Cheat codes CS: GO in the console for weapons, knives and time with bots


The main CS:GO settings are available through the standard game menu. For beginners, it may be enough to use only them.

However, experienced players may be interested in fine-tuning various features. This can be done using the CS GO console commands. There are many of them and they are listed in this CS:GO guide.

What is the CS:GO Developer Console?

To create a game, developers have to write a lot of code. It defines the appearance of virtual objects, their behavior in virtuality and all aspects of the game world. Using programming code, they can do anything with any game. Developers protect their products from unauthorized intrusions - so as not to break everything they have worked so hard for. However, some developers allow a limited number of special programming commands that are able to change the game code in a certain way. This also applies to CS:GO.

Valve Corporation lists quite a few CS:GO commands, and any user can type them in a special developer console.

How to launch the CS:GO Developer Console?

First, we must enable this feature in the game menu. For this:

1. Go to the "Options -> Game Settings" menu. This menu is available through the game's initial screen ("Options" tab at the top) and through the menu during gameplay ("Esc -> Help & Options -> Game Setting").

2. Find "Enable Developer Console" in the list and click the arrows to indicate "Yes".

To launch the console in game, simply press the tilde (~) button. After that, you will be able to type any commands of the CS:GO console. If the console does not open in CSGO, you can use the following solution. Go to the following path: steamSteamAppscommonCounter-Strike Global Offensivecsgocfgconfig.cfg (sometimes configdefault.cfg), open the .cfg with any notepad, find and modify toogleconsole. As a result, you should get toogleconsole ="`". So, you know how to enable the console in CS GO.

Extended list of CS:GO console commands

While we are typing something on the console, the game suggests possible commands. This is a very handy feature for those who know exactly what to type and what the suggested commands mean. For those who don't know - here is a useful list of CSGO commands.

Read the explanations to find out what you can do with the game. You can then return to this CS:GO guide and search for a specific team. Copy it and paste it into the console, or start typing the command and select one of the autocomplete suggestions.

For your convenience, we have divided all CS:GO teams into logical groups.

Pay attention to the meanings of CS GO commands. For most of them, there is a general "0/1" rule, where "1" turns on the effect of the command, and "0" turns it off. If there are other roles for the command value, we indicate this in the list.

Commands to Improve Game Performance

If you are experiencing lag while playing CS:GO, try these commands to improve your performance. In most situations, the game adjusts itself perfectly, but sometimes additional actions will give a good effect, especially on older computers. The first three are responsible for cs go fps commands.

  • cl_showfps 0-5 - this CS GO FPS command enables (1) or disables (0) the CSGO show FPS indicator, this is an easy way to show fps in CSGO. If you can see how many frames per second your computer can support, you can make more accurate decisions about further settings using console commands. Use values ​​2-5 to display various technical information along with FPS.

  • fps_max 60 - Specifies the maximum frame per second (FPS) limit. The higher this value, the greater the load on your computer. Change the value "60" according to the actual power of your computer. fps_max 0 - removes the maximum fps limit. If you use the CS GO FPS command with a value of 1, it will return the previously set limit.
  • r_drawparticles 0 - disables many small particles in the game, reducing the load on the PC.
  • muzzleflash_light 0 - disables the flash when shooting.
  • r_eyemove 0 - makes the eyes motionless.
  • r_gloss 0 - turns off the glitter of the eyes.
  • func_break_max_pieces 0 - removes some small objects in virtuality.
  • dsp_slow_cpu 1 - degrades sound quality. This is not the most efficient way to improve game performance, so use it as a last resort.
  • mat_disable_bloom 1 - removes the blooming special effect in virtuality, so the picture on the screen will be a little simpler.
  • mm_dedicated_search_maxping [value] - maximum ping for matchmaking. Small values ​​are best because the server and your computer will communicate quickly. The value 80 is the average.
  • cl_downloadfilter nosounds - blocks the loading of custom sounds from the server.
  • host_writeconfig - saves your settings to a configuration file.

