Pair Pa: Shop


If you chose virtual dances, then probably rushing to one goal. Which? Naturally, to victory in the tournament! This word is constantly associated with the competition, drive, entertainment and ... "Doping".

In the town of dancing you can rapidly return the power, cheer up and increase energy. View the assortment of the store "Laughty"! Miraculous substances that are in the ghostly flame or magic powder, one touch shakes lethargy. Unprincipled, whether you begin, who still takes the lessons of the dancing, or has long been published by the master known to everyone in the "pa va" - in the market you will find your useful things.

Skilled, but very calorite effects do not require special labor. Make your own access to the dance floor to the memorable and incendial, it is assisted for you rightly selected surprises. Balls with energy will arrive at the most confident dancers, and comic zipper will split the situation of hot. Organize joyful draw or make the newest romantic acquaintance will be easier than usual. Market "Loving" is a whole triumph strategy!

Home game: Couple Pa: Dancing City.

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