FIFA 21 how to intercept the ball


Find out how to select the ball in FIFA 21, what difficulties you expect to do what to do to fulfill the goal, read in our manual.

Protection is an integral part of football both in real life and in FIFA. EA Sports introduced many new features in FIFA 21, which are designed to refresh the gameplay for returning players who tend to excessively rely on the capture, which can be problematic at higher levels of skill. The essence of the defense is not in a spectacular sliding seizure, but in deeper elements of the game, such as the press of the opponent and intercept the ball.

In FIFA 21, there are all the necessary controls, but the main thing is to know how and when to do it. If you want to learn all the subtleties and nuances, we will help you in this manual.

How to select the ball in FIFA 21

Pressure is perhaps the most important aspect of protection. The thing is to put pressure on the opponent and put it in a situation where he makes a mistake and captures the ball. To do this in FIFA 21, you need to get acquainted with the following buttons.




ContainHold X.Hold A.
Teammate ContainHOLD R1.Hold RB.
Running Jockey.L2 + R2.LT + RT.
Pull and Hold.Hold ◯Hold B.
Change Player.L1LB.
Change Player (Manual)R.R.
Engage Shielding Opponent.L2 + L Towards SHIELDING DirectionLT + L Towards SHIELDING DIRECTION
Rush Goalkeeper Out.Y.
Goalkeeper Cross Intercept.△ THEN HOLD △Y Then Hold Y
Jockey / Grab and HoldHold L2.Hold Lt.

The first and most important way to put pressure is to use the deterrence button. It will force your player to cuddle to the player with the ball and correspond to its speed when it moves through the field. This is an easy way to close the surrounding space and limit their capabilities, at the same time slightly approaching them without excessive return.

When you approach them quite close, you can try to make an exclusive capture with greater accuracy and less risk. Running jockey works similarly, only he gives you even more control. If the player succeeds in slipping into open space, you will need to quickly switch to the nearest player and continue to put pressure while holding back it.

To simplify the situation a little, you can also use a team of holding a teammate to call the player AI and ask him to help you. It can be especially effective because it has twice the pressure, but there is a space in other fields of the field, so you should not use this technically.

Pull and keep a player for a T-shirt - a great way to put pressure from behind. Similarly, the involvement of a protective opponent acts, only in this case you can push the player who protects the ball. But do not use this method too aggressively, as one too frequent pressing the button can lead to a foul and, possibly, a card.

If everything else does not help, and the rival striker comes out one on one, rush to the goalkeeper - a great way to put pressure from the last forces. Seeing that your goalkeeper rushes to them, they either lose the ball, or will be forced to quickly make a decision.

If you choose the right time, then the running goalkeeper can be effective, but if you make a mistake, give the opponent to the excellent opportunity to score a goal and, perhaps, even remove your goalkeeper.

In addition, you can change the tactics of your team to render different pressure. But they all have different strengths and weaknesses, so if you do not know what you are doing, it is better to master the foundations and put pressure on your own.


Interception is no less important than pressure. For this, it is enough to settle in the right place and at the right time, so as not to give the ball to reach the goal. It is easier to say what to do, but to facilitate the task, you must use all the relevant protective elements of the controls available at your disposal.

As a rule, it is necessary to use a combination of deterrence, jockey, player switching, and even sliding. The opponent will be more difficult to give pass, if all the surrounding space is occupied by your players.

But, perhaps, the most important advice is not only behind the ball, but also for the enemy's surrounding players, and try to understand where they are going to give a pass, before they do it.

If you guess right, then it will be easy to intercept the ball: you need to switch to the right player as quickly as possible and move it between the ball and goal. However, if the ball is a bit out of reach, which is often the case, you may have to slip into open space to be there a little faster.

So, if you want to improve your game in defense, you should use pressure and intercept. This will not only change the world for the better, but will greatly facilitate the execution of captures.

And that's all you need to know how to select the ball in FIFA 21..

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