Commands for customizing the game interface

  • name [nickname] - this command allows you to use a unique CS:GO nickname that is different from your Steam username.
  • cl_hud_playercount_pos 1 - moves the list of players to the bottom of the screen. A value of 0 returns the standard top position.
  • cl_hud_playercount_showcount 1 - converts the number of players into the number of live characters. This is handy when you are not interested in detailed information about opponents and teammates.
  • hud_scaling [value] - sets the size of interface elements. Use values ​​between 0.5 and 0.95.
  • cl_showloadout 1 - this command shows inventory items in the lower right corner.
  • cl_radar_always_centered 1 - changes the radar mode, placing the character in its center.
  • cl_radar_rotate 1 - makes the radar rotate. This can help you navigate the CSGO map.
  • cl_radar_square_with_scoreboard 1 - the radar becomes square and the score of the match is displayed on it.
  • hideradar - remove the radar. The drawradar command returns it.

  • cl_radar_scale 0.3 - radar scale.
  • cl_radar_icon_scale_min 0.7 - the scale of game symbols on the radar.
  • cl_hud_radar_scale 1.15 - changes the size of the radar and other interface elements.
  • hud_scaling [value] - scale of all interface elements.

  • hud_showtargetid 0 - hides the names of players when hovering over their characters.
  • cl_hud_background_alpha [value] - opacity level for interface elements. A popular value is 0.1.
  • cl_hud_background_alpha 1 - the indicator of whether you have a bomb is displayed under the radar. At a value of 0, it is returned to inventory.
  • cl_hud_color [value] - Changes the color of interface elements. Try values ​​from 0 to 10.
  • con_filter_enable 2 -> con_filter_text Damage -> con_filter_text_out Player: - this combination of commands activates a demonstration of the damage inflicted / inflicted on your character. Information will appear in the upper left corner after the death of the hero.
  • cl_draw_only_deathnotices 1 - only death notifications will appear in the game interface; all other elements will be hidden.
  • cl_drawhud 0 - removes all interface elements from the game screen.

CS:GO Commands for Customizing the Game View

  • sv_showbullethits 0 - disables the blood animation in the game.
  • r_cleardecals - Erase all existing blood and bullet holes in the CS:GO virtual world.
  • cam_idealdist 150 - distance of the game camera from the character.

  • cam_idealaw 0 - camera position. The value 0 is standard. Change it to move the camera in a circle (for example, a value of 100 moves the camera to the right).
  • cam_command 1 - activates the third person perspective. cam_command 2 returns the default first person perspective.

  • cl_righthand 1 - places the weapon in the left hand. cl_righthand 0 - returns the view of the right hand.

  • viewmodel_presetpos 2 - this command changes the type of weapon. It has different values: 2 - closed view, 3 - classic view, as in Counter-Strike 1.6, 1 - default view.
  • viewmodel_offset_x [value] - By entering this command, players can adjust the position of the character's hand. It defines the x-axis. Change the letter in this command to affect the y or z axis (viewmodel_offset_y, viewmodel_offset_z). The value can be from -2 to 2.5.
  • viewmodel_fov [value] - forces the character to hold the weapon closer or farther. The value can be from -54 to 65).
  • r_dynamic 0 - disables dynamic lighting.
  • r_drawtracers_firstperson 0 - you will not see the light of fire from the weapon.
  • mat_savechanges - use this command to save the changes called via the console for the next matches.

Mouse settings via console

  • sensitivity 2.5 - mouse sensitivity; a value of 2.5 is popular among pro players.
  • m_rawinput 1 - with this command, the game will configure the mouse directly, bypassing the operating system.
  • m_customaccel 1 - activates mouse acceleration.
  • m_customaccel_scale 0.04 - this command sets the gain of the mouse.
  • m_customaccel_exponent [value] - sets the mouse gain index.
  • m_customaccel_max [value] - maximum possible mouse amplification index.
  • m_mouseaccel1 1 - activates 2x mouse boost.
  • m_mouseaccel2 1 - activates 4x mouse acceleration.
  • m_mousespeed 1 - mouse acceleration will be controlled by Windows tools.
  • m_forward 1 - mouse sensitivity when moving forward.
  • m_side 0.8 - mouse sensitivity when moving sideways.
  • m_yaw 0.022 - mouse sensitivity when moving horizontally.
  • m_pich 0.022 - mouse sensitivity when moving vertically.
  • m_pitch 0.022 - command to invert the mouse.

