Review RimWorld - What is waiting for the game in the future


Description RimWorld game, discussion and possible future.

RimWorld is a unique game in its genre, which makes it possible to manage your colony of people. There are still few similar games, so RimWorld is considered one of the leaders of his unique branch of games. Of course, in this genre of games, no one comes with Dwarf Fortress, a game that sacrificed with its schedule to present us unique and extensive content. There are many attempts to make more similar games, but with acceptable graphics.

But as experience shows, few people passed the alpha version. RimWorld presents a great combination of graphics and features of the game. Despite the fact that the developers were able to find a golden middle, yet there are modifications to the game that improve the schedule and add even more opportunities in the game. Thanks to this attention to the game, it develops further and despite the fact that the game is still on the alpha versions, it can be played now.

Having spent more than a thousand hours in the game, few could try all the features of the game. It just seems that you could do everything possible to build, create or capture the whole planet, as the next update with new features is coming. That is why interest in this game does not fade to this day. As if the creators of the game, neither tried to protect their game from pirates, still on the Internet full of information, how to download the IGU bypassing the purchase. But the game is so entertaining that most users, after playing a pirated version, buy the game. In every way supporting developers so that they do not abandon the game and brought it to the final stage.

It is difficult to even imagine how many possibilities will be in the full version of the game, and maybe we will not see it. After all, the game is constantly updated and wait for a full-fledged game. So much still needs to be done. I am sure that the sales of the game will increase hundreds of times if you make multiplayer mode in the game.

Perhaps over time, it will be so. But what it will look like. Make a huge galaxy and the ability to move between the planets or individual servers on one planet, where the fast PVP game will be. Developers will decide. Maybe they will provide us with something new, which we have not seen in other games. Time will tell.

Work on RimWorld is still a lot, but now the game can show your unique gameplay. No matter how much you want to safely play, build your castle, you will constantly interfere with certain events. That mad animals will attack, then hostile settlements will find something delicious and decide to take possession. And it happens and your own settler to get angry and burn the whole base, while the rest are sleeping.Therefore, you need to carefully follow the events in the game and respond to them in a timely manner.

Especially attention should be paid to the characteristics of their characters. Why do you need a legless zhydhay with drug addiction, which does not know how to do anything. Carefully learn them and wait to your new people in a tribe. After all, one lousy fish will spoil the whole aquarium.

In this game you play the role of not only the sacred defender, but you can also attack and take into slavery of your enemies. And then sell looted shopping caravans. And you can create your caravan and walk to trade in other cities and settlements. It became too easy for you to live in your protected city? Take several settlers and create a new settlement closer to the enemy. It is also more interesting to develop for the attack, it will not be necessary to climb the mountains and overcome thousands of kilometers through merciless deserts. And if your path lies through the secure fields, then you just lucky.

The yoke is actually very simple, not many are ready for similar subtleties and the possibilities that the game provides. For a detailed study and for help in the game on the Internet a lot of Wikipedia and Guides for beginners.

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