Monster Hunter: World - Some tips and tricks for the game


Monster Hunter: World - This guide contains useful information for all players, from beginners to battle-hardened hunters.

It is not ordered in any way and completely random, so read to the end, and maybe you will find out what you did not know. After all, Monster Hunter: World is a superbly executed game that is a representative of the action genre - a world of monsters where you will have to face all the supporters of the enemy force.

In your arsenal there should always be a special combat arsenal and powerful weapons, with the help of which you will destroy everyone who dares to stand in your way. In some moments, the problem cannot be solved with the help of force, here you will need to turn on your logical thinking, avoiding obstacles with cunning.

1. Get the Rogue Sword for your palico as soon as possible. This is a very useful thing that, when attacking, steals items from monsters. The amount stolen depends on the skill level. Be sure to bring it with you if you go to farm any monster ingredients.

2. It is always better to catch a monster than to kill it. You will be able to receive all the rewards in case of capture, as well as unlock a special arena for the captured monster, so that you can kill him there again. Watch the monster's heartbeat indicator (bottom left near the minimap), if it is close to a straight line and flashes orange, this means that the monster can be caught. Use a shock trap and a sleeping pill (usually works 2 times).

3. When a monster is sleeping (usually at a low health level), you can force it with bombs (barrel bombs, large and mega), run away from the bomb and wake it up with an EXPLOSION. Be careful not to kill him if you want to catch him.

4. The Landmish Wand is a great weapon for the Palico. Get a large flyhorn (with some chance drops when growing something in the research center of Astera, I recommend growing honey and beetles for a better drop chance. In the normal world it is IMPOSSIBLE to find it) and craft it as soon as possible. This weapon will paralyze the monster several times during the fight, giving you time to catch your breath.

5. There is no better armor. It all depends on what you want. Skills are very important. Just adjust the sets for yourself, see what you need.

6. You should have 3-4 weapons of approximately the same level, but with different elements. If you only use one, it will be very difficult for you to kill monsters that have resistance to your weapon.

7. Divine Blessing is one of the best skills in the game. Make a set for a divine blessing, and use the "Tailwind" charm (included as a bonus in the pre-order), a divine blessing of the 3rd level will cut the incoming damage by 50% with a large percentage.

8. Item Box -> Organize Items -> ESC allows you to create sets of items for you and use them quickly.

9. You can use the tents in the camps during expeditions to change your equipment or replenish your items. It also heals you completely and sharpens your weapon. But be careful, when using a set of items from the boxes, everything that was given to you at the beginning of the mission will disappear. (First aid kits, shock trap, tranquilizers ...)

10. After reaching HR6 (after killing Dzor Magdaros), buy Powercharm and Armorcharm (I haven't yet reached this point, so I don't know what it is) as soon as possible. They give +8 attack and +12 defense, respectively, and they are also passive. The point is that simply by dragging them in your inventory, they give you bonuses. You can later upgrade them with Bazel Talons (Highly rated Bazelgeuse) and get even more bonuses. And you can even stack them with your lower counterpart, which means you can wear Powertalon and Powercharm (and armor too) at the same time! It's expensive, but it's really worth it!

11. Things that should always be with you; Mega Potion, First Aid Kit, Megademonic Potion (or just Demonic), Mega-Armored Leather (or just Armored Leather), Transporter (to replenish items), Seed of Flash (USE ASAP), Shock Trap, Sleep Bomb, Power Claw + powercharm, Talon + armorcharm.

12. Always eat before going out. Create your own dish (remember, it's situational). Meat increases attack, fish increases defense, vegetables increase element resistance.

13. Monster Hunter has 2 modes, solo and multiplayer. It doesn't matter whether you 2 or 4 monster in multiplayer mode will have scaled health, and it will be stronger than solo play. If someone leaves the game during a mission, the monster will still have scaled health like in multiplayer. Therefore, be careful until the server problems are fixed and do not play a multiplayer game or you may face the 4 player monster alone.

14. Some monsters have special conditions for some drops from them. For example, if you want the "Majestic Horn", you will need to break both of Diablos' horns. Use the wiki to find the things you want, don't blindly farm.

15. Canceling the quest rolls back the items that you used, but you lose everything that you collected during the quest. If you choose to return from the quest, you will keep the items you collected, but you will lose the items you used (as appropriate).

16. USE YOUR WISHLIST. You can add weapons and armor to your wishlist, and when you return from the quest, you will see a message on the right that says that you can craft the item you specified. I hate it when my friends waste time going to the forge to see if they can craft something.

17. Mastery (one of the characteristics of a weapon) is VERY important. Think of it as a critical hit. 100% mastery means you deal 25% more damage 100% of the time. If it is negative, for example -100%, you will always deal 25% less damage.

18. Sharpness is even more important. Never let your weapon dull below the yellow mark. Red means your weapon deals 50% damage, orange - 75%, yellow - 100%, green - 105%, blue - 120%, white - 132%. Basic elemental damage requires green enchant for 100% damage, yellow - 75%, orange - 50%, red - 25%, blue - 106.25%, white - 112.5% ​​for elemental damage.

19... Optional quests with a chat bubble next to them mean that they will improve something in Asteria. Click to complete them as soon as possible. New dining room menu, botanical garden improvements, that's awesome !!

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