Mafia: Definitive Edition - How to properly shoot from behind cover?


This guide will tell you step by step about Mafia: Definitive Edition how to shoot from behind cover in order to get an answer to the question - read on.

Skins are a new feature in Mafia 1 Remake - there was no mechanic for hiding behind objects in the original game. Do not shoot while standing in an open area - this will make you a very easy target. This way, you can take a lot of damage quickly or even die.

Always try to hide behind indestructible cover, such as the walls of buildings. Hiding behind a fence or a small box is more risky - such shelters can be destroyed. Of course, this mechanic works both ways - try destroying enemy hideouts.

And that's all you need to know about how to properly shoot from behind cover at Mafia: Definitive Edition.

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