Practice Mode Commands - CS:GO Server Commands

In order to improve our gaming skills, we can play standard matches, but sometimes, when only certain aspects need to be developed, it is better to organize games with special conditions. So, here are useful CS GO training commands for creating such conditions. Of course, these commands will not work on official servers, but you can create your own game with friends by making up rules for it.

  • mp_free_armor 1 - all players receive kevlar + helmet at the start of matches.
  • mp_randomspawn [value] - activates various spawn schemes. Value 0 - standard spawn, 1 - random spawn for both teams, 2 - for terrorists, 3 - for counter-terrorists.
  • mp_friendlyfire 1 - allows team members to shoot each other.
  • mp_freezetime [value] - time in seconds for which game characters are frozen at the beginning of the match.
  • mp_do_warmup_period 1 - activate the warm-up period at the start of matches.
  • mp_warmuptime [value] - time for the warm-up period, in seconds.
  • mp_warmup_start and mp_warmup_end - to manually start and end a warmup, now you know how to end a CSGO warmup.
  • mp_buytime [value] - time to buy, in seconds.
  • mp_buy_anywhere 1 - activates the ability to buy weapons and equipment anywhere and anytime. A value of 2 allows terrorists to do this, 3 - counter-terrorists.
  • mp_roundtime [value] - duration of the round, in minutes.
  • mp_maxrounds [value] - the number of rounds in the match.
  • mp_timelimit [value] - time limit for the whole game, in minutes.
  • mp_buy_allow_grenades 0 - prohibits buying grenades.
  • ammo_grenade_limit_total [value] - grenade limit for one player.
  • ammo_grenade_limit_flashbang [value] - limit of flash grenades for one player.
  • mp_c4timer [value] - time in seconds for the bomb to explode.
  • mp_death_drop_c4 0 - the bomb will not fall after the death of the character with it.
  • mp_death_drop_defuser 0 - defuser will not fall after the death of a character with it.
  • mp_limitteams 0 - disables restrictions on the number of players in both teams.
  • mp_autoteambalance 0 - disables auto-balance of the number of players in teams.
  • mp_ignore_round_win_conditions - the end of the round occurs only by the elapsed time.
  • mp_restartgame [value] - restart the game. If you use any value, it specifies the time in seconds before restart. If there is no value, the restart will be immediate.
  • mp_round_restart_delay [value] - time in seconds before restarting the game.
  • mp_forcechasecam 1 - after death, your character will watch the game of his teammates. Use a value of 0 for free flight mode, or 2 for watching the match from the spot of death.
  • mp_fadetoblack 1 - activates a black screen after the death of the character.
  • Changelevel [map codename] - this command changes the current map. Use de_nuke for Nuke, de_cbble for Cobblestone. Other popular maps: de_cache, de_inferno, de_dust, de_overpass, de_train, de_mirage.
  • kill - when you enter this command, your character dies.

Respawn commands in CS GO

  • mp_respawn_immunitytime [value] - time in seconds for invulnerability at the beginning of matches. The value can be from 0 with no upper limit.
  • mp_respawn_on_death_ct 1 - counter-terrorists immediately respawn after death. To activate the same for terrorists, enter the command mp_respawn_on_death_t 1. This is a useful feature for constant practice.

CS GO money teams

  • mp_startmoney [value] - determines the total amount of starting money.
  • mp_maxmoney [value] - the maximum amount of money available during matches.
  • mp_afterroundmoney [value] - determines the total amount that players receive at the end of matches.

"Cheat" teams

The commands in this section change the physics of the game, making some "magic" possible. Some of them are also for setting up your CS:GO server or for playing with bots. Some of them are very useful for training.

For these commands to work, you need to type:

  • sv_cheats 1 - allows you to use cheat commands.

After that, you can activate the following console commands:

  • sv_infinite_ammo 1 - all players get infinite ammo. At a value of 1, characters must reload their weapons. With a value of 2, they can shoot constantly.
  • sv_showbullethits 1 - shows where the bullets hit the characters.

  • sv_showimpacts 1 - shows the places where bullets hit virtual objects.
  • sv_showimpacts_time [value] - time in seconds to display the impact of your bullets.

  • sv_grenade_trajectory_time [value] - time in seconds for displaying the trajectory of grenades.
  • God - makes your character invulnerable. Use the gods command to spread the effect to all participants in the match.
  • sv_specspeed 1.5 - The speed of the player character in spectator mode.
  • cl_disable_ragdolls 1 - removes ragdoll physics and smoke on the virtual map.

