Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Text Walkthrough


Well, who else believes that bears walk along the boulevards in the USSR? The bears are requested by the army, dressed in body armor and parachute down on your metropolis. Look, they're flying. Professor Pilyulkin was the first to wake up. He noticed pictures on the wall and began to laugh. He liked them so much that he even put pince-nez on his snobel and began to look at the pictures very intently. He approached every portrait and laughed for a long time.
- Well done, Dunno! - said Professor Pilyulkin. I have never laughed so hard in my life!
In the end, he stopped near his own portrait and asked a stern question:
- Who's that? Is it me? No, it's not me. This is a very bad portrait. You better take it off.

Fiery flowers bloomed in the sky ... no, this is not a Victory salute, this is a gigantic spreading cranberry. This video game has everything that you did not want to find out about your native state, and not because you were afraid to ask. But perhaps there is no militant balalaika yet. Probably will be in Red Alert 4.

It is impossible to say that the video game came out as crazy as the basic Red Alert; in almost every respect she went much further. And it's not even about the unfortunate bears, however, getting used to the bear's snout in the menu is not easy.

How about, for example, a glorious armored personnel carrier, which is not enough that it rushes through the water like dry land - so besides ... it shoots soldiers from something like a mortar in the direction of enemy situations? There they smoothly descend by parachute. The idea of ​​a similar bear taking off from a cannon and then opening its parachute is epic.

What about the transforming cars of the Empire of the Rising Sun? Diving bombers that transform into submarines with a flick of the arm? Walking mechadinosaurs that jump up and turn into a helicopter?

Only, I beg you, there is no need for moth-squandered songs about disrespect for Russians and Russians. This is an honest grotesque; Allies with the proton collider and the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun with their own samurai and ninjas are reflected in the crazy crooked mirror. You should not be like the physician Pilyulkin from the epigraph.

And what just will not be necessary for us to do in the process of quests! Defend the Hermitage (completely famous!), seize Swiss banks, counterattack the Sculpture of Will, organize the murder of the ruler directly in the palace garden ... And what did this vile Cherdenko do with the sculptures on the Easter Peninsula!

All this is accompanied by briefings in an exclusive manner, with lively and very good actors; to be honest, the script could have been more ingenious, but the excursion in the spirit of "you can see different places, meet fascinating people and destroy them all" was a success.

What is missing to recognize a video game as a "perfect sequel" in style? Except perhaps Yuri... and the sinister shadow of Kane here and there behind the scenes.

How about a sequel on game ideas? Obviously, in Red Alert 3 they honestly reproduced the classic RTS scheme - building a base, extracting a resource with a combine (of course, in fact, a constantly processing plant is built close to the cave so as not to run far), with groups suspended by quantity. And not enough who would blame Electronic Arts, if after that we were left face to face with another chronoconflict between the Recommendations, the allies and the Japanese king who was added to them. Unless those who, contrary to reason, look for a "revolution in style" in every quest and are very upset that it is - oh marvelous! - didn't happen again.

But they just didn't stop there.
Memories of Diablo
I, comrades, will go out on a bear without fear,
If I'm with a friend, and the bear is without a friend.

M. Tanich
In almost all the volumes written to analyze the circumstances of Diablo's success (I'm not kidding - there are approximately 5,000 pages on this topic!), The theme of "multiplayer game" occupies a respectable place. Like, in Diablo, for the first time, people really tasted the joint elimination of monsters; and since that time, everyone can not slow down ...

Why am I? And to this, that after 12 years they decided to pull the same trick in RTS. All quest missions of all Red Alert 3 (!) campaigns are designed for co-op only. The 2nd allied armies create their own camps in more or less symmetrical positions, accumulate and squander the joint treasury - and jointly carry out a combat mission.

The feeling, I tell you, is typical; not in the final order - about this very aggregate treasury. But if you can get rid of the damned question about the next one, who is "squandering" whose finances, then we have a much more exciting exercise in concerted deeds than in MMORPG.

You can, of course, have an effect on the principle of "let's go to the bad reptile with a mountain!", This works even worse than traditionally in RTS; masses of tanks of supporters interfere with each other, fuss under the mouse, etc.. It is much more logical to plan the battle from 2 ends ... and here, no matter how fun, a moral problem comes to the surface. The reluctance to be the side that lures power away and bears the main costs of the operation is simply physiologically reluctant. Regarding a similar feeling, MMORPGs constantly lack competent ...

More seriously, finding two suitable destinations for attack is always more difficult than one; and even more difficult to arrange a symmetrical operation so that you are not killed individually.

Well, if you have purchased RA3 for yourself, are you going to try ? There are no problems: the good creators have provided you with an . The AI ​​controlled ally will cover your rear and generally do what he is entrusted with in the best way he can. He can indicate the location of troops for protection, a priority target for an immediate strike, or for distributing an attack.

The tragedy lies again in the total treasury: there is practically no such ability as "accumulating funds". Will you not create masses of cannon fodder yourself until high-tech is built up? Yes, for a good state of health, for the proceeds, your electric comrade will call a couple of battalions of "men with a gun" into a duel. In general, he does not produce frank nonsense, he does not try to storm the metropolis with fighters ... Therefore, he can be entrusted with luring the enemy to himself, and protecting the flank, and everything that does not require jewelry accuracy.

So even in synthetic supporter mode, the feelings are noteworthy and extraordinary. And mostly positive. However, I am not convinced that a huge future is destined for this regime.

How did the fish come to land?
It is better to bathe badly than to roam well.
The motto of water tourists
One of the endless troubles of the tactical genre is the uselessness of the seas; however, in reality, it was on average more profitable to rule the seas than by land, this fact stubbornly did not want to spread to the games. And all because the real prerequisites for the success of seafaring powers are traditionally thrown out of the model.

I can't say that in Red Alert 3 the model used is close to the real one, but the statement of the creators: "It will be profitable to rule the seas in our video game!" - was one hundred percent justified.

It's done like this.

Firstly, the base can simply be created at sea; everything, except for a tank factory and infantry barracks (yes, even an airfield!), can and sometimes needs to be created on piles resting on the seabed. And somewhere (however, there are few such places) the main resources are lying in the sea.

Secondly, there are many amphibious vehicles from among the fleets. For example, the already mentioned Russian Bullfrog with a landing gun; it is very comfortable to approach the protected area from the sea and launch parachuted infantry into the rear of the enemy.Or the American destroyer Assault, which combines strike power with the protection of its own from enemy fire. An amphibian can get out of the sea and sink into the water not just anywhere, but only in shallow water areas (it is clearly visible on the mini-map along the snow-white stripe), this is a completely harsh method of storming bases.

Thirdly, if you ignore the sea, the enemies will release battleships and aircraft carriers there, which will simply shoot through your entire base from a respectful distance, and you cannot even wave your hand at them. This is a much more severe danger than it might seem at first glance: it is difficult for a purely land defense to oppose something to rocket bombardment from a battleship.

Naturally, if the sea is only in the corner at the location, this will not work; but on the depressing bulk of game cards there are a lot of them or even quite a lot. Yes, and in the quest mission about Swiss banks. No matter how fun the battle fleet (with submarines!) Looks on Lake Geneva ... I hope that the bank robbery paid off these expenses for the Recommendations!

Aces up your sleeve
Star Wars scene. Chief of staff
Funny going duels:
- Oh, not weak, brothers, oh, not weak
My military companions!
E. Ponikarov

However, there was no prestigious war for control points in the video game, but another trend of recent years - merit for military accomplishments - did not pass Red Alert 3.

As your troops stay in the thick of the battle, they not only accumulate a martial skill (elite troops, which is not enough of what is stronger, also regenerate), but bring you closer to the ability to use superweapons. For any score, let's put it this way, a combat role, you can open one of the branches of the "tree" of the superweapon.

For example, the Recommendations can open the probability of an orbital bombardment with an initial score, and increase the volume and damaging factor of such a bombing with a second score. Demolishing buildings with this method is still ineffective, but if the enemy has short-sightedly concentrated the army into a huge fist, it is a pleasure to slam it with a combat companion, and finish off the few survivors with an ordinary attack. After that, the superweapon will reload for some time ... but you can open something from another branch, for example, pulling military vehicles to a suitable point.

This probability makes fights more energetic... and, surprisingly, doesn't tip the balance. In every situation, it will not work to win on the 1st superweapon alone; this is not the famous rocket from Dune 2, which, of course, hits the snow-white lighting like a pretty penny, but if it suddenly hits the enemy base, the enemy commander can only rush to Sigma Whelp.

But there are still control points somewhere: the same banks give the same sure income, and the capture of the hospital provides regeneration to your infantry.

Strategy, strategy and ballistics
- And now you see unique footage: you can watch live how a team of bandits prepares a rocket for launch.
- Chaim, you talk so relaxed about it...
- This is because we shoot them not with a TV camera, but with a missile guidance system. And here, in fact, he ...
A. Levitas
There are not very many spinning schemes in Red Alert 3 (in comparison, for example, with Warcraft 3). Since there is no developed system for improving the troops, the whole "tree" is reduced to the construction of production buildings (one for infantry, equipment, fleet and aviation) and even a technical structure that opens access to the most powerful tanks, aircraft and ships. And in a cooperative video game, of course, rush is likely, however, it is not very difficult to defend against it.

But to create a deaf defense at more belated steps is unrealistic. The rocket launcher, battleship, cannon "Athena" will simply "surpass" stationary guns in terms of range and disable them without even being exposed to a blow. I am silent about such means of protection (working well at first), like infantry inside the building. For this reason, you need to outplay each other in anger, and this, in my opinion, only makes the video game more entertaining. It is still too early to talk about the balance of the parties, however, at this step, I do not see a severe bias.

Speaking of long-range vehicles: in almost all locations of the campaign, it may seem at first glance even too long-range. For example, when it is necessary to storm the citadel in the crater of a volcano, there is absolutely no need to really lead troops to the slopes of the crater. Installed from below, in a hidden corner between the spurs of the mountain, rocket launchers, said: - and we are waiting ... A certain number of spitting - the bastion fell. We crawl to another hidden place, aim ... And traps (infantry fortifications landing soldiers) in the same location can generally be shot from battleships from the sea. Like the terrible superweapon of our rival - it is placed very close to the coast, however, this is most likely planned (it takes much longer to get there by land).

Flare guns are obviously not a trump card; in a close battle, as always, they are butchered without much difficulty. And very difficult tanks and completely ... crush them like infantry! Unless with some harm to personal health. The idea of ​​crushing military vehicles with tanks, and even light tanks, is still ... hmm ... not generally accepted, but Red Alert mixes amazingly with the general madness.

An excellent find - the probability of making a travel plan; at the same time, not simply in the form of waypoints (we have already seen this more than once), but in the form of alternate targets. This provides an opportunity for planning to redeem some of the micromanagement difficulties.

Strategy in campaigns has a funny effect on the system with expanding cards. It would seem that you explored the theater of combat decisions, decided on your own strategy in this location, decided on which side to create the defense of the base ... and here, as in the notorious Supreme Commander, the horizon in the north suddenly moves, and a wide operational zone opens up there. space from which enemy tanks are about to crawl... And your base has just turned to the south in front, to the north in the back, and on that side you have only weak buildings without a single installation gun.

