pass to the locked door to the tower, to the left of the gate. Use the door ring on it. There are pipes and an apparatus for mixing paints. From the bedside table we take a test tube "Empty Flask", open the door and take the mortar and pestle "Mortar and Pestle" standing inside. In the backpack we crush the chalk in a mortar and pour it into a bucket of water, earn a bucket of snow-white paint "Bucket full of White Paint". We examine the repeating table of 5 parts on the wall above the bedside table: reddish color - Vernin "Vernin", purple - Avrium "Avrium", blue - Silencium "Silentsius", yellowish - Pornitium "Pornicius", greenish - Frohm "From". Very obvious on the names of the planets.

Now we have become a professional in mixing paints. We approach the apparatus, put a “plus sign” under absolutely all test tubes, not counting the reddish and upper purple ones. We earn blue color. Pour it into a test tube, earn a test tube with blue paint "Flack full Blue Paint". We add snow-white paint from a bucket to a test tube and earn "royal blue". In the backpack we combine the test tube with a piece of mosaic. Now you can finish the picture. We go to the throne room. We insert the missing piece into the mosaic of the coat of arms, the door to the left of the throne opens.

This is a torture chamber. We take the "Bone Hand" brush of the right hand of the skeleton and accidentally tear it off. Pliers pull out the iron claws "Nail" from the wood panel under the skeleton. We put ticks into the hand of the skeleton and wrap it with a rope, earn a hand with ticks on a leash "Tether with Bone Hand Pliers". In the rack "on the right side of the wall" with a saw, we cut a round hole. We light the Spot and kindle a fire in the flowerpot on the right side of the rack. We make Spot flat and apply it on the rack. We use the “hand” picture on the flowerpot with fire and it turns out to be on the rack. Now the Spot is highlighted and the whispering cobblestone is perfectly visible. We use the hand of the skeleton with pincers on Spot and get the cobblestone "Whispering stone"! We go to the cell with the skeleton and apply the month "astrolabe ornament" to the rest of the hand. We tie the pants to the hook hanging from the right side. We plant Spot in them. We ourselves climb into the cell, standing on the floor. We round Spot, the cell with the skeleton will rise, cutting off the olive branch. Collect olives "Olives", pick up Spot.

I'm going to the tower. We connect pipes on the right wall. First, mark all the broken pipes "reddish circles" and remove the 2nd plugs "greenish checkmarks" that will be on the left, on the bedside table. Our task is to design pipes in such a way that the liquid from the vessel below freely passes to the test tube at the top. Having repaired the system, we throw olives into a round vessel, heat the vessel with a fiery Spot and earn olive oil in a test tube. We divide Spot into balls and throw them into the test tube until it falls into the yard. We leave the tower. We go into the barn and in the cow's bowl we find a broken test tube. We use a bucket on a cow, milk it and earn a bucket of olive oil "Bucket full of Oil".
Crown / Corona "development"
I'm going to the astrolabe. We put a cobblestone on the planetary system. Now you need to arrange all the whispering pebbles in order in accordance with the color. We approach the locker with encyclopedias, we read the news about the size of the planets. Therefore, we compare the planets and components and earn in magnitude from the largest to the smallest: Pornitus yellowish "Yellow", Avrius purple "Purple", Silentia blue "Blue", Vernicus reddish "Red", Frobble greenish "Green". Now we put the planets on the concept in accordance with the drawing on the board. We put on the right side of the hole for the pen and counterclockwise: a yellowish ball, blue, greenish, purple, reddish. We are trying to pour oil from the bucket into the oiler on the left, the Astrologer again yells that we need a funnel. We go upstairs and scratch the board with steel claws, at this time the Ear-Trumpet hearing aid falls off the Astrologer. We use it instead of a funnel, pour oil into the oiler of the system. Now we use a pen on the hole.The fountain started working, but something went wrong!

We collect water in a test tube "Flask full of Water from Well". We talk with the Blue Sphere. We use the handle on the working mechanism of the fountain "under five multi-colored stones", we examine the fruits of our own labor.

We go down, fall into the clutches of Asgil and, then, into the cell of the torture chamber. You can talk to Bobby, but it's more correct to call the watchman outside the door. Please change the box "I want a different cell". Bobby joins us, the watchman raises our cage higher. We select pebbles "Pebbles" from the window. Let's start throwing it at Bobby. He makes an indignant noise and the watchman lowers our cell. We select the dark cobblestone "Stone Wedge" from the floor. We insert it as a wedge into the wheels above Bobby's cage. Again we throw stones at Chasky, now we find ourselves below the level of the chamber. Subsequently, as we come to our senses, we take a test tube with water "Flask full of Water from Well" and Spot "Cocoon". We go into the cell and go upstairs. We leave the cell and on the left, at the stairs, we select the crowbar "Crowbar". We shout at the door that we want to talk with Lucho "I want to talk to Loucaux", that we have a prescription "I want to make a proposition". We make an excellent offer to the new King of our own services as a clown "I want to offer my services as a clown". Lucho asks what we can do. Let's be honest - alphabetic burp "I can burd the alphabet". To attract the antagonist, we pronounce his name: L-O-U-C-A-U-X "in the Russian version of L-U-Sh-O". Asgil is happy and now we are the king's newest jester. We approach the watchman, we ask him:

What will you do now "What do we do now"?
You see, you could be a good king "You would make a good King, you known".
I'd love to see what's going on up there "I'd love to see what's going on up there".
What's with all these tubes for?
I'm bored with "I'm bored".

He knows that Lucho is afraid of the water from the fountain, for this reason there are so many pipes.

We leave the castle, from the bag of the flying monster we get bombs "Bombs". A watchman jumps out behind us and blocks our route. We return to the throne hall and break the pipe with a crowbar. The negative character Lusho is flooded with tar!

Let's go to the astrolabe. We pass to the telescope and use the crowbar on the glass magnifier, earn a piece of glass "Shard". Use the glass to cut the rope "Rope", which was connected to the Astrologer. We lower the rope into the funnel, earn the rope in the oil "Rope with Oil". We take out the funnel "Ear-Trumpet". In the backpack we connect the bombs with the rope and lay them in the broken telescope. We put the funnel and Spot there. We use glass on a weak beam of light from the window. The doors to the royal chambers are open.

We go to the bridge. We see Spot, it doesn't work to get him. We go along the bridge to the royal tower. When the bridge collapses and the Tar Monster appears, pour the royal living water onto the drain on the edge of the bridge.

We select grandfather's pants "Pantaloons" near the door. We go to the royal room. It's empty inside. We wipe the mirror with pants and are transported to the Looking Glass. We talk with the boy on all topics. We break the mirror into the real world with a crowbar. That's all!

Game page: The Whispered World.

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