Shadow Complex Review - I Don't Want To Be A Military! I don’t want to take lives!


How I love 2D action movies! Back in the distant beardless years, I was an insane fan of Contra on Dendy and Demolition Man on Sega. Replayed Duke Nukem 2D and DOOM 2D on PC many times. And then in 2009 I noticed the Shadow Complex video for XBOX 360. My world turned upside down! This video game was simply the Benchmark of Isometric Games! Shadow Complex's gameplay combines new graphics and physics technologies with atmospheric and hardcore gameplay from the 90s! And if XBOX was selling games like Gears of War and Alan Wake, then I, like Mchudak, wanted to get a console just because of this game. At that time, SC justified its own title and formed a complex in me that I would not play it in any case! Over time, the ardor faded, but Shadow Complex sunk into my memory and at times I monitored the Internet in search of information about its release on PC. And my last check gave an unexpected result: as it turned out, the video game was added to Steam on May 3, 2016!

The event in the game is probably the weakest link. Check it out for yourself: the main protagonist Jacen, along with her own babentia Claire, went on a hike to the reservoir. Seeing a certain cave, Madame decides to immediately go down into it. She takes on Jacen, who has eaten from unexpected ladies' logic, on "this will be funny" and gets lost in a crevice, giving our man ... a flashlight. Realizing that the baboon had beguiled something, since only she had climbing equipment, the GG rushes after her into the cave to explain that the flashlight is not considered a primary item for climbing. After jumping down, Jacen finds Claire's backpack and ... the Super Hidden Complex of some evil company preparing to attack the United States. In fact, the salvation of the woman and, if there is a desire, the United States, we will be engaged in the whole game. Oh, yes, Jacen, by pure chance, as it turned out, had been training his whole life to destroy people, but then he gave up on it.

The gameplay of the game is excellent! This is what you expect from the current action movie! There are headshots, there are quiet murders from the back, there are shooting from cover (!) And huge cyborgs! Our protagonist can only move in a straight line, climbing ledges and stairs, using elevators. The enemies are not curtailed by this, and if you break their shelter, they can dump and stumble in some places behind the background boxes. Of course, it won't be difficult for our protagonist to shoot a cunning foe: GG sniffs where the mouse sight points. It will not work to move forward and shoot all living things - in the middle of the game, the enemies shoot very painfully, and especially fortified peasants with shields appear, ignoring your own bullets. It will be necessary to think in the same way in battles with the leaders, who will be drawn out in isometric view in full, dancing around our "two-dimensional" protagonist. The map in the game is huge and simply replete with secrets and riddles of varying difficulty. Some places are blocked and it will be possible to get into them only when you find all the dashing fresh releases of weapons that are scattered around the base. There is no restriction on where to go, for this reason, you can collect nishtyaks in a different order (close similarity: Batman: Blackgate). All sectors of the territory are beautiful, detailed do not have time to insist by the end of the game.

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