In general, I will not argue that this provokes guarding the edges of the map. More simply an inquisitive detail than a fundamental part of the game.

Flea Catching

Naturally, there are aesthetes in the world who will wrinkle the schnobel already at the sight of 64 video megabytes in the field of system requirements. Yes, the polygons here were retail, not wholesale, and bringing the camera closer to a state where you can see Tanya's manicure does not seem likely. Which doesn't make a video game ugly. As Stephen Leacock stated:

- And listen - do not bother you about the following, whether your food contains starch, protein, gluten and nitrogen. If you want to eat similar things, go get them for yourself and eat for health reasons. Go to the laundry, pick up a whole bag of starch there and eat as much as you like. Wash down with a good sip of glue, and then add an absolute spoonful of Portland cement. And you will be glued perfectly and firmly.

Popular places in the video game are unsurpassedly recognizable, fire and explosions are, without exaggeration, excellent, technology has its own face (sometimes in a literal sense: for example, the Kirov airship grins like an unfriendly ghost), and perhaps the little men are small. ..but still, because 99% of the time you don't zoom as close as possible to get a solid view of the strategy. So it's almost a grave sin.

It is difficult for me to talk about bugs at the moment, since I have a pre-release version. A failure was found in it - one, this is the king of the bug: saved games are not loaded, which is why the campaign needed to be completed . But I will frankly hope that by the end of October this fascinating phenomenon will disappear, but otherwise the video game is stable. I would even call the view not just “usual”, but very comfortable.

I will not throw loud voices like or .The Ides of March were not over yet, and Mayakovsky said most ideally about the classics: "Come back in a thousand years - we'll talk there." Let me just say that this is funny, wonderful, interesting and will probably appear in our Councils of Masters, and similarly in the Dueling Club. And that and the status of the theme of the issue did not cause me the slightest hesitation.

The land of fearless bears

Let's get acquainted with the hordes, of course, with the Recommendations.

In the traditional layout , which is used by a large number of RTSs, Recommendations got the importance of Fast. They have the best abilities for landing: here is the already mentioned circus cannon on the Bullfrog, and the miracle helicopter carrying 5 packs of infantry and one piece of equipment, and a jumping military vehicle ...

Construction has also been accelerated: you can make cranes that add one more order of construction (separately for buildings and for turrets), but in your free time, they also repair equipment. And this, in my opinion, is a chance at the start to win the unwinding race. In addition, you do not need to spend a lot of time creating power plants: a super-reactor immediately replaces a certain number of power plants.

To this is added a small mobile likeness of a , which again can be transferred by helicopter - and after that it does not need to be improved in order to get the right to new troops (the Battle Lab is built once and for all).


Bear (Bear). Dogs - and they still say, the right animals! - changed the USSR with the Alliance, and bears were requested for their place. The bear runs swiftly and claws at the infantry; being itself an infantry, it is unsurpassedly transported in a landing. And besides that, he has a signature roar, hearing which foot troops go numb. But with technology or houses, he is not able to do anything. In other words, absolutely.

Constructor (Combat Engineer). There are no pitfalls here: the capture of buildings and field repairs. Buildings to capture, by the way, is necessary not only as a cunning method to select part of the base; a bank or a hospital without an engineer cannot be privatized. But in a peaceful room, anyone who pleases can dig in... By the way, if there is no peaceful building at hand, the designer will build a small comfortable shelter, which, in the absence of fish, will pass for a fortification. Obviously, it should not be categorically allowed into a duel, but he moves only waddling.

Conscript ( Conscript ). At first glance - an ordinary "man with a gun" in a clumsy overcoat and earflaps. Specialized for war with infantry, contrary to everything else, it is quite ineffective. But he is good at knocking out garrisons from buildings: for this he has another weapon - . Just do not forget to switch it back to a rifle later, in an ordinary battle this drink is not in honor.

Grenade launcher (Flak Trooper). In theory, Flak is an anti-aircraft weapon, but the Flak Trooper partner is good not only against aircraft, but also against ground vehicles. And a house with a couple of grenade launchers unsurpassedly stops enemy vehicles ... at the very least, anti-personnel. But in spite of the buildings, its performance is so-so. The grenade launcher has two different attack modes - anti-aircraft and anti-tank; if he is crushed by a car when he is in anti-tank mode, the car will explode on his ammunition.

Tesla Trooper. The well-known Serbian inventor armed this time also the infantry of the Recommendations with a militant version of his own well-known coil. A soldier with a Tesla cannon in his paws and in an armored suit reminiscent of the panzerklein from Silent Storm can really go alone against a light tank; and for a couple - and in defiance of the languid one, since with another attack mode one of them stops the tank (and itself), and the second one finishes it off.

Natasha (Natasha). A Russian employee of Tanya's popular commando, Natasha is also the death of all living things, and especially inanimate ones. She has an optical rifle for infantry, and she destroys equipment (up to a battleship) or buildings ... with air bombardment. Probably an individual squadron serves her and is on her parcels. Similarly, it can immediately finish off the tank driver directly through the armor; this disables the tank, but enemy infantry can change the driver. To call Natasha into service, you need a combat laboratory.


Sickle (Sickle). A tiny, legged walking machine whose specialty is shooting down enemy infantry. She copes with this fairly decently, apart from the alteration when the infantry settled inside the house. And the Sickle can also ... gallop like a flea, flying over obstacles, which often allows him to join the landing force from the unexpected side of the enemy base.

Hammer (Hammer). Since there is a Sickle, there must be a Hammer. This is an ordinary simple tank, created for the war with enemy equipment; runs relatively fast. Can deprive enemy vehicles of weapons and defenses with a special attack.

Bullfrog (Bullfrog). This armored personnel carrier is made both at the tank factory and at the shipyard; it can be considered at least a land machine, at least a boat. In any of the elements, the Bullfrog rushes rapidly and works approximately identically. Specifically, it transports up to 5 units of infantry and, as already mentioned, on command, shoots them all from a circus cannon at a very, very solid distance, from where they parachute down. The territory needs, without any doubt, to be reconnoitred, the landing force does not set off anywhere. The armored personnel carrier itself is armed only with an anti-aircraft machine gun; in general, this weapon is rare for vehicles and is in demand. But in private, he will lose to any machine and any ship.

Rocket launcher (54 Rocket Launcher). Classics of the genre. The weapon is very long-range and powerful, but not very clear - trying with a rocket, for example, to hunt an enemy flying armored personnel carrier is useless. And at close range, it can even shoot itself completely. But you can fight with it even with infantry, if there are a lot of them in the 1st place: another fire mode is specialized for this, hitting areas. For the manufacture of rocket launchers, Nightmares and Apocalypses, you need a combat laboratory.

Nightmare (Terror Drone). This wonderful arachnid bot is worn rather than any land vehicle and, to everyone's surprise, climbs home. But they adore him not for this, but for an exotic method of conducting military deeds: he can infiltrate an enemy tank and ... tear it apart from the inside. Another attack is simply to keep someone else's equipment in place, even infantry can do this with Recommendations.

Apocalypse (Apocalypse Tank). Traditional : heavy cannon, stability, another attack attracts enemy vehicles to itself. In addition, its mass is sufficient to crush not only the infantry, but also most of the enemy’s combat vehicles (command - G). Jumping over foreign tanks is a bit unhealthy, but it's fast, solid, and comfortable. It makes a strong combination with the rocket launcher: while the rocket launcher shoots distant targets, the Apocalypse proudly stands in front of it, ready to crush everything that comes close. It remains only to cover this bundle from the air.

Companion (Sputnik). A tiny and accessible machine that can dig in a suitable place so that it is allowed to create buildings close to it. Unlike a real construction site (MCV), it does not provide an additional construction queue and, in general, does not build anything itself. However, it costs money. And walks on the water like dry land.

About the ore collector ( Ore Collector ) and the smartphone construction site ( MCV ) there is no need to conduct a thorough narrative either here or further. I will only note that they are also amphibians.

If in the majority of games ore collectors (harvesters, etc.) are hunted, then traditionally the processing plant is located strictly close to the collection area, which does not change in size until it is one hundred percent exhausted. For this reason, the assembler enters the open space only in alterations, when his factory was destroyed.After that, you can send him to crush the enemy infantry, anyway, he is not very useful in isolation from his own structure.


Some of the cars that are built at the shipyard are already described above: Bullfrog, Traveler, MCV, ore collector. What's left? Small:

Skat (Stingray). A simple combat boat, armed with the cannon of the same long-suffering Tesla; he can use it similarly underwater, freezing all ships around him, including himself. For this reason, a swarm of Rays can cause severe problems to an entire fleet. That's not all: as needed, the Skat crawls ashore, releasing ... legs. With all this, he looks funny, it would be worth calling him , and not ... On land, he does not have such a super attack, well, lower agility; for this reason, in this capacity, it is generally needed to support a distant landing or emergency defense of the base, if there is absolutely nothing else.

Submarine (Akula Sub). A submarine that is not visible until it attacks. And she attacks quickly and painfully. But, of course, only ships. Shark's other attack is 2nd torpedoes moving directly forward and sweeping away everything in their path.

Dreadnought (Dreadnought). And this is the Russian battleship, whose missiles are ready to damage the base a kilometer from the sea. Because of only missile weapons, he can’t do enough with the enemy fleet that has approached nearby (however, he is quite tenacious, and even if the dreadnoughts are attacked by bombers at one moment, you can have time to bring the MiGs); however, with decent cover from Skats, Sharks and MiGs, this is the best means of storming an enemy base. However, it is in no way accessible, and you cannot build a laboratory without a room.


Swords (Twinblade). This militant helicopter can also be used as an assault power (if the enemy has not yet acquired anti-aircraft guns), but its main purpose is to transfer troops. On board, he carries 5 foot soldiers and can penetrate where the Bullfrog cannot reach; but more importantly, he can also carry equipment - a tank, a rocket launcher, a Companion to build a new base. Obviously, not 5 pieces, but one unit at a time; but a rocket launcher dragged into a hidden corner of the landscape and firing at the enemy over the mountain is a severe pain in the head, not only for AI.

Moment (MiG Fighter). The Russian fighter is suitable only for attacking airliners (how could it be otherwise?), but it is frisky and tenacious and copes unsurpassed with its own functionality. Agility makes him a similarly good scout. The special ability allows you to immediately go to the planned and retreat to your home airfield with great speed.

Airship "Kirov" (Kirov Airship). One of the most famous recent RA3 releases: a large bomber airship with a grinning muzzle painted on the front end of the balloon. His weapons are powerful, but the airship crawls across the sky like a snail; you can speed it up, however, in this case, it will constantly lose hit points. Surprisingly, this airship is very tenacious (for devices simpler than air, this is, to put it mildly, especially); however, I'm not convinced that Kirov has a huge future in PvP. He asks for both ways and the premises of the laboratory, and is so slow that one can manage to find an adequate result for him. However, if the airships have already broken through to the base, there will be many victims and, in particular, destruction.


