Among Us 13 tips for winning any game


The most difficult role in Among Us is the Imposter, but a few useful tips will help any player to have a successful match.

Among Us has taken over the world with its social deduction mechanics and simplistic yet charming art style. The essence of the game is to drive the impostor off the ship. It's much less likely that players will end up playing imposters instead of crew members, but when they finally get that role, things can feel a bit overwhelming.

First, impostors must know the rules of the game well. Secondly, impostors must know the basic rules of imposture - pretending to complete tasks, sabotage the ship, use vents, etc. Ultimately, a good impostor benefits both sides by creating a good match. The impostor is the role that has to juggle the most, but with these tips, things will be much easier. So, here are ten impostor tips that will help you win any game.

Updated April 28, 2021 by Emma Majoros: Among Us has quickly become every gamer's favorite game in 2020. The plot of the game is simple: it is a strategic multiplayer game in which players must identify an impostor among the crew members. Some players take on the role of regular crew members on routine missions, and some take on the role of impostors. The latter must sabotage the work of these players and kill them one by one. But as fun and exciting as this game is, especially with close friends, it takes a lot of strategy for both sides to win. This list will help the impostors secure a quick and easy victory for their team.

13. Leave complex lies for the end

When there are three crew members left, the imposters should run up to the big red button and immediately claim that they saw someone release air. A hard lie is a lie that requires hard evidence such as "he blew air" or "I was in the security room, I saw him kill Red". These are powerful accusations that, when used, almost guarantee that everyone will side with the accuser.

People will always believe a ventilator accusation, but when they kick the ventilator guy out and it turns out he's not an impostor, then all fingers will be pointed at the "snitch". Since they can only be used once, they should be used at the moment when one kill is enough to win.

12. Spare crew members who use emergency meetings

The impostor must pay attention to who is using emergency meetings and keep an eye on how many of them are left. If there are crew members who have completely run out of meetings, it is better to spare them and save them for the end. Thus, the impostor will be left with a small group that will not be able to raise the alarm.

This tactic has an additional advantage. Since the impostor is saving who to kill for last, the crew members will support the impostor, thinking he is clean. "He could have killed me if he wanted to," the players will say. But what they don't know is that the impostor just decided to spare them.

11. Use emergency meetings

It would be inconvenient for an impostor to call an emergency meeting. People will think that it is better for him to sabotage and kill people. That's why they don't expect the impostor to push the big red button. Why would an impostor press it? Of course, to vote for someone. To fill the discussion with disinformation, adding to the list of suspects and thus making it more difficult to deduce.

Effective mild accusations can be "Yellow sus" or "Cyan is watching me". But most importantly, a good impostor will save one remaining emergency meeting for those big juicy hard lies that will win him the game.

10. Use the admin card

The admin card is a little-used but secretly effective tool that shows which rooms are occupied and how many crew members are in each room. The reason the impostor will want to look at this card is so that he can frame his story correctly in such a way that more than one person can refute his words.

For example, if there are three people left, and the administrator's card shows that two of them are together, then you should not make the accusation "he aired it." Against this statement there will be a witness who will expose the impostor as a deceitful swindler. However, if three people are visible on the administrator's map, dispersed in different parts of the map, then this is the right moment for the accusation "he let the air out."

9. Use a combination of self-reports and crawls

If the guy who reports the body is always the same, people will be suspicious and realize that the snitch is constantly near the scene. There's a chance they'll start following the whistleblower. On the other hand, leaving also has its dangers.

If one of the crew members stumbles upon an impostor walking away from the corpse, he will have every reason to be suspicious. Grooming and self-reporting have their own risks and benefits. Using both methods cancels out the effect of each other. However, if there is an air vent nearby after the kill, it is best to use it to escape the crime scene.

8. Pretend to complete tasks

A suspicious crew member is one with no clear purpose. Only the impostor is not obliged to complete tasks. Any crew member who is seen just wandering around the map will attract unwanted attention. The idea is to pause near mission areas to give crew members more confidence.

7. Counter accusers

Don't just say "it wasn't me". People will continue to put pressure on the impostor if he only denies the accusations thrown at him. Besides, everyone will say that. Instead, redirect the conversation so that suspicion is evenly distributed among team members. If Red is the impostor and Blue says "Red soo", the typical response would be "I was on a mission".

In addition to that, a better and more deceptive response would be to continue, "You're trying to kill me. It could be you" or "It could be a self-report." Throw in some "Stop voting for the people! We're already exhausted by these wrong outliers!" to put even more pressure on the team.

6. "Self-report" Blame works well

As far as counter-blaming, self-reporting is an effective tactic among impostors. That is why anyone who reports a corpse is viewed with a grain of salt. Feeding suspicion is an effective way to kill a crew member without laying hands on them.

However, this accusation should be used with caution. People will understand if the same crew member constantly offers a self-report. On the other hand, if the impostor does not offer a self-report, it is a good option to accuse him of imposture. This will add to the list of suspects, making it difficult to identify the real impostor.

5. Work with other impostors

There can be up to three imposters in the game. With each additional impostor, the game becomes exponentially more complex and fast-paced. But the impostors must make the most of it and work as a team. Walking with other impostors, although it is a risky game, as it can arouse the suspicion of all the impostors at once, it is of considerable benefit, as it can bring a lot of killings.

Also, if the impostor is pinned against the wall by team members, another impostor may step in and help redirect attention to someone else.When the voices of the impostors are summed up, it can be quite devastating.

4. Mix things up

The main key to imposture is unpredictability. The game "Among Us" is very similar to poker. If the team suspects that a certain crew member is acting according to a certain pattern, they will catch him. Shortly thereafter, the prosecution's strategy will become clear as day. A good impostor will mix up his approaches after every discussion so as not to seem like someone with a devious plan.

If in the first discussion the impostor used the argument "you are trying to exclude me", then in the second discussion he can use "self-report". If in the first discussion the impostor is trying to exclude someone, then in the second he should propose to skip the vote.

3. Avoid Popular Hit Zones

There are places that have become infamous as the best places to kill. People who have played Among Us for a while know where the hotbeds of crime are. For example, Security has no oversight, while Electrical has an air vent nearby so the impostor can disappear.

Avoiding these places can make the impostor's job much more difficult, but it's worth it in the end. This is especially true for less experienced players who don't know the best way to get out of a situation. Crew members are more likely to suspect such places, and if the impostor does not act masterfully, things can quickly go awry.

2. The art of sabotage

Being a master of sabotage is difficult, but very necessary for an impostor. Sabotage can be performed from anywhere on the map, but players must be careful about the cooldown period that follows. After committing a diversion, almost every member of the crew will rush to fix the problem. This is the best opportunity to kill a team member who is slower to react to an action or continues to work alone in another zone.

Killing should not take place in a sabotage zone. Instead, the impostor must take advantage of the chaos and kill the crew member on the way to the designated area. However, it is also suspicious if someone arrives in a sabotaged area very late. The impostor must not only quietly kill the uncomprehending crew member, but also rush to the damaged area as quickly as possible to avoid suspicion. Without such an alibi, the impostor is doomed.

1. Name yourself by color

If the impostor's color is orange and he calls himself Red, this will confuse players who are not watching the game like a maniac. When accusations fly, there will be confusion that the impostors can use to their advantage.

Having said that, it's safe to say that in the long run, or with professional players, this might not work. But if the impostor is lucky, then thanks to this tactical move, he will be able to avoid many risky maneuvers. And even if it doesn't work, it's not a crime to try.

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