Skyrim how to fly on the dragon


Find out this manual how to fly on the dragon in Skyrim if you are still interested in this question, then read further.

Skyrim rethinks fantasy epic with an open world, creating a full-fledged virtual world that you can explore at your discretion. Play any character you can imagine, and do everything you want; The legendary freedom of choice, the plot and adventure of The Elder Scrolls are implemented as never before. That's how to fly on the dragon.

How to fly on the dragon in Skyrim?

In order to fly on the dragon, first of you will need all three words of the BEND Will Creek, which can be obtained by performing the main task of DragonBorn. When you have all three words, just find the dragon, either in the wild or in the dragon log, and use the scream on the dragon, as when using the Dragonrend scream. However, instead of crashing into the ground, the dragon will land at all next to you, and, interacting with it (A on X360), you will automatically take it on it, and the dragon takes off into the sky. Some of the following dragons can not be tamed (Aldune, Sakhlkinir, Paaartax, Durnechvir and skeletal dragon in a maze). Odakhving can be tamed and settle down, going to the throat of the world where it circles around the vertex.

Rising to the sky, the dragon will start a circular flight, not like the flight of dragons, which you can see in nature. You will not be able to directly control the dragon flight. He will stay in the place where you installed it, if only you do not order him to fly to another place on the world map. Please note that you will not be able to quickly move on the dragon into a large holder, such as solutes or Wetran, as well as fly from Saltheim to Skyrim's island or vice versa.

To land, simply interact with the dragon again, and a notification appears on the screen that the dragon is looking for a landing place. As soon as he landed, you will automatically go to the ground, although you can cancel the planting process at any time. After landing, the dragon either helps you cope with the closest enemies, either fly back where you flew from. If there was some time after taking the dragon, it is likely that he will again become hostile.

That's all you need to know how to fly on the dragon in Skyrim..

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