Like all other factions, the Recommendations have a construction site, barracks, tank factory, shipyard, airfield, ore processing plant and reactor - their design is common, and there is no reason to carefully describe them. The barracks, tank factory, shipyard and airfield create troops of 4 branches; the reactor guarantees everything with power. If the food is suddenly unsatisfactory, all the factories work halfway, and the guns do not work at all; for this reason, the elimination of reactors is one of the favorite tactics for storming the base.

Super Reactor. Provides significantly more power than a conventional reactor, and therefore promotes high speed shaping and savings. There are only 2 difficulties: it cannot be created initially (it works only in the presence of an ore processing factory), and if enemies get it, it will explode, thoroughly crippling everything around. But traditionally Recommendations simply go for the given danger, believing that agility is more important.

Construction crane (Crusher Crane). Complements the order of construction, and similarly repairs equipment. A very necessary thing, if there is finance - it is necessary to create.

Combat Lab (Battle Lab). Unlocks the latest technological processes, such as: the creation of rocket launchers, Apocalypse tanks, nightmares, dreadnoughts and airships, and similarly the mighty Natasha. Works at once on all bases.

The remaining buildings are built in a different queue: these are the objects directly involved in the battle.

Wall (Wall). Everyone has it, but for each option we will describe: an ordinary barrier, inactive, but tenacious. Sense from it is traditionally not enough, since it does not delay rockets, liners, jumping cars and much more; and the rocket launcher will unsurpassedly cope with the defeat of the base, even about the wall. Unless to reflect the original battle ... but isn't enjoyment expensive?

Sentry Gun. Anti-personnel machine gun turret; utility, in my opinion, is low, with infantry there is a lot to cope with. Unless in a video game, contrary to the Recommendations, to cover the rear from the landing ...

Anti-aircraft gun (Flak Cannon). But air raids are a routine thing, even in a campaign, even in a cooperative video game. This turret has every opportunity to pay off, but its range is so-so.

Tesla Coil. Possibly the most powerful means of base defense; for the construction requires a super-reactor. The coil needs to be charged from time to time; a foot adze carrier or a boat is suitable for this.

Metal curtain (Iron Curtain). Classic Red Alert: a structure that temporarily surrounds a small group of vehicles (infantry under it dies) with invulnerable protection. Reloads for a very long time, so it is used as a whole for an assault group, ready to crush the enemy's defenses. The area of ​​the curtain is also not very large.

Vacuum collapsar (Vacuum Imploder). Superweapon that absorbs a whole piece of the enemy base. It just takes a long time to charge...


Mission 1. The Shrike and the Thorn

The victorious march of Recommendations starts from... Hare Island. Yes, yes, in Leningrad. The Japanese invasion is in full swing there, and we will defend ourselves against them in ... the Peter and Paul Fortress.

This citadel, for example, is not completely modern, so it cannot help us in any way; nevertheless, this is not a reason to let the inhabitants of the country of the rising sun spoil the monument of architecture. Let's better spoil it ourselves: put it in the corner of the barracks and call on the infantry ...

But the main force in this quest mission is not the men with rifles, but the incomparable Natasha, all who remained with her are only backup dancers. An ally, if you have it represented by AI, you can cover one of the sides of the island and repel landings from the other. The inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun sent the battleships "Shogun", but Natasha will simply put them out of action.

And also during the quest mission we will have to defend the Hermitage; it, as it should be, is located on the other side of the Neva, but the miracle machine Bullfrog will transfer our troops to that side; take this opportunity and practice extreme parachuting.

Mission 2. Circus of Treachery

This mission is no more difficult than the previous one, but Natasha is not with us. There is no base, but there is a certain number of Sickles that simply mow down enemy infantry. Everything is done perfectly when we release pairs of trained bears from the circus in the center of the map; but do not rush, it is more correct to visit one of the peninsulas (to the left or to the right side of the circus) and release the Tesla-bearers there.With them, things will go more joyfully, as some equipment awaits us at the end.

It would be better not to lose bears, however, one would be required to identify Japanese infantrymen burrowing into the ground.

Mission 3. Recapture the ice harbor (Taking back Ice-Harbor)

But the duel for Vladivostok will be more interesting than the last two. First we need to capture the peninsula and build a base on it; it's not very difficult, enough to release a landing force from the Bullfrog. But the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun will soon begin to amuse us enough, and from the troops only the infantry and Skat with the Frog are open. And when the peninsula becomes ours (by the way, I advise you to explore its western part), a healthy piece of the map is revealed in the northeast with some goals...

First you need to orient yourself with the nearest Japanese base: it is marked with the number 2 on the location (general Nikolai Moskvin, our ally, we will set the task for the time being to take up the western pier). But storming it with Stingrays is a far below average pleasure. For this reason, we will create a feint: we will land with a harsh infantry group on the adjoining headland (3), without forgetting to include an engineer in the assault group, we will get close to the Japanese plant (4) and capture it.

Now we are ready to create military equipment! Of course, this is just a - a funny machine that can switch between two modes: an anti-personnel flying machine and a fast fighter. But one way or another, but the tengu flies, and you can throw it where you need it.

From land, the naval base is not protected, and the tengu will simply smash it. Then our brave guys will give the garrisons of buildings in the center of the map a Molotov cocktail and capture the hospital (5), after which things will go funny and with a bang. The main base (6) is protected, but not from paratroopers who can land at point (7); and if Nikolai immediately goes to take the base head-on, it will last a matter of seconds.

Mission 4. March of the Red Army

The subsequent operation is in defiance of the Supporters. Our leadership decided that the heart of the Alliance is located in close proximity to its wallet, and planned a battle for Geneva - the focus of capital. There are a number of Swiss banks in the town; it is desirable to capture them in order to receive an additional inflow of capital.

Our base is located ... specifically on Lake Geneva, which does not provide the ability to create tanks and infantry. Comparatively inexpensive with the help of Skats and the proximity of Tesla coils, you can capture the pier in the north, but from that place to the front, troops will need to be transferred through the same circus cannons. For this reason, it is only worth making barracks there in order to capture the two banks there, and that is not a precedent.

But our first problem is to repel naval attacks. Fortunately, we will soon have submarines; all the little things like dolphins are knocked down by Skats and setting guns. A lot of turrets are needed here, both anti-aircraft and - at first - Tesla coils. But when aircraft carriers crawl from the shipyards of the Supporters, you need to meet them on the way and torpedo them with submarines. An aircraft carrier, like a Russian dreadnought, can really mess up the skin of a base.

If the attacks are repulsed, we will be offered to build on the southern coast; and that's where you can turn around. The Tesla carriers and tanks will simply suppress (literally in some places) the rebuff, the conscripts will clean out the garrisons, and there for a short time and until daylight, when we will be entrusted with the creation of rocket launchers. With the least cover, they will clear the enemy shipyards directly from the embankment. In a word, I did not meet any further special problems.

Mission 5. Combat Science (The Science of War)

Western scientists love to relax gloriously after their hard work; for this reason, they built their own base not somewhere in the depths of the desert, but on the colorful Greek islands. Our task is to capture the enemy laboratory premises.

The map is arranged like this: we have 3 islands in front of us, on the southern one there is a strange structure that prevents the creation of technological troops, and on the other 2 there are ore deposits. Further, beyond the strait, there is a large land, and there is located the searched scientific laboratory.

Our main strength in this quest mission is the Blade helicopters. First, until the enemy has come to his senses, we will rapidly bombard the southern peninsula, after which it is not difficult to establish bases on the northern ones. Helicopters plus installation guns are sufficient protection for intermediate bases. On the same turntables, you can make numerous transfers directly to the laboratory, it is on the very eastern edge.

Nevertheless, if you want to make your life easier, do not rush to send an engineer to the laboratory and kill the Alliance base nearby. Before that, build up your decent base, troops, installation guns, ask a supporter to relocate their own troops to the laboratory site. Since, as soon as the area is yours, the Allies will start up - honest mother, what is going on here? - and start the assault. You, I suspect, do not want to repel this assault with your own landing team. The main direction of attack will be the northeast; installation guns are needed there, more correctly at a certain distance from the laboratory premises.

Mission 6. Elimination of traitors (No Traitors Tomorrow)

Europe is ours; only naval and air bases in Iceland remained, at first - an airfield named after the famous Alliance general von Esling. It consists of 2 halves, from which air raids will be organized on our bridgehead, located on an island almost in the center.

The first thing we are expected to do here is to show the ability of high-speed unwinding. In fact, that we will be given a lot of money at the start; nevertheless, after some time, Commander-in-Chief Kryukov will appear and take away everything . For this reason, it is worth building not even one, but two cranes - and run to produce factories, troops, installation guns. Success in this phase means very few problems in the quest mission itself.

Of the troops, we will need: fighter aircraft, helicopters, some ground equipment (missiles, tanks, a couple of satellites) - and most importantly, battleships. Therefore, first - the shipyard!

Throwing troops up on the turntables or through the cannon of the Bullfrog ... is possible, but painful. The supporters have a decent air defense, a land garrison in the presence, and the latitudes there are not great, so it won't come out "silently" (in general, you can try to take the western base with the help of rocket launchers). The easiest way to kill a rebuff is by bombardment from battleships, tightly covered from air attacks. When the airfields are cleared, without wasting time, establish secondary bases there.

For what? So how would the mission be already done? And then, that our victory does not fully suit General Kryukov. By the way, we have a rather big bill for him ... so for 50 thousand ...

Kryukov, the cunning one, dug in on the mainland, where the battleships do not reach, but they shoot his mounting guns without the slightest problem, after which it is already possible to land troops in any way they like.

Mission 7. To Tame a Living God

And here we are again on the Russian-Japanese front. Our task is simple: the murder of the ruler ... Of course, the landing, let's put it this way, was not completely successful: one of the supporters had a conscript (yes, one), the other had a bear. The base is out of the question. And patrols are everywhere.

The key to triumph is this: rush west, there descend the stairs until the setting guns are set; in the south of the map there is a building that can be blown up to divert the attention of the patrol. Then we get into the garden, and ... and the main part of the quest mission begins.

Now we have both the base and the right to create tanks "Apocalypse" and airships "Kirov" - in a word, we have at our disposal the entire supply of Recommendations, not counting the robot "Nightmare". But a thorough work awaits us, since the sun-faced ruler dug in very seriously.Everywhere walls, in other words, tanks and rocket launchers will need to sneak to the targets in a zigzag.

But the ruler's fighter aircraft seemed unconvincing. From this place, a trivial project of a simultaneous attack by airships and a tank-rocket group; the latter is required to first kill the installation guns. MiGs are waiting for the variant of the appearance of fighters in an ambush; they must be immediately introduced into the duel, but not very early, since they are defenseless against the turrets. Beware of the Japanese commando girl, she is more insecure than our Natasha, and just as hard to see in the mass.
After the execution of the royal castle, the mission enters its final phase: the pursuit of the king. Only now he dressed up not in a kimono, but in a robot; this... a certain number lowers his exposure. He rushes to this so rapidly that the Kirovs will not catch up with him, unless they are placed in advance on his road. Well, it goes well from missiles. But a couple of Apocalypses under the Steel Curtain is an impenetrable argument.

Mission 8 Stone-Faced Witnesses

The next step of the Soviet government must be treason: the scheduled conversations with the Allies will be disrupted by our forces. Ambassador's means of murder. For what? And who will learn this Cherdenko!

