In Her Eyes: 8 Plot Holes That Don't Make Sense


Netflix's Behind Her Eyes made the bold choice of astral projection, but as much as fans love the result, there are still plot holes.

While Netflix has missed the mark very often with original movie content in the past, one side it has had better success with is original series. Behind Her Eyes was #1 in the UK for several days and most fans seemed to enjoy the surprise ending.

8. Rob's personality

Fans who have watched the series know that the Adele that viewers have been seeing all this time was actually Rob in Adele's body, but Rob is still different. In flashbacks, viewers saw that both Rob and Adele were happy, outgoing, fun people.

However, while in Adele's body, Rob behaves differently than before. It could be argued that it would be easy for David to notice that something was wrong if Rob behaved like himself, but he does not behave like Adele did, because she was also a very sociable person. Thus, Rob, in fact, behaves not at all like he really is or like who he claims to be.

7 Robbery Of Louise's Work

As Louise's suspicions about David and Adele intensify, she decides to take matters into her own hands and break into David's office to see what she can find.

However, as David notes, Louise forgot about the cameras that caught her at the crime scene. Louise has been working in the office for a long time and, entering it, she did not think about the cameras that could see her?

6. Anthony shows up at David's house

Fans may remember Anthony as a disgruntled patient who demanded that David see him when he burst into the office. However, Anthony later shows up at David's house.

It's safe to say that psychiatrists (and professionals in general) would probably like to keep their home address a secret to avoid situations like this. Maybe Anthony found David's house in some other way, or maybe David just passed it on. Whatever the reason, it's still a blatant plot hole.

5. New Louise

Fans who watch the series to the end will know that Louise at the end is Rob in Louise's body. David's career as a psychiatrist is based on the study of people, their mind, behavior and personality.

But somehow he doesn't realize that Adele looks and acts completely different, especially with that creepy wide-eyed look. This would be enough to make anyone doubt the correctness of their choice of relationship. Even Adam is smart enough to spot something right away.

4. Louise's plan

In the final minutes of the show, Louise decides to astral project to get to Adele since she can't get in the front door, a selfless act that ends up leaving her lifeless. But what exactly was her plan?

The two astral forms can't talk to each other, so once inside the house, she will see Adele unconscious and then return to her body, which still can't enter the front door? Surely an astral projection would be a waste of valuable time that could have been spent calling in some nearby walkers to help get into the house?

3. Suicide note

Before setting fire to the house, Adele can be seen writing a suicide note in which she explains that David is innocent and that she would rather be burned alive than go to jail.

However, if the intention is to burn down the house, why leave a suicide note that will most likely burn in the fire? Adele/Rob could have come up with a smarter way to get what they want.

2. Rob's plan

When fans find out that Rob who went down the well was actually Adele in Rob's body, and that Rob in Adele's body was the one who killed Adele in Rob's body (difficult, yes), it raises some questions.

Given that Rob has struggled with addiction, having his body lying in the woods after an overdose is much less suspicious than his body in the well. What happened in the end makes very little sense.

1. Side effects of astral projection

Throughout the series, when one of the characters practices astral projection, upon returning to his body, he always appears very disoriented and has difficulty moving around.

However, in the end, these side effects are absent: Louise in Adele's body regains consciousness very quickly, and the same thing happens to Rob in Louise's body. The side effects also do not appear when Louise returns to her body while reading to Adam, she seemed to regain consciousness very quickly.

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