Minecraft Dungeons - How to decorate your house and arrange furniture?


When you start playing Minecraft Dungeons, you will quickly find that there is a house in your camp. You may ask if there is a way to decorate your houses in the game.

This is a weird answer because you can do it, but you can't place furniture or anything like that. As you progress through the game and achieve certain skills, new items and decorations will be added to the house. New paintings and statues will arrive for you to see with awe and wonder.

Unfortunately, the game does not have an active crafting and decor placement element that regular Minecraft has, but it would be very convenient if similar features appeared in the game in the future.

Your camp can also be changed during the game. Finishing areas will spawn useful NPCs in your camp, such as the Blacksmith and the Merchant. You can then buy randomly generated items from them that will match your power level.

This is useful because if one of your pieces of gear falls behind because you're out of luck with drops, you can spam random drops until you get something you can replace, and that all-important hit is in your power.

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