The whole thing is being done on the Easter Peninsula. Yes, yes, the same one, with large stone heads. But we will face them a little later, but for now we are simply preparing a solemn meeting.

This does not involve difficulties; but if we show supernatural foresight and take into account that in this quest mission we will be counterattacked first from the west coast, and then from the northeast by land, and if we build the things of 3 battleships in advance, our fate will be noticeably easier.

The assassination of the ambassador is not a problem, however, immediately after which it is necessary to storm the base overseas in the United States. If we have strengthened the coast and built the fleet ahead of time - this is not a problem. The Alliance's precocious base cannot capture the fortified shore around which Stingrays and Dreadnoughts stroll. The main thing here is ... not to rush: the true difficulties will begin after this victory, and not before. And it would be more correct to turret the northeast passage by the beginning of this phase, prepare a tank-missile wedge and a small (no longer needed) squadron of dreadnoughts.

Since after that partner Cherdenko decides that the Moor in our face has done his job and can leave.

He reinforces his own requests with a vacuum collapsar, which is already running, and the clock is ticking; and his personality he firmly (as it may seem at first glance) protected by strength in the mouth of a volcano, and similarly by ambushes in any stone head from those with which the Easter peninsula is lined. Will need to be dissuaded.

Are our dreadnoughts ready? Under the cover of MiGs and a pair of Skats, without wasting time, we sail to the east, to where the berths are shown on the location. With one MiG we reconnoiter the area of ​​​​the collapsar - and directly from the sea, until the enemy fleet is ready, we cover the shaitan machine. After that, the battleships, in conviction, did their own thing, but they can smash shipyards, airfields and heads for their own pleasure.

And we'll take care of the stronghold. But here, fortunately, there is nothing complicated: you just need to snuggle up to the edge of the volcano with rocket launchers and cover them from encroachment. Below, they unsurpassedly finish off Cherdenko's friend to all 3 bastions.

Mission 9. Scab on the Big Apple (Blight of the Big Apple)

And finally, we are the supreme commander; it remains only to explain to the Allies that they lost this battle. For this propaganda campaign, the storming of New York was chosen with the liquidation of the Sculpture of Will.

In general, first you need to kill the enemy forces on the outskirts of the Statue with a landing group, and only then you can create a base. To do this, there is a flock of Nightmares, and soon trophy Tesla tanks, airships and helicopters are added to them. This is not difficult, it simply provides an opportunity to play Fears to your heart's content.

The future can be done with battleships with good (good!) cover, or you can connect a collapsar, it is well allowed to create it. The only thing you don't need to do is to conduct a test battle: after which the Americans will put a severe pressure on you, which will be very difficult to repel. The blow must be one - the first and final.

For freedom and democracy

The Alliance troops probably own the most convincing air force, it's magic how good their high-tech tanks and aircraft carriers are; but, as is traditional with this approach, they do not shine in the early phase of unwinding.

Their infantry is weaker than Russian; Of course, at sea there is an amazing machine that suppresses enemy weapons, but on land the Alliance is not easy to defend. Setting guns are good, but need to be reinforced by infantry; and the reinforced turret does not hit aircraft. In the end, it is quite difficult for them to spread: on any new base, technological processes must be developed anew. In a word, the task of the Alliance is to save itself until the period of high technology, resisting the raids of the Recommendations and Japan ...


Warlike dog (Attack Dog). The dogs, as is clear, changed the Recommendations, moving to the side of the Alliance; like Russian bears, these are scouts who are able to detect enemy spies, and similarly massive anti-personnel warriors (no matter how annoying it may sound, only at close range). Plus, they're running fast.

Constructor (Engineer). Like Russian engineers, they take over buildings; nevertheless, their 2nd option is to build not a bunker, but a first support tent. Can swim ... on a defiant-looking boat. Moves very slowly...

Peacekeeper. The base infantry of the Alliance is good at first against foot targets; besides that, she has... shields. You see, those with whom they come out in defiance of the demonstrators. Here they were probably bewitched, since in the mode of raised shields, peacekeepers stick unsurpassed under hurricane fire. However, they are very vulnerable in cleaning buildings from infantry that has settled in them.

Spearman (Javelin Soldier). (Javelin) - a fairly long-range rocket launcher, suitable in defiance of vehicles and aircraft. You can similarly "mark" the target with them, after that they will hit further and more accurately, but the rate of fire will decrease. The highest range allows from time to time to occupy unexpected heights with them and fire at the enemy base from that place.

Spy. It can "repaint" in the color of the enemy army, so that only scouts (dogs, bears and robot dragonflies) recognize it in this capacity; and for a modest fee of 1000 credits, he recruits all enemies who are close by, including tanks and other equipment. The cost does not depend on the number of recruits!

Tanya. And of course, the star of the screen is Tanya, who can disable any enemy equipment or structure with one mine! Of course, for this, you still need to get to the enemy; however, during the operation of the mine, Tanya hides inside the target. How after that he survives, do not ask ... Tanya mows down the infantry, firing from a pair of pistols in Macedonian; nevertheless, her range is much lower than that of Natasha's Russian collaborator, which leads to harm to health and beauty. Nevertheless, in case of problems, she has with her a special belt with a portable ... time machine that returns her a little back (in terms of coordinates and health status). If you use this skillfully, Tanya's stability increases dramatically.


All-suitable BMP (Multigunner IFV). A tiny, very fast car with an anti-aircraft machine gun; can transport a lone infantryman, while reconfiguring his own firing point for his weapon (for example, ). Good for searching and throwing engineers to distant principal points; from time to time it is used in the early steps for anti-aircraft cover of a tank column.

Amphibious transporter (Riptide ACV). It is built both at the equipment factory and at the shipyard; carries infantry on land and water (quickly enough), shoots from a machine gun and launches light torpedoes in the water. No matter how annoying it may sound, it can only unload troops in the usual way, and not like the Russian Bullfrog.

Tank < Guardian > (Guardian Tank). Alliance base tank; another mode of fire is a beam that increases the damage of other warriors on the same target. In large groups and in spite of harsh goals, this beam accelerates things dramatically.

Tank (Mirage Tank). In addition to the killer rainbow beam, the tank can be frayed by the ability to generate a cloaking field; it does not allow the enemy to aim at any target within the boundaries of this field, except for the Mirage itself (the tank does not shoot at all). Of course, the field itself is unsurpassedly noticeable, so do not lose hope of taking the enemy by surprise; and yet it is more than useful, since the Mirage is very durable and unsurpassedly masks a few weak units.

Self-propelled gun "Athena" (Athena Cannon). The Alliance's long-range weapon is simply a fire guidance service from orbit. Science does not understand why then the fire of 2 Athens is more destructive than one, this is a precedent. Another mode closes Athena from fire; it is not so rarely required to turn it on, since Athena is very vulnerable, and, for example, in spite of the oncoming infantry or armor-piercing fry, she is actually defenseless.

Mining machine (Prospector). It is worth mentioning because it serves as a base expander for the Alliance, allowing you to create buildings around it. Nevertheless, this is a very bad method to increase, since the newest center is obliged to re-learn all technological processes.

The mobile construction site of the Alliance is the most ordinary, like everyone else.


From the technology already described - Burun and a mobile construction site can be made similarly at the shipyard.

Dolphin (Dolphin). Cute pet animals can counterattack ships, among other things, submarines. The harm is small, and the state of health is not offensive enough, but the dolphin costs a penny, and if necessary it can ... jump so that at the time of the jump it can only be reached by anti-aircraft weapons.

Hydrosword (Hydrofoil). It is a sin to underestimate this hydrofoil boat: if its ordinary attack is an ordinary anti-aircraft machine gun, then the other completely disarms the enemy object until it is located under the "fire" of the Hydrosword. Think about it: a penny boat is much better to neutralize a battleship! On land, he, to fortune for the Recommendations and Japan, does not climb out, but he can turn off objects on the coast - among other things, installation guns of any kind. An exceptional and sufficiently reliable method of war with him is submarines.

Assault destroyer (Assault Destroyer). Strong tenacious ship with not very long-range, but massive fire; his other mode disables the cannon but forces them to fire on him. In other words, this is practically a semblance of a Mirage, however, the targets protected by it are visible! In addition, the destroyer can crawl out onto land with the grace of a dugong. Its gun, however, is much weaker than that of the Mirage. Requests 2nd level workflows.

Aircraft Carrier. The flagship of the Alliance fleet releases a cloud of small planes at the opponent, attacking ground targets. The liners are obviously inferior in range to the missiles of the Soviet dreadnought, but not by much; however, they possess homing, and therefore are fully prepared to catch up with a nimble target. There is also a missile that cuts off the power supply to the target. The destructive power of aircraft carriers is colossal, but they are moderately protected, and often, because of their cover, they are sacrificed by destroyers. Asks for one hundred percent advanced technological processes.


Vindicator. A simple bomber, in other words, just plain simple; an attack by a squadron of four mere units can demolish a structure that is not very strong. One, since the Champion after a single drop of bombs is obliged to return to the airfield. For the same root cause, a place at the airfield is constantly reserved for him; one structure is capable of carrying less than 4 units of aircraft in total, excluding only helicopters. Do not, however, consider the Champions unnecessary; if the enemy is not well prepared for the bombardment, an air attack can deliver success at the start.

Apollo (Apollo Fighter). The Alliance fighter is a certain number weaker than the MiG, as if it does not stand out in any way. - accelerated return to the base.

Cryocopter (Cryocopter). This toy helicopter can freeze a few military units in place, but in another mode - reduce them, reducing health and damage. Just keep in mind that massive war machines can suddenly gain maneuverability in such a rework and simply slip through your own lines of defense ... Requests 2nd level spin-up technological processes.

Century Bomber. And here is the heavy bomber - the beauty and pride of the Alliance air technology. He, like the Champion, can counterattack with bombs only once per flight and is thus inferior to the Russian Kirov - but his bombs are more than convincing, and agility is much higher than that of a clumsy airship. By the same Century carries on board up to 5 units of infantry; you can bomb the installation guns from the air, and then finish the job on foot. In a campaign, the Centenary quite often serves as a decisive basis.

Just like the Recommendations, the Union has infantry barracks, a tank factory, a shipyard, an airfield, an ore processing plant and a reactor. The design of all these buildings is conventional.

Defense Information Bureau. Doesn't exactly do anything, but is necessary for crafting advanced defensive structures.

All-suitable turret (Multigunner Turret). This simple cannon is good because you can land an infantryman in it - then it will fire the same as it would shoot (while being much more correctly protected). Typical, but not very effective solution.

Rainbow Tower (Spectrum Tower). The best gun of the Alliance; in terms of performance, it is approximately equal to the Russian Tesla tower, but does not require recharging. Attacks with the same beam as Mirage; how air defense is not good.

Chronosphere. This powerful system throws an entire army across the battlefield; of course, without infantry, only equipment. I think there is no need to explain how this can please the opponent.

Proton Collider. Yes, yes, this is him, darling, the one whom not so long ago it was stylish to fear to the point of hiccups. Well, not hadronic, but proton, who will get to the heart of the matter in this small fry? The idea is not very different from the superweapon of other races: in fact, it associates an area with the earth, but it takes a very long time to charge.


