Destiny 2 - Starting principle "Guardian Games" 2021


In this guide, we will tell you how to properly start Guardian Games 2021 in Destiny 2?

Key points

Tasks Actions

  1. To play the Guardian Game in Destiny 2, you need to enter the tower and speak with Commander Zavala.
  2. Before you start playing the Guardian, you will need to select a Phoenix's Fire class item. All three are the same, the difference is only in the element.
  3. You will have to use it throughout Guardian Game activities or your progress will not be recorded. You can merge this class item with any existing one.
  4. Make sure you wear this when you play Guardian Games in Destiny 2.

How to play Guardian Games in Destiny 2?

Talk to Zavala first, collect the class item, and then talk to Eva Levante to collect the Suitcase of Medals.

You can track all the medals in this item. With this important element, you can track the following.

  • Laurel
  • Bronze medals
  • Silver medals
  • Gold medals
  • Platinum medals

As soon as you take the case with the medals, you will unlock the first Guardian Games quest. The first is "The Game Begins". The goal is to defeat mini-bosses and collect laurels. 100 laurels and you have completed the first task. Here are some tips on how to quickly complete the Game Begins quest and collect 100 laurels.

  • Equip a class item before starting the quest.
  • Kill enemies with Laurel farming abilities.
  • Weapon kills have a low drop rate.

Return to Eva after completing the quest, where you will see an additional item on the menu called "Challenger Cards". Pick 3 random and 2 challenger game cards to start farming medals. You will need to complete the objectives on these maps, you will receive medals and rewards. There are higher chances of getting better medals with challenger game cards. Additionally, complete Guardian Games Triumphs to earn more medals in Destiny 2.

Head to the Guardian Games podium and deposit a medal for some cool rewards. Here's how you can get started and play Guardian Games in Destiny 2. It's a massive event with lots of cool rewards to unlock.

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