Red Dead Redemption 2 - How to cure Arthur's tuberculosis?


Guide Red Dead Redemption 2 how to cure Arthur's tuberculosis, Arthur Morgan and other henchmen of Dutch van der Linde are forced to go on the run.

Their gang will take part in thefts, robberies and shootings in the heart of America. Federal agents and the best bounty hunters in the country are on their heels, and this guide will help you get there.

Red Dead Redemption 2 how to cure Arthur's tuberculosis?

Quite simply, in Red Dead Redemption 2, the protagonist Arthur Morgan fell ill with tuberculosis. Unfortunately, there is no chance of his survival. Arthur's death at the end of his story in Red Dead Redemption 2 shouldn't have been such a surprise, even before players knew he had active tuberculosis. This character is not even mentioned in the first Red Dead Redemption, so it makes sense that the sequel would follow in its predecessor's footsteps and end the story with the protagonist's tragic, untimely death. However, the nature of RDR2's branching endings and binary honor system begs the question: Can Arthur be cured?

According to Wikipedia, tuberculosis has long been one of the most common deadly diseases of mankind. Even in today's society, there is no cure - only cure - and almost a quarter of the world's current population has already contracted TB in some form (usually its inactive, non-contagious form). In 2018, the year Red Dead Redemption 2 was released, it is estimated that more than a million people died from tuberculosis, according to a World Health Organization report. Even with the benefits of modern medicine, such as antibiotics and vaccines, if someone has inactive, "latent" tuberculosis, it develops into an active form, this is still a serious problem. Red Dead Redemption 2 is set in 1899, long before treatments like those available today became commonplace (if they were ever invented). Regardless of how it is cut, the second Arthur Morgan extorts this money from a sick man in the second chapter of the game, he is dead.

Why Arthur Morgan's disease is still a serious illness

The only way for the player to even come close to saving Arthur's life is to not advance in the game at all. Stop playing story missions before Arthur dies and he will continue to goof off for as long as the player wants. However, if you advance to a certain point, then the consequences of Arthur's tuberculosis will still begin to appear. He will lose weight, turn pale and cough much more often. This is a shame, as it forces players to choose between maximizing the storyline and not wanting this cowboy to live in endless nightmares filled with disease and suffering. Also, robbing trains and shooting people isn't as fun when Arthur looks like a gaunt vampire with a penchant for leather hats.

However, from a narrative point of view, Arthur's illness is extremely interesting. The downfall of the Van der Linde gang in Red Dead Redemption 2 comes as a result of their core leadership either dying or somehow decaying. The most notable example of this is the gang's leader, Dutch, whose moral and moral decline over time leads him to lead the gang into danger and even betray some of his closest supporters. Similarly, Arthur's physical decay can be seen as a degradation of the gang's strength. Arthur is called the muscle of the gang. He is not dumb, but he is more of a doer than a thinker. And as Arthur gets weaker and weaker, the gang also loses its sense of power. More and more of his ranks die, enemies get closer to finding him, and he is forced to live in more and more desolate conditions. Without Arthur Morgan to act as glue, the Van der Linde gang cannot hold together.

And that's all you need to know about how to cure Arthur's tuberculosis in Red Dead Redemption 2. There is something to add, feel free to leave a comment below.

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