Mission 1. Ride of the Red Menace

Russian troops occupied almost all of Europe - not counting England and Denmark; and now the USSR is going to have its own version of the "Sea Lion". The Recommendations are trying to settle across the Channel... and they have chosen a place with the symbolic name of Brighton Beach for landing. Not the one. This is simply the beach of the city of Brighton, in East Sussex.

Like the Recommendations, the 1st mission does not hide miracles in itself, and the command controls your every step. First - take up defense in coastal houses, capture guns and a hospital (by the way, there is no reason to leave some of the guns to your own metal partner - he is very leisurely), then - a reflection of a couple of attack waves. Landing from "Quakushek", bombardment from ships, airships "Kirov" ... The final wave can hardly be repelled, sufficiently "to stand for a day and hold out at night".

Mission 2: Shark Trap (The Shark and the Lure)

And here's the newest task: Recommendations took prisoners, seized the coastal islands and naval bases on them, and their fleet (a certain number of battleships guarded by "Sharks") bombards our coast.We need to start freeing the prisoners and seizing back the naval bases. Our troops are, to put it mildly, small: a certain number of spies and... Tanya. The extreme, you see, changes the matter!

There is a base ... but only the same spies and tan are created on it, in case this one becomes unusable.

It’s worth starting from the islands (a comrade will simply cope with the captives). Two strategies are possible here: try to pass off the spies as your own (copying the guise of the Red Army soldiers) and infiltrate the port buildings ... or at first Tanya clear their approaches. The 2nd is much easier.

On any of the islands there are two where you can crawl out from the sea to land. They differ in that one of them has a tower with a Tesla coil; so, we are not there. From the sea to kill the tower and the guards attached to it - this is beyond the power of even Tanya. For this reason, the peninsula closest to us will need to swim around without being exposed to the tower and rifles of the Red Army.

Be careful: that peninsula that is further away (northeast) is patrolling at sea ... two floating bears, quickly cutting through the waves. Tanya will deal with them, if anything, but they will devour the spies and will not say thanks. If you finish them off so that they don’t suffer, the merciless commies will release 2 newest ones ... By the way, you shouldn’t approach the enemy squadron either: battleships, contrary to Tanya, are defenseless, but submarines simply drown our miracle girl.

Having got up from the unprotected side, we sing the song "Tanyusha went ashore" (musical accompaniment - a pair of pistols), carefully go through the labyrinth of fences, shooting everything that moves, and blow up the barracks (otherwise the infantry will not stop breeding like bunnies). The coil can also be blown up, or you can not touch it. There are interesting containers with experience and healing on the peninsula; Tanya's skill is even required ... We clean the 2nd peninsula as well, with all this, Tanya gets an asterisk. After that, we are told to occupy Tanya with a port building, which cannot cause problems ...

This is curious: at first I mixed up and occupied the building as a spy. Result: the battleships of the Recommendations shot down the structure that had become an enemy (!) Mission failed...

Tanya gives the necessary codes on the radio (not otherwise found in the dead Red Army soldier under the left footcloth), and the Akula submarines joyfully rush into the trap. Bingo! Now you can blow up the battleships in a relaxed way, for which Tanya's forces are more than enough. They also give us hovercraft landing craft, but they won't be needed here.

And in the end, the last phase (if the comrade has already released the prisoners, otherwise it will be necessary to do the same trick again): the assault on the Russian base. With tanks and light vehicles, this, in theory, is not very difficult ... if not for the precedent that there are a lot of mechanical vehicles in the guards. Those that move into our cars and blow them up from the inside. And if the infantry is driven ahead, the Sickles will jump out and flop on the infantry with their belly, bringing it into absolute disrepair.

The cheapest solution turned out to be a distracting assault from the side with the shooting of corner mounting guns and the capture of a tank factory (it is directly on their front line) by an engineer. After that, we have our own Sickles and Fears, and the upcoming troubles are not.

Mission 3. Pleasant release (The Famous Liberation)

Since everything turned out so nicely in Brighton, it's time to take away continental Europe as well. We will probably visit the ancient institute metropolis of Heidelberg...

The first visit to the metropolis will be made along the Neckar River, where our sadistic commanders sent not only a certain number of hydrofoil hydroswords, but also a flock of dolphins. The poor animals spit up fresh water and think very poorly of us.

The task of this step is to prepare the landing and deployment of construction sites. It doesn't get any easier: Hydroswords switch to the mode of oppression of enemy weapons and cynically crush Tesla's turrets, and dolphins with enduring disgust gnaw at pieces of iron for scrap. It is done...

This, as usual, is just a preview. Now it is necessary to wipe out the Soviet base in Heidelberg from the face of the Earth, which lined its own perimeter with an abundance of defensive towers (is it necessary to say that the Hydroswords from the river would not have finished there with all intent?). The command with a mercantile smile asked for the ability to spare the metropolis ... Well, well.

The composition of the enemy army is diverse: infantry, sickles, hammers, and over time, the Apocalypse will creep up. But what is not traced so far is the MiGs. That's nice, because we're allowed to build the Devotee bombers.

First, let's build a solid chain of turrets from the side of the Russian base, put a certain number of Guardians behind it and thus provide protection. It is better to make the chain tight: fears will soon be found in the enemy, and they are very reluctant to let them near the Guardians (the wall cannot help). Mounting guns anti-personnel and anti-tank fighters in a ratio of approximately 2:3.

Further, we recall that all this protective luxury is powered by super-reactors, they also have a magical property, when they lose their integrity, to make a very loud "hype!" And methodically mow the base. At the same time, they will offer us to rescue Tanya from the other side - this can be done by the same bombers. The liquidation of the headquarters (the final part of the quest mission) will not meet the slightest resistance at all.

Mission 4. Enemy of Our Enemy

And here happens a magical transformation: Recommendations are no longer our enemy. And all because Japan intervened in the battle. The ruler Yoshiro brought 2 of his own floating fortresses to the Atlantic, located them near Gibraltar and in the North Sea and declared that judgment day had come. Well, let's speak on the side of defense at this court ...

The field marshal of the Alliance, on his own initiative, against the will of the South American commander-in-chief Ackerman, agreed on an alliance with the Union. The power in the Alliance is curiously arranged ... well, that's good.

A brand new mission - the liberation of Gibraltar - is tied up again with sabotage procedures, only here is an unusual team: Tanya and ... Natasha. Obviously, if you are fighting without a friend, then Natasha will not be controlled by you. No special problems are foreseen at this stage; a walking robot can simply be blown up if you climb a hillock along the cable car (by the way, there is a first-aid kit for injured commandos at the top). It would seem that Tengu squadrons are able to make a narrow reddish cake out of 2 girls, but they explode in single file with a typical .

The task in the tactical part of the quest mission is also not very difficult. It is necessary to strengthen the base (by the way, place one of the groups of turrets in the southeast of the base, directly off the coast!), build a shipyard and aircraft, after which a certain number of bombers and a pair of hydroswords (you can add Tanya to them for solidity) will free them without the slightest problem assault destroyers. After that, the defeat of the Japanese base is a matter of a very short time.

Mission 5. Terrible citadel (Unfathomable Fortress)

But now let's deal with strength in the North Sea. This mission begins with a long-term sabotage prelude...

In general, you first need to protect the ship from attacks by Japanese battleships and helicopters. For this we have Hydroswords and dolphins. We will immediately switch two Hydroswords to the mode of suppressing enemy weapons (not four - how else will we shoot from air equipment?) And immediately work in defiance of the fleet according to the scheme . In defiance of air equipment, we defend directly at the target.

Next - the neutralization of 2 islands. On the first one, there are four spies on our side, the companion has Natasha.Since her rifle is sufficiently long-range so that Natasha does not risk when shooting infantry, and the spies immediately pull the corners of their eyes and disguise themselves as the Japanese, neutralizing the generators one by one and then the ship is completely simple.

The second is a bit more difficult, as the team consists of Tanya and Russian engineers; the engineers cannot hide, and Tanya inevitably gets injured in duels with the samurai. But first-aid kits are laid out for visiting commandos on the peninsula. The mysterious inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun connected all the setting guns to the wrong generators that they protect, and for this reason the peninsula can be "disassembled" in parts: first we capture an unprotected generator, then we look where the setting guns are turned off (with all this, orange disappears on them Japanese color) - and capture the generator approximately them...

And in the end, you can deploy the base and do the real thing. The task is this: immediately (!) to drive engineers into two Japanese reactors. It is impossible to blow up the reactors, only to capture them, and the time difference between the captures should be no more than a couple of seconds. So it’s better to prepare thoroughly for the assault.

Our base is in the sea, and it is unrealistic to line up infantry or tanks; it will be thoroughly and painfully stormed, so it is necessary to immediately build a defense. Mounting guns in the sea are not very necessary (you still can’t put a grenade launcher in them anyway); the correct defense scheme here is probably this: four Hydroswords in another mode, followed by a couple of Apollos and something anti-ship, for example, dolphins plus an assault destroyer.

Now it is necessary to carry out the infantry, without it this mission is impossible. We capture the island just liberated by Tanya, and while a small base is being deployed there, we bomb the installation guns of an approximately nearby sea mine. There you can make another mini-base; you can try to limit yourself to one, but in this case it will be necessary to put the 2nd of the Hydroswords in front of it. Engineers in their own rubber boats, let them seize the currency buildings.

We won't need tanks, only infantry. We build "Century" bombers, about six or eight, divide them into 2nd squadrons and load a certain number of engineers on them, and similarly combat infantry.

In that period, we earn a sanction for the construction of aircraft carriers; If you don't forget, these remarkable ships, in addition to long-range deck-based aircraft, have warheads that instantly turn off the installation guns. Carriers under the cover of Hydroswords start clearing turrets, first close to our 2 targets. It is possible to carry out aerial reconnaissance for each option - and instruct the deck air equipment to kill everything that moves and shoots in the vicinity of the generators ... And if you finish off the rest from the air and quickly drive the engineers where they should be.

Mission 6. A Monument to Madness

Everything was going so nicely, and all of a sudden the Soviet-American idyll is destroyed by the commander-in-chief, Mr. Ackerman; he decided to point his superweapon at Moscow and inflict a preemptive strike - until the commies did it themselves. Well, it is not excluded that he was not mistaken, but the Democrats do not leave the union first, and even by such a method!

So we need to put Ackerman on hold before it's too late. By the way, he hid his own weapon ... in a peculiar way. Cherdenko mocked the sculptures of Easter Island, and this fighter for peace and friendship did not find anything more correct than to desecrate the famous Mount Rushmore, the one in which the paintings of 4 of his colleagues are carved. Something gives me a hint that in the situation of his victory, the collectivity of the United States will not approve of him!

Everything is tied up, according to the good principles of this campaign, from the work of Tanya; you need to blow up the radio tower, and before that, kill the generator. It's commonplace; except that it is necessary to be more careful with the dogs rushing everywhere, bypass the generator so that it covers the installation guns, and even not blow it up in the heat of the moment, but capture the barracks by engineers - you will need more.

The part of the quest mission doesn't ask for tricky little things, only speed is needed, as this step starts the race over time. The operation to disable the gentlemen of the presidents must be carried out in a couple of minutes.

