Oddworld Soulstorm - How to fix Slig Stops Moving error


In this guide, we will tell you how to solve the problem when a Slig error occurs in Oddworld: Soulstorm?

Solution for Slig error in Oddworld: Soulstorm

  • Sligs are very active patrol guys and take their job very seriously. Now it can work in your favor if they turn in the other direction of your path.
  • However, if they stop going down the path you want to go, just distract them.
  • Any noise or distraction, such as throwing something at these poor slaves, would force them out of their trance and begin guarding their assigned path again. If this method doesn't work, unfortunately you will have to restart the game from the last checkpoint.
  • Oddworld Soulstorm has reported several bugs along with this one and some of them are quite minor and fixable.
  • The slig's decision to stop moving is a distraction.
  • While it might not work sometimes, don't lose hope. You can simply restart from the last checkpoint and the error may not occur again. It's all in our Oddworld Soulstorm Slig Stops Moving Bug Solution guide.

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