The Last of Us Part II - What are the best skills to pump Abby


The best Abby's abilities in Last of Us Part 2 and which ones to download first - read the manual.

Abby is a female playable character in The Last of Us Part 2. Like Ellie, she has 5 skill trees that can be unlocked using the tutorials:

  • The first tree is "field tactics";
  • The second is "covert operations";
  • The third is "close combat";
  • Fourth - "small arms";
  • Fifth - "armament".

Last of Us 2 - Best Skills for Abby

In the middle of Last of Us 2, you will complete the walkthrough as Ellie and start playing as the previous main villain and WLF grunt, Abby. With such muscles, which are hard to imagine that a young girl has the opportunity to be, this is not the topic. Abby, like Ellie, has 5 skill trees, and they do not converge. In this tutorial, we will tell you about the best abilities for Abby and what is best for her to download. In one playthrough, you cannot upgrade all abilities to the limit. Let's talk about the following, which ones are better to learn first.

As with Ellie, it's impossible to 100% unlock all Abby's abilities in one playthrough. In addition, the abilities are unlocked in order, which means you need to open the previous experience before you can get another from this branch.

Field Tactics tree

Exactly the same as Ellie's Survival tree. It is your responsibility to maximize this tree as early as possible. Holding your breath is the 3rd experience in this tree. It's not the most needed, but all the abilities that increase your health and make your listening mode better are very useful in any environment. The Field Tactics ability tree is open from the very beginning of the game. The best knowledge here is "Holding your breath." It greatly increases Abby's resilience.

Covert Operations tree

Unlike Ellie, Abby does not have an "immortal" knife. As such, you will always need to sharpen. They are needed for direct (close) encounters with the infected. “Crafting sharpenings” is a vital, principled experience that must be discovered as soon as possible, and “Creating more sharpenings” (the last experience) will allow you to carry more of them with you and save resources. "Covert operations" - abilities that allow you to make different objects, instantly move, move with a captured rival, and almost everything else. In this tree, you should first improve the "sharpening" experience. As a result of it, you can create weapons items for close combat.

Melee tree

Melee is Abby's less useful skill tree. This includes the ability to improve first-aid kits, to increase stamina during a shootout, and more. You will use them occasionally. However, it is worth learning the Impulse skill. She will allow you to perfectly resist opponents in a fist fight.

Small Arms Tree

As part of the WLF, Abby has access to a massive arsenal of weapons. This tree is one of the most important for pumping, especially if you want to go to the enemy head-on, and not hide like Ellie. If you want to devote yourself one hundred percent to Abby's militarized past, then you must go all-in and improve this tree one hundred percent. In general, if you do not want to one hundred percent swing "Small arms", then we advise you to open the "Creation of incendiary shells" as a little bit. Such ammunition will allow you to use a shotgun instead of Molotov cocktails. Throughout the game, Abby expects to use a variety of firearms. For this reason, the ability of the Ranged Weapon tree is the most important for her. First, download "Create Incendiary Ammo", and then focus on the skill "More Incendiary Ammo".

Armament tree

The first experience in this tree is Fast Crafting. In general, it is not the most necessary, but everything else in this tree is amazing. Tube Bombs are a good weapon Abby can use, and Improved Tube Bombs (XP 3) is even better. If you are trying to pass the game unnoticed, then download the "Improved Silencer", so it provides a good advantage. Abilities of the Armament tree to do better first:

  • "Tubular bombs";
  • "Improved muffler".

The first skill will allow you to use a brand new type of bombs. As a result of the second, you can fire more quietly.

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