We will soon have a magic tank "Mirage", capable of disguising the army ... this will practically not be able to help us, since the president's heads burn tanks with one glance, and Mirage does not disguise himself. In my opinion, here it is worth concentrating on air technology; and even from the barracks to drive five or six engineers. One constructor will capture the nearest currency structure, two more can be rolled back on an armored car to distant ones, and 3 will be useful to us along the storyline.

Task number one is to capture the buildings that feed the heads. You can't get there on your own two feet, for this reason we need to spin up the command center to the maximum and make the bomber. It is he who will throw our engineers to three goals. Just be careful, beware of enemy air defense; it will be good to kill the 2nd installation guns that are uselessly sticking out in the south in between. Simultaneously with this, in the north of the base, it is necessary to make a defense, according to the ability, so that the installation air defense guns finish off to the western edge of the map: we are not the only ones so wise that we drive liners along the very edge.

Further - we storm the final target with air strikes. With all this, we will leave one airplane at the base, we will need it. When the weapons control center goes down, Commander-in-Chief Ackerman will try to stay alive in his personal limousine; it's not entirely clear why the Alliance general should stop him (is there any guess that Ackerman still has superguns hidden somewhere?), but we are called to stop him. A couple of bombs stop limousines very well.

Well, we learn the prerequisites for the strange action of Mr. Commander-in-Chief from a completely different short story ...

Mission 7. The sun will set forever (Forever Sets the Sun)

And now the time has come to pay the emperor a visit. First, however, we will establish ourselves on the beachhead and try to wait for reinforcements from the Recommendations.

The task of this step is to repel attacks from the sea and, by the ability (I highly recommend trying to do this!) Kill the installation guns and shipyards of the Japanese. Resources will be very, very scarce, so there will not be enough money to improve the command center.

The easiest way to arrange defense is to bring the tanks to the very edge of the beach, build three or four anti-aircraft guns nearby, and bring Hydroswords to the sea in front of the guards with another mode turned on. Then we add a certain number of dolphins to them. This configuration will close the base from many unwanted guests.

Next, you need to suppress the enemy's naval structures; as for me, it is easiest to lure enemy battleships with Hydroswords, and cause damage to a squadron of simple bombers.

As annoying as it may sound, the Recommendations are still being consulted, there are no supporter troops to be seen; shall we fight ourselves?

The 2nd phase of the quest mission is very voluminous and tedious. There are almost 10 targets that must be killed, and among them is the battle fleet of the Japanese prince ...

So, we have fragments of a half-broken base in the southwest (1) and a brand new base in the northeast (2). Having briefly counted the grayish round caves on the location, we see that the distribution of resources, to put it mildly, is not ours. In addition, it is not required to expect the same from a companion in this quest mission - he is practically locked in his own bridgehead, Japan dominates the sea. (For me, he also sat out my airfields with his own light bombers, loser ...)

Nevertheless, almost at the very beginning, we earn reinforcements in the form of a pair of Athens. Having covered them with what God sent, without waiting for a massive shock fist, we grab the peninsula (3) and settle down on it. It's just one cave, but... in my opinion, not a mini-base should be sent there, but a real MCV. Why? For both circumstances:

1) our base still does not reach the sea, and without a fleet there is nothing to do here, besides, without a super-technological fleet, so it would still be necessary to develop technological processes at the mini-base;

2) if you perfectly strengthen the peninsula by placing installation guns around the entire perimeter, this immobilizes a huge part of the attacks. If you crouch in a corner, there will be constant visits to both sides of the bay. Which, I assure you, is rather unpleasant. We will not be able to prevent the construction of the fleet in the bay to the east of (3), but if the strait is shot through, this fleet will remain there.

In all frankness, the inhabitants of the land of the rising sun are not ready for Athens.

So, we come there as masters and dig ourselves in, but for now Athens (let's hope they survived - there is no harsh resistance there) and the equipment built during this time are going to eliminate the target (5). She is good in that she can be shot from a solid distance, generally without being exposed to a blow; but it is worth accompanying the attacking group with a pair of Apollos, and similarly avoiding the blow of the Japanese Oni (which will kill Athena in a matter of moments if they are allowed near). But do not limit yourself to the main point - behind it are psionic destroyers, Japanese superweapons!

Next are goals (4) and (6). Which one to start with? As the skill points out, (4) does not pose a particular danger, but (6) will bomb us, even if all those buildings that are marked as tasks of the quest mission are demolished (in general, pinpoint strikes on the main houses in this quest mission are contraindicated: to quickly shoot down all targets will not appear, and the unfinished base will cause a large number of troubles). Nevertheless, (6) is protected much more correctly, in addition, if we try to build up on it, we will immediately receive a blow from the fleet (8).

If we already have a stern fleet, it is necessary to accept (6), while this is probably relatively small bloodshed; at the same time, start shooting shipyards off the coast and only then (possibly by aviation) demolish everything that can create on the peninsula. If there is no fleet, you can sharpen your teeth at (4) for the time being; Tanya might be needed there.

As soon as the attack on (6) begins, the Prospector crawls to (1) - to restore the ore mine there. Why specifically in this case - since the enemy fleet, I hope, is busy defending (6). All the same operation can not turn out; in general, you can master (1) with the help of the chronosphere, if you do not feel sorry for its resource.

The base (7) by this moment is absolutely full of turrets, but if the fleet is not being built on (6), it can be defeated from the sea. First, obviously, comes the strike fleet - Hydroswords and assault destroyers, probably with air support, but aircraft carriers must go well behind. With all this, one should not catch the eye of the fleet (8) and enemy buildings on (6), if such remained. If everything is done neatly, you can cleanly knock out the main points on (7), and leave the rest of the base to boil in your juice.

And in the end, the imperial fleet ... The most disgusting target for me was the "Sea Wings", which, at will, either submarines (and are invulnerable under water), or liners. I confess, I killed them not quite honestly - I drove them under the water with Apollos and finished off ... with 2 explosions of a superweapon. And without them, battleships are easy to bomb.

Mission 8. The Great Bear Trap

Obviously, the Recommendations did not come to support for a reason. And now (later a couple of shocking revelations from a doctor Zelinsky who fled to us), we want to "reconnoiter" their base in Cuba.

First, let's really explore; with us a couple of spies and a tank "Mirage", which is in charge of a comrade. For a modest fee, spies recruit everything that walks and drives around; namely, infantry with Tesla coils and engineers. With intention, you can send an engineer to a nearby tank factory and line up a couple of combat vehicles - you will need it.

While we are accompanying the Mirage (reconnaissance in a tank along the city boulevards - oh, this unique romance of Red Alert!), Spies should lure as much equipment as possible. This will make life easier in the future.

Therefore, the guilt is confirmed: in Cuba, it is planned to launch a large number of Kirovs to bomb our cities. It is impossible to allow a terrible attack of flying turtles on peaceful settlements. We will create a base and defend ...

are stored ... under the stadiums, which are like bakeries in Havana. Our task is to kill the stadiums (nervous football fans, please do not look) and shoot the airships taking off. The comrade copes with the second one relatively well (however, he will need support) and in no way - with the initial one.

We were obliged to have "captured" Tesla carriers, and maybe a certain number of cars; they can and should immediately demolish the stadium at the landing site, and then, with the least cover, direct them to storm the central launch point. During that period, Apollos are being built at the base, four things as a minimum, and heading towards danger points.

The stadium across the strait can be left for dessert, from that place the airship will still float past our base and be successfully shot. More unpleasant are the 2nd points in the north; but if in the first phase we managed to make a small army, then with air support the American stadium (the one where we saw Kirov for the first time) will simply be destroyed. But for the northeast, it will be necessary to make a huge assault group with Athens and Mirages.

Mission 9. The Moon Shall Never Have Them

It would seem that grief for Moscow in the loss of Cuba? Nevertheless, the lethal destruction of the Arena and Gigante del Este stadiums has brought the Recommendations to the brink of losing, and Cherdenko's partner wants to disappear from view ... to where "the world has not yet been damaged by capitalism." No, it's not in the Celestial Empire, not in Mongolia, it's in space.

Ackerman stuffed his own guns into Rushmore; Cherdenko took pity on the Mausoleum, he chose to build a cosmodrome ... under the Peter and Paul Fortress. Well, let's take care of it!

We are starting, in all illusion, on the Vasilyevsky Peninsula; it is necessary to bypass the posts, our reduced MCV to the intended point and build a base. There are practically no tricks here.

Then a task is revealed: to kill the 7 Steel Curtains guarding the Peter and Paul Citadel, and then, when they finish protecting it, the citadel itself. It's a pity, but what can you do.

You need to start energetically: time is limited, and resources are not overflowing. As usual, at the start we are given a decent army, which can and should take the nearest base. As far as you can, admire St. Isaac's Cathedral from the tank turret, which you will pass by ... no, not through the sight!

Strictly speaking, there is nothing particularly difficult in this quest mission - the main thing is to move quickly and save Mirages. From aerial equipment, cryocopters will come in handy at the initial step. Do not forget to quickly build a proton collider; we will need it as a little to storm the fortress itself.

If the Recommendations perform in this video game the option of a "quick" gamer, and the Union - "powerful", then Japan has got the significance of "cunning". And with her she copes with fame: almost all of her troops can ... be transformed. For example, from a bomber - to a submarine, or from a self-propelled anti-aircraft gun - to an attack helicopter ... Miracles, well, that's all. With a wave of the hand, an army is transformed from one type to another; it is very difficult to prepare for war with it. As soon as your base was smashed by helicopters, you drove the fighters - and now the helicopter falls to the ground and turns into an anti-aircraft gun invulnerable to the MiG.

Obviously, you have to pay for this. The station wagon traditionally loses to a narrow specialist in any of the areas of his own work. So, the Tengu miracle machine may be an anti-personnel armored car - but noticeably weaker than the Serp, or maybe a fighter, which, nevertheless, can almost cope with the MiG even for a couple.And since absolutely all aviation in Japan is shown by various "werewolves" - the inhabitants of the country of the rising sun do not own airfields at all! - It is very difficult for the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun to capture superiority in the atmosphere.

However, the infantry of Japan, in my opinion, is the best in the video game. She will simply cope with the infantry of any other civilization, even Tesla carriers. She only lacks growling bears and dogs that stun the infantry - but the inhabitants of the land of the rising sun fight well with them. The fleet is also a powerful party; it is very difficult to resist at sea in Japan, except perhaps with the help of air technology.

Another trademark of the mechanized Japanese army is distribution without restrictions. Virtually no "small bases" and "greatest distance to the construction site". Each structure is born as a leisurely amphibious machine (called a ), which crawls or swims where it is called and evenly deploys there. There is nothing impossible, for example, in deploying positioning cannons in front of his positions while the enemy is distracted by a side attack. It is unlikely that such a focus will be given to the Recommendations or the Alliance.

Of course, this slightly slows down the construction process - since it takes two distractions to form any object, well, blocking the path to the planned place can lead to a delay. If, for example, the construction site is on the embankment, the Recommendations or the Union can confidently build a shipyard in the water, and the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun will have to wait until the shipyard on wheels crawls to the descent into the water, and then sails to a given position ...

