Dracula: The Resurrection - Library door won't open


Faced the problem that the door to the library in the guide opens, but you do not? For my Russian-speaking brothers, I decided to make a simple guide without screenshots, but I'll write so that you will understand everything.

In general, more than one review will not help you to pass this stupid level, because the Steam developers made some kind of mess out of it and it turned out fig knows what.
So that's it. We load again, go into the hall on the left, take the keys inserted into the door. Now we go up the stairs, go through the door and then down and to the left and we are in Vlad Dracula's room. We only take the ball !! And we immediately go to the left door.

We go upstairs to the right, we pull for this garbage, which in the hallway makes for us well, 4 round boards like that. So we return through Vlad's room to the hall. We go to the left, we go down on this garbage. There is a door. There are not even icons that it opens. We take the key, which we found hanging in the lobby, poke at it and voila, we are on the street !! We go to the grandmother with the ball. She is his shaman. We return back to Vlad's room. We hang the picture. We put the shaman ball in the same place where we took it. Then we go, where the chest there will be a circle with a riddle.

On the internet, look for how to solve it there are only 3 buttons you need to press one on the right, the other opposite to the left, and 3 on the right below. Next, he opens the door in Vlad's room ... we go there and insert a circle into a circle. Step back. We take from the golden lion. Then in the same circle where the circle was inserted we insert the dagger. The boss of another lion which opens in the center, it will be necessary to insert a hand there, and there is also a littered one in the hall. And then press the lever ... in general, everything is farther according to the old system (see the passage of the Video on the Internet). If the game crashes !!! Right click on the game in the properties library and check the integrity of the cache. I had it. Not at all, brothers.

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