Fortnite how to save protection for a minute?


Find out how to keep your defense for a minute in Fortnite, what difficulties await you, what you need to do to complete the goal, read in our guide.

In this challenge, players will need to maintain full shields for one minute. This means they will need to take shield potions until they reach 100 shields and then not take any shield damage for a whole minute. This is easier said than done in Fortnite, so this guide will provide tips to help players.

How to stay protected for a minute in Fortnite

To get a full shield, players need to drink two small shield potions and one large or two large ones. Small potions give 25 shields but cannot be used after reaching 50 total shields, while large potions give 50 shields, bringing it up to 100. Shields can also be obtained by breaking slura barrels with a harvesting tool or by standing in glowing blue water near the Slura swamp, although this is a very slow process.

And that's all you need to know about how to keep your protection up to a minute in Fortnite.

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