There is also a more severe drawback: in the power of complete autonomy of any structure, the Japanese study technological processes separately for a certain barracks or factory, and not in the central building. In other words, in order to create battleships at a couple of shipyards, it is necessary to develop any shipyard to the limit. The conclusions, I think, are obvious. However, the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun can spread as widely as they like, and this redeems almost everything.


Explosive bot (Burst Drone). The Alliance has dogs, the Recommendations have bears... and the Japanese have dragonflies. Of course, not alive, but mechanical. This microairplane also serves as a scout, identifying spies; he cannot counterattack, but he can stick to the enemy warlike machine, thoroughly slowing it down, or he can self-destruct with a loud , turning off the enemy power supply. The machine is very necessary, however, and difficult to use.

Imperial Warrior. At first glance - an ordinary foot shooter ... But behind his back - a katana, and on command, with a loud click, he rushes to shred the enemy with thin slices. The infantry crumbles - it's a pleasure to look at.

Tankboy (Tankbuster). An uncle in a classic conical hat and with a completely non-standard beam gun. The ability to hide one hundred percent into the ground, leaving only a cap on the surface, but at the right time to jump out and shoot the tank, gives it extraordinary performance. But do not forget that a dug-in tank-boy will not crawl out of a hole on his own initiative, a direct order is needed.

Shinobi. Invisible killers who can disappear after an attack in a cloud of smoke; they attack both in a close battle, and from afar - with shurikens. The guarded buildings are amazingly “cleared out”, all enemy infantry is torn to shreds ... that's just the beasts are disliked. What else? Oh yes, they flip over on the go. An exceptional flaw - they call for the 2nd level of technological processes.

Rocket Angel. It would seem, what else can amaze shinobi afterwards? Fiery greetings from the animated series: girls with jet briefcases - the death of all living things! Yes, they fly, and their rocket launcher is able to hit at least ground, even flying targets; 2nd attack mode immobilizes. In a word, they alone could have been enough to ensure Japan's air supremacy ... if it were not for the poor state of health common to the infantry. From contact with an anti-aircraft gun or a fighter, flying girls recover like flies.

Yuriko. The rocket girls came from the cartoon not alone, but with a leader. Yuriko is the Japanese result of Tanya with Natasha flying over the ground with a psi-commando. She does not fly, but specifically soars; her attack is about as powerful as Tanya's, and the other strikes the area around. And yet, the Japanese miracle girl, in my opinion, will be weaker than their Western counterparts, since they are exterminated from a distance without any particular problems. The Japanese infantry is powerful with ordinary fighters, and not with a unique superheroine.

Constructor (Engineer). Performs normal options; and he is fascinating in that instead of building bunkers or medical aid tents, he can ... for a certain number of seconds. accelerate. As you know, training forces engineers to only waddle around; So, the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun have learned to gently lubricate them on the reverse side with turpentine. This is an invaluable advantage when capturing buildings; they manage to do it really immediately.


Tengu (Mesha Tengu). Available in 2 guises: Mecha Tengu - anti-personnel armored car on an air cushion (in other words, it does not fly over obstacles, but moves over water), armed with a machine gun. On command, jumps up and becomes a Jet Tengu jet fighter; can return to its original position. Tengu is a Japanese flying werewolf, so the title is very successful. As a fighter Tengu is weak, as an armored car is also so-so, but the versatility speaks for itself; let's not forget that reincarnation can be used to escape from the blow, and the jet form moves much faster and overcomes obstacles (flying to the other side of the map, landing - and now an early Japanese attack is ready).

Hidden transport (Sudden Transport). And this machine can pretend to be its own for an opponent, like an Alliance spy. In general, she cannot counterattack (her is the choice of a standard for copying); however, she carries 5 units of infantry and moves quickly, even on water. An inattentive enemy risks getting an absolute base of Japanese infantry and engineers... He is exposed by scouts and turrets.

Tank (Tsunami Tank). Amphibious tank; his gun is very so-so, however, it works well on heavy armor, but in another mode, it dramatically increases its own defense. Basically, however, it is rather weak: it is boring to storm the base with his support for a long time, except to crush the infantry. In addition, technological processes require the 2nd level.

Walker (Striker-VX). This self-propelled anti-aircraft gun resembles a headless peacock pacing on long legs. In a situation of need, he turns his tail, which turned out to be a helicopter propeller, and takes off. If on the ground the walker strikes only on air equipment, then from the air - only on ground targets. As an anti-aircraft gun, it is good, but as a helicopter it is noticeably inferior to the Russian Blade. Requests 2nd level workflows.

The ruler of the Oni (King Oni). And this big bot in the form of a stylized samurai replaces a heavy tank for the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun; his weapons are equally excellent in defiance of infantry and defiance of technology. In another mode, it rushes forward, trampling everything in its path, including tanks. By the way, they are what in the bulk of fantasy games is called an ogre-mage; the bot is completely valiant of such a name. Asks for one hundred percent advanced technological processes.

Wave force cannon. Japanese long-range gun of huge lethal force; well, it charges for a very long time, but there is another attack on the option of war with enemy equipment approaching nearby, which allows you to shoot immediately. Naturally, such a volley will be much weaker. Asks for one hundred percent advanced technological processes.


Tank "Tsunami" can be created at the shipyard, as well as the ore collector.

Yari (Yari Minisub). A tiny submarine capable not only of a torpedo attack, but also of a self-destructive ram ( mode). Torpedo attack, in general, is quite weak.

Marine wing (Sea-Wing). And this submarine is bigger and more capital, and it can take off, turning into a bomber. At the same time, this bomber is not required to return to the base for charges. Sea wings are quite maneuverable and well out of the way, however, the attacking power does not inspire special respect. Requires 2nd stage technological processes.

Cruiser (Naginata Cruiser). Only an anti-ship vessel, but in this capacity it is catastrophically effective. It launches torpedoes, but in another mode - a whole fan of torpedoes directly in front of itself, which is enough to eliminate a pack of dolphins or other small ships. If everyone hits the same target... also very good.

Battleship < Shogun > (Shogun Battleship). A ship with a powerful long-range beam cannon that can bombard ground targets - in a word, an ordinary battleship; but he has a fair advantage over his counterparts, since he is far from defenseless in a close battle. His other mode is the ram attack, which simply sinks the enemy's small ships and submarines. He has difficulties only with air raids; there is only one defense from them - Tengu, which, as already mentioned, are not very productive.


From a typical set of buildings, the Japanese do not have an airfield - for the reasons listed before. All buildings appear in the form of a - a machine that needs to be driven into place and deployed. However, the construction itself is proceeding quite rapidly ...

Central computer (Nanotech Mainframe). Does nothing but unlocks access to advanced placement guns and superweapons.

Defender VX (Defender VX). Another example of the Japanese : a machine gun turret that can be switched to anti-aircraft mode and back. It protects very mediocrely from tanks, and if you intend to seriously cover the base, you need to create more powerful mounting guns, and use this one as a whole as air defense.

Wave-Force Tower. But this gun seemed to me even stronger than Russian and American; in one shot, it knocks down virtually anything. Well, it looks somehow more impressive ... Nevertheless, its construction requires a central computer, well, it eats a lot of energy. Let's not forget that you can try to build it directly in the mind of the enemy base.

Hive of nanorobots (Nanoswarm Hive). Protects a piece of terrain from any encroachment for a short time; getting out of it is also unrealistic. The area of ​​defense is much larger than that of the Soviet Steel Curtain, but it allows "curtained" tanks to storm the enemy base, and this is a purely defensive means.

Psionic Decimator. A typical superweapon - it simply takes and smashes a piece of the enemy base to smithereens. Charges, of course, quite for a long time.


Mission 1. The Death of Father Frost

The aspect to the strategy of the Japanese is even more peculiar than to army engineering. Thinking about the campaign in defiance of the Recommendations, the ruler is not at all concerned with the legions of the USSR, not with military factories, not with strategic deposits, and not even with the deployment of management. The task of the army, in his understanding, is to undermine the fighting spirit of the Russians. And for this it is necessary ... to kill shrines, such as various boys with a bugle and girls with an oar, and also to ruin the sacred holiday of the Soviet people. What holiday? Well, not the seventh of autumn, who triumphs there! Naturally New Year!

Storm, sovereign commander, the city of Vorkuta, upset the Christmas holidays and burn a huge Christmas tree in the city square. The Russians, stunned by this operation, will surrender themselves. Not to us, but to a psychiatrist.

In this quest mission, we are practically led by the hand, so there are practically no tricks. Let's just get used to the mimicry of a secret transport, the abilities of the warriors of the Empire, shinobi and tank fighters (we will make sure that their rays unsurpassedly melt not only tanks, but also Russian monuments). And in the end we will arrange a shooting range for the Yari submarines.

Mission 2. Subjugation of the weak in spirit (To Conquer Shattered Spirits)

Grandfather Kholod has been defeated, but the Russian spirit is still unsatisfactorily weak. Now it is expected to kill the Motherland. Not all, but only its personification in the town of Stalingrad. All other bronze miners and Red Guards found there should also be exterminated.

First, as soon as we sail to the place and set up the bases of the base, it is necessary to strengthen this base; but it’s more correct, surprisingly, to immediately strive to strengthen along the line of the river, in which case absolutely the entire mission will pass with a bang. With a couple of cannons, Tengu and Tsunami will unsurpassedly strengthen the bridge, and when our vehicles crawl along the river, no provocations of the Recommendations will prevent them from reaching their goal. And then the garrisons of the eastern bridges can be directed to the northeastern corner of the map for an additional task - which will greatly simplify the assault on the central base.

Mission 3. Behold the Mighty Saint of Swords

Let employees Zverev, Intern, Dominguez and the rest tremble, as our subsequent operation involves the capture of Odessa, where the Russian commander-in-chief Kryukov dug in!

The 1st phase involves the escort of tactical cargo by 4 Striker VX combat helicopters. Transports go by sea, they are trying to stop the Stingrays and Sharks. The final ones need to be hit at the time of the ascent, in other words, it is completely unrealistic to prevent them from firing at the convoy. At the end point, you need to quickly land helicopters, turning them into anti-aircraft walkers in order to kill the opponent's Swords.

And then ... and then life becomes charming, since a supergiant - , aka Shogun - a three-armed, three-headed bot, will be assembled from a mysterious cargo. I can't help but notice: it's great that this sovereign is not in the cooperative video game; his presence there would mean a sure end to everything.

The Holy of Blades with one valiant blow demolishes virtually any object and everything that had the imprudence to be located in front of him. Another attack - that one simply kills all the enemy that fell into the circle ... in a very huge circle with the center in the robot. What else? Oh yes, he is being treated for electrical discharges from Tesla towers and Tesla carriers.

I would not say that there are at least some difficulties in this quest mission, but it still asks for some accuracy. Since the Shogun is still vulnerable; well, in Odessa, there are large guns in the assortment (they are our main goal), capable of decently injuring a superrobot. In addition, he does not have the slightest anti-aircraft weaponry, and the Recommendations have plenty of helicopters.

With helicopters, in general, there is one trick: however, neither the main nor the additional attack hits them, they can be killed if the main attack hits any object close to them. This is not always simple (the bot attacks very slowly), but it works. And of course, you need to strive at any cost not to kill the Tesla turrets; firing at first-aid kits is ridiculous.

