The best seeds of Valheim


Looking for the best Vigemy Seeds? The cruel wild nature of Valhama is a procedurally generated world.

When you start a new game, you can either ask the game to generate a random string of the text, on the basis of which the environment will be created in which you play, or manually enter the code to generate a certain seed.

Each generated Walcheima map contains the same main components - altars for spawn each of the Bosses of the Valcheima and the same set of insidious biomes, but where they will turn out and how the terrain will look, it depends on what seed you will enter when creating New World.

Thanks to the mad success of the game about Vikings, millions of Norwegian warriors constantly create new worlds, and many of them shared the best seeds of Valhamim, which they managed to find. These seeds are useful not only in order to start their first world of Vagueim; You can boot into different worlds - including on highlighted Vagueim servers - with the same character. It is convenient that you will also postpone the progress of skills and all your inventory.

So, instead of moving through the mountains and twist seven seas to find and extract the Valhaim Iron and Valhaim bronze, you can simply boot into a more comfortable Valhamom seed, fill your boots with generous resources, and then return to your original Valham's saving file, Where you will be safe at home, ready to remember all this in the best Valhaim weapon and Valhaim armor.

If you want to check any of these seeds of the generation of Velgeim's world independently, then Valheim WORLD Generator is a fan-tool that shows all the secrets of any seed you introduced. We used it to create some of our preview of the seeds presented below.

So, if you are looking for the seeds of the prey of Vagaima, comfortable seeds of Vagueim Merchants or just good seeds for adventure, here are a few best Vagueim seeds tested for version 0.202.14. They are sensitive to the register, so copy carefully.


Founded by Reddit U / Infernofps, this "Potential Spentransner Seed" contains the first three bosses of Valham, as well as a merchant, very close to Spawn. All biomes can be found on the starting continent, and the fourth and fifth bosses are behind the narrow canal.


This seed, found u / iaamjustjunior, generates four of five bosses on a huge, U-shaped starting island. Within reach there are many mountains, swamps and plains. The first boss is two steps away from the spawn, and all of them are located on the starting island - except for Moder, which is located on the island south.


This seed generates most bosses very close to Spawn, and the merchant and Jaglut are behind a small canal on the island to the southeast.


Founded u / previlein, this seed is convenient for both adventures and extraction; Next to the bonemass there is a biome of black forest, rich in copper, and a swamp, full of crypts for iron mining, which will allow you to break the camp nearby, in which you can find both most important resources. Moder is a little further than it was in previous versions of the game, but jump into the boat with his comrades-warriors - all this is part of the Wiking experience.


Detected U / REMMIZ, this seed generates you on the shore of a huge lake surrounded by meadows, with useful channels to the ocean. This is a picturesque place to get the tools for the construction of Valhama and create a picturesque fortress. The merchant is pretty close, but the bosses are a little further, so it is an ideal place if you are looking for more adventures.

Looking for another type of vagueum seeds? If you are a novice farmer and are looking for information about the type of seeds that you put in the ground, and somehow read the whole article, without realizing that they did not get to the address, then here's a brief information: you can plant carrots, turnips and trees seeds with the help of a cultivator; Collecting the harvest of carrots or turnips, you can transplant it to get more seeds. Ancient seeds can not be planted; They are used to call elders in the Black Forest.

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