CS GO team walls

  • r_drawothermodels 2 - allows you to see other virtual characters through solid walls, great CSGO walls team. A value of 0 hides all characters. A value of 1 returns the standard view.
  • noclip - allows you to fly and walk through walls.
  • sv_specnoclip 1 - the ability to fly and pass through walls for players in spectator mode.

Command "Give weapon" CS GO

In such a match, you can get any CS:GO weapon for free - a great way to practice! To do this, enter the command:

  • give weapon_[weapon code name] - the main CSGO command give weapon, if your character already has a weapon in his hands, the new weapon will fall to the ground in front of him. To swap, press the "E" button.

Here is a list of codenames for every weapon in CS:GO. We have put them in code form for a more convenient copy-paste process.


  • give weapon_deagle – Desert Eagle;
  • give weapon_elite – Dual Berettas;
  • give weapon_fiveseven – Five-SeveN;
  • give weapon_glock – Glock-18;
  • give weapon_p250 – p250;
  • give weapon_usp_silencer – USP-S;
  • give weapon_tec9 – Tec-9;
  • give weapon_hkp2000 – P2000;
  • give weapon_cz75a – cz75-Auto.


  • give weapon_mp9 – MP9;
  • give weapon_mac10 – MAC-10;
  • give weapon_mp7 – MP7;
  • give weapon_p90 – P90;
  • give weapon_bizon – PP-Bizon;
  • give weapon_ump45 – UMP-45.


  • give weapon_nova – Nova;
  • give weapon_xm1014 – XM1014;
  • give weapon_mag7 – MAG-7;
  • give weapon_sawedoff – Saw-Off.
  • give weapon_m249 – m249;
  • give weapon_negev – Negev.


  • give weapon_ak47 – Ak-47;
  • give weapon_m4a1_silencer – M4A1-S;
  • give weapon_aug – AUG;
  • give weapon_m4a1 – M4A4;

  • give weapon_galilar – Galil AR;
  • give weapon_sg553 – SG-553;
  • give weapon_famas – FAMAS;
  • give weapon_ssg08 – SSG 08;
  • give weapon_g3sg1 – G3SG1;
  • give weapon_scar20 – SCAR-20;
  • give weapon_awp – AWP.


  • give weapon_bayonet – Bayonet;
  • give weapon_m9_bayonet - M9 Bayonet;
  • give weapon_flip – Flip Knife;
  • give weapon_gut – Gut Knife;
  • give weapon_karambit – Karambit;
  • give weapon_tactical – Huntsman Knife;
  • give weapon_butterfly – Butterfly Knife
  • give weapon_falchion – Falchion Knife;
  • give weapon_survival_bowie – Bowie Knife
  • give weapon_knife_ct – the knife of counter-terrorists;
  • give weapon_knife_t – the knife of terrorists;
  • give weapon_knifegg - the gold knife.


  • give weapon_hegrenade - HE grenade;
  • give weapon_flashbang - flash grenade;
  • give weapon_smokegrenade - Smoke grenade;
  • give weapon_decoy - Deception;
  • give weapon_molotov - Molotov cocktail (terrorists);
  • give weapon_incgrenade - Incendiary grenade (counter-terrorists).


  • give weapon_c4 - bomb C4;
  • give weapon_taser - stun gun Zeus x27;
  • give weapon_heavyassaultsuit - heavy assault suit.

Commands for CS GO bots

  • bot_add - add a bot to a team that lacks players.

  • bot_add_t - add a bot to the terrorist team.

  • bot_add_ct - add a bot to the counter-terrorist team.
  • bot_quota [value] - the number of bots in both teams.
  • bot_kick - remove all bots in the game.

How to remove bots in CSGO!

  • bot_kill - kill all bots.
  • bot_stop - make all bots freeze.
  • bot_dont_shoot - Bots stop shooting.
  • bot_knives_only - all bots use only knives.
  • bot_pistols_only - all bots use only pistols.
  • bot_all_weapons - all weapons become available to bots.
  • bot_zombie 1 - all bots turn into "zombies", remaining indifferent to what is happening around.
  • bot_difficulty [value] - changes the skill level of bots. A value of 0 is the lowest skill level and a value of 2 is the highest skill level.
  • bot mimic 1 - bots copy all the actions of your character.
  • bot_crouch 1 - all bots squat.

