Fallout 4: Nuka World - How to get the Nuka-cola armor


Fallout 4's Nuka World DLC is full of all sorts of collectibles and unique gear big and small, and picking it up while exploring the many new areas around Bethesda's wacky, crazy theme park is the best part of the DLC. In fact, one of the coolest Power Armor sets in the game and its distinct Nuka-Cola paint job is locked behind a door deep inside the Nuka-Cola bottling plant and Refresh World. So let's see how to get the most out of this caramel-flavored tank.

Bring on the atomic fire.

This is probably the only guide we'll ever make suggestions like this on, but it's best if you get your hands on the Nuka-Cola Power Armor and take the most direct route. Refresh World is a brutal area, and once you step into its quant-filled river, you'll be faced with multiple variants of empowered nukalurks and a whole swarm of their pathetic spawning, you'll be fighting on your own hands.

So get out the party, grab your favorite pistol and toss it into the ultimate X-01 set or whatever power armor you have on hand. Take the best weapons with you and make sure that at least one of them is a legendary combat rifle of one brand or another. A range of mines are also good choices, and if you're playing Survival mode, fill up the Nuka-Cola Quantum until your eyes light up.

Follow the blue

Once you decide you're ready, make your way to the Nuka-Cola Quantum River on the west side of the plant itself, then enter the bottling plant through the non-ominous front entrance and get ready for a tour of Hell's brightest spot. If you have a few extra mines, it's a good idea to plant some traps in a short sprint from the main entrance. Most of the nukalurks in the factory will follow you if you exit back through the main entrance, so if you're in a pinch, it's worth just picking it up and kissing your new friends over a pile of explosive shrapnel. Just make sure you keep a few on hand - there's a big game ahead and you'll need loads of explosive ammo to get the job done.

Once inside, you are likely to be overtaken by the Nukalurks guarding the front door. Be sure to keep an eye out for the Nukalurk King, who might show up from behind once the party starts. Focus fire on anything without a hard shell, and a few well-placed shotguns should send them up the river without a paddle. Once the area is free, go to the first attraction, where the guide will start complaining about the history of Nuka-Cola. From here, if you're experienced with lockpicking skills, you can save a lot of time and danger by picking the lock on the white door behind the chemistry-wielding Bradburton machine gun and immediately open the lock on the red door to your right. as you enter the corporate ladder. You will end up missing out on most of the more dangerous Nukalurks and popping up at the Nuka-Cola Dark show.

If you're not a fan of castles, just keep going down the Quantum River and kill Nukalurks along the way with prejudice. Either way, you'll still have to kill them all in the main quest, so it's worth getting started, although it's admittedly a lot more fun from the red and white Nuka-Cola Power Armor set. Whatever your choice, walk past the Nuka-Cola Dark exhibit and you'll find your prize waiting patiently behind an electronically locked door. Unfortunately, there is also a small army of Nukalurk Hunters guarding the treasure, just waiting to come and say hello. Clean them up as you see fit, and remember that if you entered through a service door, this will be a great place to return the grenades.

After the patrons of Quantum World sleep with the fish, take a few short steps across the prize to a small hole in the wall. You'll notice the dead Nukalurk just on the other side, and the tower that gave him the lead sandwich at the top of the stairs. In this next part, things get more complicated. At the top of the stairs, there is a small metal door that leads to a room with a terminal that controls the electronic locks that keep you from the prize. Unfortunately, there are also three or four high-ranking Assault Guards guarding the last big supply of Quantum Nuka-Cola, and depending on how loud you've been up to this point, they're probably patrolling the area with lasers.

This is where your remaining mines come in handy, because there's a nice long, straight catwalk at the top of the stairs in front of the metal door, which is the perfect place to plant multiple layers of mines to make Assaultron's life absolutely miserable. Depending on your difficulty settings, we offer at least two piles of mines, one right in front of the metal door (capped mines are best if you have them), and one halfway down the catwalk, consisting of a few fragmentation mines and cryo to choose from mine if you have one on hand. If the Stormtroopers survive one or both of the mine layers, the cryo-mine will freeze them in their paths and give you time to blast them to shreds before they can get to your tender guts.

Once the area is properly prepared, hide behind one of the steel doors on the edge of the catwalk and start making noise to make the stormtroopers run. Mines should do the rest of the work. Once the area is clear, go through the steel door through the robot gut pieces and access the terminal recessed into the main control panel to unlock the door protecting you from the prize. Now all you have to do is head back to the Quantum River down the stairs and dress up in all your sizzling radioactive glory. The Nuka-Cola Power Armor gives you a huge agility boost while it's equipped, and is already equipped with top tier armor upgrades for the T-51, making it fantastic even against high level enemies. Plus, who could resist this classic Nuka-Cola coloration?

Game page: Fallout 4.

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