All commands for minecraft mobs and the team for killing mobs in minecraft. In order to start entering cheat codes for Minecraft, you need to enter the game and press T or / to bring up the console - you need to enter the codes in it. In order to summon a creature, there is a /summon command for minecraft, it is also a mob spawner, below is a list of commands for all creatures in Minecraft on the server.
List of creatures that can be summoned with the summon command
MushroomCow - fly agaric cow
Chicken - chicken
Sheep - sheep
Giant - giant
MinecartHopper - loading trolley
SmallFireball - fireball
PigZombie - pig zombie
WitherBoss - Wither
Slime - slug
LeashKnot - n/a
Blaze - ifrit
Fireball - big fireball
CaveSpider - cave spider
MinecartSpawner - minecart with spawner
EnderDragon - end dragon
Monster - monster (model deleted)
Snowman - snowman
MinecartRideable - Cart
witch - witch
ThrownExpBottle - a bottle of experience
Snowball - snowball
MinecartChest - chest cart
WitherSkull - Wither Skulls
Enderman - wanderer of the edge (Enderman)
MinecartFurnace - motor cart
EnderCrystal - edge crystal
FireworksRocketEntity - fireworks
Mob - mob
Arrow - arrow
EntityHorse - horse
LavaSlime - lava slime
ThrownPotion - a bottle of potion
Silverfish - scale
spider - spider
ThrownEnderPearl - Ender's pearl
EyeOfEnderSignal - Ender's eye signal
Bat - bat
VillagerGolem - iron golem
PrimedTNT - launched TNT
FallingSand - n/a
ItemFrame - frame
XPOrb - n/a
MinecartCommandBlock - command block cart
MinecartTNT - dynamite cart
Ozelot - ocelot
villager - villager
squid - squid
Cow - cow
Skeleton - skeleton
Ghast - gast
Examples of using the /summon command
1. /summon Skeleton
Skeleton call.
2. /summon Skeleton ~0 ~5 ~0 {Equipment:[{id:267},{id:309},{id:308},{id:307},{id:306}]}
Call a skeleton with a sword in his hands, as well as in iron armor, 5 blocks above you.
3. /summon Pig ~ ~ ~ {Saddle:1,CustomName:"Mr. Pig",CustomNameVisible:1}
Calling a pig with a saddle named Mr. Pig, at the player's location.
Minecraft command kill all mobs
On server: /mobkill all
Alone: Take a command block and write /kill @e in it and activate
/kill @e[type=!Player]
Kills all entities (mobs, drops, experience spheres, arrows, etc.) except players
/kill @e[type=minecraft:NAME]
/kill @e[type=minecraft:slime] - All slimes will die
Or you can /kill @e[type=!minecraft:player,type=!minecraft:item] - Will die everything except players and items on the ground
/difficulty peaceful
Enables peaceful mode
Game page: Minecraft.