Commands for interacting with other players

  • kick [nickname] - removes the player from the game;
  • kicked [Steam ID] - deletes a player by his Steam ID;
  • banid [value] - bans a player by his Steam ID. The value means the time in minutes. The value 0 means forever.
  • banip [value] - ban a player by his IP address, in minutes. A value of 0 means a permanent ban.
  • voice_enable 0 - mute all players in voice chat. This command is useful when your teammates are quite annoying and distract you from the game.

CS:GO Commands for Customizing the Crosshair

We can change the appearance of the crosshair in CS:GO through the game menu. However, there are also special CS GO crosshair commands for this:

  • 0 - removes the crosshair CS GO. With a value of 1, the command returns to the standard form (crosshair 1).
  • cl_crosshairstyle [value] - crosshair style; the following values ​​are possible here: 0 - default, 1 - static default, 2 - classic crosshair (as in CS 1.6), 3 - dynamic classic, 4 - static classic crosshair.
  • cl_crosshaircolor [value] - crosshair color. Available settings are red (0), green (1), yellow (2), dark blue (3), light blue (4), and custom (5). To set a custom color, enter the following three commands: cl_crosshaircolor_r 0-255 - shade of red, cl_crosshaircolor_g 0-255 - shade of green; cl_crosshaircolor_b 0-255 - shade of blue.
  • cl_crosshairsize [value] - length of crosshair lines. The minimum value is 0.5.
  • cl_crosshairthickness [value] - thickness of crosshair lines. The minimum value is 0.5.
  • cl_crosshairgap [value] - the size of the gap between the lines in the crosshairs. The default value is 0. You can also use a negative number.
  • cl_crosshairdot 1 - add a dot to the center of the crosshair. Enter the commands cl_crosshairsize 0 and cl_crosshairdot 1 and you'll get just a dot instead of a regular crosshair;
  • cl_crosshair_drawoutline 1 - draws a dark outline in the crosshairs.
  • cl_crosshair_outlinethickness [value] - the thickness of the contour. Available values ​​are 0-3.
  • cl_crosshairusealpha 1 - activates transparency.
  • cl_crosshairalpha 0-255 - transparency saturation; this command only works after entering cl_crosshairusealpha 1.

CS GO launch options

How to Enter Commands Before the Game Starts - CS:GO Launch Options

We can set some CS:GO options even from the Steam app so that they work in all future matches.

To do this, in Steam, right-click on Counter-Strike: Global Offensive -> Properties -> Set Launch Options. A window for entering commands will appear. Start each command with "-" (as in the list below) and leave spaces between them.

  • -console - opens the console immediately after the start of the match.
  • -novid - disables video inserts.
  • -high - causes the computer to give the game a high priority, so that the processor will pretty much ignore all background processes. A similar effect can be achieved by closing all other windows before launching the game.
  • -threads [value] - forces the computer to use the specified number of processor cores. Try to use all the cores of your computer and check the result.
  • -tickrate [value] - the number of information updates on the server per second (for your server, of course). Most matchmaking servers use 64. Some recommend trying 128.
  • -language English - sets the language for the game if you want to use a different language than in the Steam application.
  • -fullscreen - the game opens in full screen mode; it is easier to use the appropriate settings in the game menu.
  • -windowed - play CS:GO in a regular window; the command has additional options: -w [value] for width, -h [value] for height, -x [value] for x-axis, -y [value] for y-axis.
  • -noborder - use this command to remove the borders around the CS:GO window.

Choose the best CSGO console commands and add them to .cfg

First you need to get enough experience of playing CS:GO - in order to understand your in-game needs in practice. Then carefully study the list of commands and determine the best CSGO console commands for you in it. Why? So that you can add them to your custom CS:GO config file and have their effects active by default without having to enter them over and over again.

It is better to do this not in the standard configuration file (config.cfg), but in a separate autoexec.cfg file. This way, all your commands will be stored in one place - to quickly delete them or transfer them to another computer and have all your configurations there.

The config.cfg file can be found here - Steamuserdata[your Steam ID]730localcfgconfig.cfg.