There is also a side goal in the quest mission - to raze the Odessa Opera House and other interesting places to the ground. The was also included in their number, which is not exactly close here, but ... for the Holy of Blades, this is not a hook.

Mission 4. The Graveyard of Foolish Fleet

While Japan peacefully destroyed the Recommendations, the dangerous Union decided to stab her in the back. A dastardly attack without a declaration of battle took place... at Pearl Harbor, of course. In this reality, he is Japanese!

Our task is to strengthen the harbor, not let enemy ships and aircraft go there and protect ... what would you think? Naturally, monuments.Probably the Yankees are sleeping and contemplating, it seems to kill our bronze samurai!

First you need to capture the locators in order to have information about the approaching dilemmas in advance, and put cannons at the main points. The main points are first the mouth of the bay (the comrade will close the 2nd bay) and the approaches to the western cape, both an approximately motivated object and approximately landfall. From the shore, they should be raised with some walkers, and with the intention of the same Tengu. There is no need to spend money on additional offshore capacities.

Then it all comes down to the timely switching of turrets and walkers between the "air" and "ground" modes, depending on what is coming. You can try to use helicopters under the cover of Tengu to make a return visit to the Alliance base, but it's hard to carve out power for this. It is more correct to accumulate walkers and Tengu on defensive lines. It is worth similarly making a reserve with small rapid reaction forces (for example, infantry in transport) for the option if a friend or you miss the landing group.

After some time, Naginata will be sent to us, and this will turn out to be an adequate response to the Alliance aircraft carriers.

Mission 5. Assault on the Black Tortoise

The backbone of the Empire's maritime power is a floating stronghold; a brand new Alliance attack is aimed at her. He attacks ... in a peculiar way: with the help of construction sites. If the entire stronghold is surrounded by forests, the inhabitants of the land of the rising sun can only commit seppuku.

For this reason, the 1st part of the quest mission is shooting floating construction sites. This is not difficult, since our fleet is more than sufficient for this. And here's where something a little more interesting comes into play.

When the rescue voyage arrives at the island, power plants and ore factories are already being destroyed there. As we must keep in mind from the quest mission for the Union, if something happens to the stations feeding the peninsula, it will end badly. For this reason, it will be necessary for the time being to leave peaceful harvesters to the gaijins and run to beat off the power nodes, and then quickly repair them by engineers.

Immediately, without wasting time, it is necessary to begin to create a fleet and fighter squadrons; it's tempting to shield the fleet from the sky with rocket angels, but the Apollos kill them very easily. It won't work without the Tengu. The main problem in attacks on enemy naval bases will be in air defense; for this reason, it is necessary to destroy the airfields as soon as possible, it is easier to seize superiority at sea.

Mission 6. Rage of the Black Tortoise

It's time for Red Alert to visit E3! Our floating stronghold is landing in Los Angeles with the goal of taking over the local media centers and gaining control over the omnipotent ether. Let's not forget about the morale of the inhabitants; since with the monuments in Los Angeles decoct, we will shoot such important shrines as the ferris wheel and the western coaster! The observatory on the mountain will be defiled by the Americans themselves, having built a huge gun into its dome; It would be nice to get him sorted out early, so how can this Big Bertha be a badass.

We land on the coast close to the edge of the stronghold; from that place, 2 large, very large cannons peacefully look after us. And if we create a base close to the water, so that these guns shoot through our area through, they will change the defense of the perimeter for some time. This is very relevant, since it is close - a base with a shipyard and a tank factory, in fact, very close. Well, from the east is not very far from the alliance buildings. We cling to our native guns and ask for defense ...

On this we gain time, so that, without wasting energy on installation guns, we prepare a battle for the nearest base. If you intend to completely take half the base with engineers (on vehicles covered with a secret protocol), or you can build wave weapons that simply block the range of the turrets.

We will need a lot of troops and funds in this quest mission, but there are enough on the location; you should immediately capture as many of them as possible by engineers.

The observatory, no matter how annoying it may sound, is unsurpassedly protected from ground troops, the air is not a Japanese element, and it is very far from the sea. It remains to either storm it through the entire base, incurring heavy losses, or ... give it at its disposal to shoot at your partner, and accumulate the skill yourself in order to shoot it with the help of hidden protocols. There we have both parachute bombs and an air raid; if you apply everything at once, she, you see, is enough.

We will pick up the skill at the southeastern base, which is far from being shot through from the observatory. There is such a problem with her battle: however, she is mediocrely protected (the rainbow turrets near the media center are simply demolished from the air), reinforcements from the main group are simply and generously thrown up to her. For this reason, immediately with the beginning of the assault, we lead a certain number of turrets to the north-north-west of the base and brazenly deploy them without even waiting for the end of the battle. And we strengthen ourselves in buildings close to them. Come on, cockroaches, I'll treat you with a bullet...

And if only then we slowly descend to the caves of the southeastern base and demolish everything there that moves and waves the South American flag. A ship or a pair of rocket angels in that period will be carried away by a Ferris wheel; accumulated experience should be enough for a fiery healthy observatory. After that, together with a companion, we storm the main base.

Mission 7. Barbarians at Bay

Ege, so this is where Japan has so much information about the projects of supporters ... They can create robots not only of cyclopean, although completely human sizes. Now we are going to find out the prerequisites for the mysterious insanity of someone...

It's all lyrics, and the "physics" of the quest mission is as simple as possible: since the enemy's terrain is unsurpassedly shot from the sea, only the fleet, air cover from bombs and reconnaissance of targets will be useful to us. On the sea, the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun are as good as magic; of course, the Americans have a large number of airfields, and fighters will be required in a great assortment. And first, until we pinched the airfields, we need to cover our own squadron with hidden protocols and a nano-hive. In a word, everything is quite simple, and it is not even clear what this mission is doing at number 7.

Mission 8. Fall down, Kremlin! (Crumble, Kremlin, Crumble)

They smashed Odessa, but now let's please that part of the population that sleeps and sees the liquidation of Moscow. Japan has arrived on the banks of the Moskva River and plans to make the Kremlin's visit its own Shogun.

Subsequently, it may seem to the Odessa operation that our task is simple, since we have a supermachine on our side, but this is not so. Capturing Moscow requires accuracy and painstaking calculation.

1st phase - we are waiting for the arrival of the Shogun; during this time, we are invited to capture the asylum with the necessary Russian figures. Specifically capture, not kill. This goal is optional, but if it is achieved, it will be incomparably easier, since a large number of Russian buildings will go over to our side.

So, we are preparing the operation; this requires transport, in it - two engineers (for each option) and two or three more infantrymen, and similarly three or four Tengu. From the very beginning, we have one hidden protocol - and this will be the defense of our group, otherwise it will not pass past the Tesla towers (they cannot be fooled by repainting vehicles).

But let's not rush, because as soon as the Japanese banner will fly over the bunker, the Shogun will appear and a new phase of the battle will arise. And this, surprisingly, is not to our advantage: before that, we need to strengthen the base well.

We are persistently advised by the psi-destroyer, but why do we need it when there is a Shogun? It is more correct to spend finances on gun turrets, while as little as 2 wave turrets must stand in the passage leading to our partner. This blockhead will not hold the street by himself, and at some point Commander-in-Chief Kryukov will bring rocket launchers from that place, which will shoot the base from afar.Machine-gun mounting cannons should be placed inside the base and, as soon as there are enough wave towers, switch them to anti-aircraft mode. In addition, we build generators with a margin.

Less than a minute before the arrival of the Shogun, we capture the shelter; now we have a lot of unnecessary buildings for us throughout the location. Unnecessary, since there are no aircraft factories among them, and tanks and infantry We will not particularly need recommendations. But they will provide "employment" for the Russian troops, and therefore we will not rush to sell them, we will try to do it at the final moment. Since the Recommendations often start trashing their old buildings with reactors, we'll quickly see what backup generators were needed for: the newest buildings can overload the power and turn off the setting guns.

The shogun in that period stomps to the landfall to demolish the Tesla towers there; here, the former Russian barracks are breeding a couple of engineers to capture the currency houses on the other side of the Moscow River.

With the Shogun in this fight, you need to be as careful as possible. In fact, although Tesla turrets are in stock, there is one risk that was not in Odessa: Fears. This creature crawls into the superrobot and, albeit slowly, but in the end, gnaws it from the inside. Blade Saint's attacks work on Fear, but he's slow and those fleas run fast.

In the standard, it is worth driving a couple of fast cars in front of the Shogun (Tengu, for example, or Russian Sickles); Nightmare almost constantly infects the first thing that turned up. In any situation, the map must constantly be explored around the Shogun so that the Nightmare does not sneak up unnoticed, and the alternative battle of our monster must be saved on the option of the arrival of these parasites in order to fry them from afar.

There is another move: keep the Shogun in the river at a distance from the landfall, build shipyards and start bombarding targets from the sea. This is, let's say, not a very successful route.

While the Shogun is having fun in Zamoskvorechie, we are building a lot of Tengu at the base. However, we would definitely need six or eight pieces at the end of the quest mission, but it would be more correct to make more of them, since many attack helicopters will arrive soon. The Shogun cannot fight them; try to save, however, part of the Tesla towers on the river, since the death of the Shogun, even after the destruction of the Kremlin, is equal to defeat. Tengu will not solve difficulties with helicopters (MiGs will crumble them), but they can save power.

In the end, the monument to Lenin in the Kremlin collapses... and here it becomes clear why we stocked the Tengu: an enemy helicopter is trying to take away the time machine. Fortunately, the pilot was apparently dragged to the helicopter after a shock dose of the Soviet state drink, as he travels all over Moscow before departure. But to intercept, we need a lot of Tengu, some of which will definitely be shot down on the way.

Mission 9. Trembling of the last reddish flower (The Last Red Blossom Trembled)

And now - the final convulsions of the Alliance. Japan attacks Amsterdam, where a refugee from the USSR, Professor Zelinsky, is sitting in the Center for Advanced Technologies. time machine.

The enemy has a pair of colliders, which he will not fail to hit on our base; it should be dispersed from the very beginning in order to get the smallest loss. The center of the base will help out nano-protection, if you turn it on just right.

Nevertheless, nothing will help the base, if not to kill the airfields on the other side of the bay. With all this, rocket angels, which would be very needed, are not yet available. The most common thing is to build a central computer and a couple of of wave towers, storm with small forces, destroy the installation guns on the border and put your own in their place. Having dug in on the isthmus, you can methodically squeeze out the enemy, luring him to his own turrets. Let's not forget to immediately strengthen the embankment with anti-aircraft guns, otherwise the bombers' visits will quickly smash our base.

If you were lucky enough to survive the collider salvo and hit the air base, then everything is much simpler. Since now there is time and finances to construct a shipyard at sea and begin the formation of battleships. Amsterdam is built in a combat sense is simply a masterpiece: longish corridors make it possible for battleships to fire at any target that they reconnoiter from the air. Colliders, in order not to fire the 2nd shot, should be killed with hidden protocols and your psi-destroyer.

Take into account that the Center for Advanced Technologies is protected from naval bombardment and ... from superweapons and hidden protocols. It is most comfortable to storm it with rocket angels.

Game page: Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3.

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