This path is relevant for the current version of the Steam app. In some cases, config.cfg may be located here - SteamsteamappscommonCounter-Strike Global Offensivecsgocfgconfig.cfg.

Open this file with Notepad++. You will see all console commands active for your CS:GO game and will be able to edit them.

Place the autoexec.cfg file in the same folder where you found the config.cfg. First create it in Notepad++ - via a new file or by saving config.cfg with a different name and deleting all the commands in it.

So now you have an empty autoexec.cfg - just put any commands there and save the file. Note that command values ​​must be enclosed in quotes, just like in the original config.cfg.

This is also a solution on how to autoexec for CSGO (CSGO autoexec not working) - just clear the existing file or create a new one by following the described pages and it will solve the problem.

Here are some commands to add to autoexec.cfg.

Graphics settings

  • mat_monitorgamma "[value]" - sets the brightness in the game. Common values ​​are from 1.6 to 2.1. The same option is available through the settings menu.
  • mat_queue_mode "-1" - activates multi-core rendering.
  • volume "[value]" - sound volume.
  • snd_musicvolume "[value]" - the volume of the music in the game.
  • snd_headphone_pan_exponent "[value]" - loudness of distant sounds.
  • voice_scale "[value]" - the volume of the voices of your teammates.
  • voice_enable "0" - You won't hear your teammates. voice_enable "1" activates normal settings. These commands can also be useful to type on the console for a specific match. In this case, remove the quotes.
  • windows_speaker_config "[value]" - use this command to tell the computer which audio device you are using. Possible values ​​are: 1 - auto-fit, 2 - headset, 3 - four speakers, 4 - two speakers and 5 - 5.1 surround.
  • snd_mixahead "[value]" - delay in the processing of in-game sounds. The default value is 0.1. Some players prefer 0.05, but this can be too heavy on the computer.
  • developer "1" - Enables a special console developer mode. In it you will see more information about the commands. This information may be redundant.

  • cl_autohelp "0" - cancels help messages from the game. To achieve the final result, enter two more commands: cl_showhelp "0" and player_nevershow_communityservermessage "1".
  • cl_disablehtmlmotd "1" - this command blocks messages from the server.
  • cl_autowepswitch "0" - the player character will not automatically change weapons when he is standing next to him. Can be useful in many situations. For example, you will need this feature when your character steps on a weapon while firing.
  • closeonbuy "1" - closes the buy menu after making one purchase.
  • hud_takesshots "1" - automatically takes screenshots of the scoreboard at the end of matches.
  • cl_forcepreload "1" - uploads objects to maps immediately after connection. This may increase download time.
  • cl_disablefreezecam "1" - disables freezing of the camera after death.
  • echo "[text]" - write any text and you will see it on the console after the start of the match. This will help check if the autoexec file is running properly.

How to bind keys in CS GO

One of the most convenient uses of the autoexec.cfg file is to bind keys to actions. By default, we have a lot of these bindings, and they are quite useful in the game. However, with experience, you may feel the need to obtain a special key for a specific action.

To do this, add the command to autoexec.cfg:

  • bind [key] "[action]"

Look at the top of the standard config.cfg for a list of default bindings. Use it to make your own changes.

For example, use the bind - "voice_enable 0" command to bind the "-" button to the mute command for all players in voice chat. Or bind + "voice_enable 1" to bring back a working voice chat.

The command alias opens up quite interesting possibilities for binding several actions to one key, combining different commands. It has the following structure:

  • alias [new command] "[command]; [command]; [command]".

Cancel commands

Using a lot of different commands can get you into a confusing situation where you want to have the default game settings but can't remember which commands to override.

If you use autoexec.cfg - just delete it all or remove some commands from it.

If you have entered commands in the CS:GO Developer Console, open the standard config.cfg file and clear it. You can also delete the entire CSGO config file - the game will create a new one by default the next time you start it.

The use of console commands in CS:GO can create conditions for success in the game. However, they cannot make you play better - it only comes with practice.

Check out the best CSGO wallpapers in our article. Be alert!

In addition, it is very useful to watch CS:GO Esports competitions. You will see the skill of professional players and you will learn from them, absorb some of their tricks. The Skins.Cash blog has a "Tournaments" section where you will find reviews of the most interesting esports events with match videos.

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