Chernobylite how to build a database


Find out in this manual How to build a base in Chernobylite if you are still interested in this question, then read further.

Chernobylite Scientific fiction role-playing game in horror genre with elements of survival from The Farm 51 studio. Go to an incredibly realistic alienation zone, recreated using 3D scanners, and play the physics scientist Igor Chemistry, who has previously worked at the Chernobyl NPP. That's how to build a base.

How to build a base in Chernobylite?

Creating a base can be difficult. Resources are sometimes lacking, and it is difficult to determine what needs to be done. Igor must constantly check the database and add everything he can make his team is more efficient and comfortable. Building can be conducted at any time until Igor is based on, simply by pressing the button to activate the construction interface (on PC is "b").

Types of elements

There are three main categories of items that Igor can create: improving the base, inventory Igor and Comfort Companions. Igor wants to create items from all three categories, but the first two should be priorities if you have to choose.

This is what each category includes:

  • Base improvements - These are tools that increase the range of items that Igor can produce, or improve the living conditions of his team.
  • Inventory IgorAs follows from the name, consists of equipment that improves its inventory - for example, it allows it to make bullets, weapons and armor. It also includes tools that allow Igor to improve their weapons.
  • Comfort Companions It may be less priority, but they still need to pay attention as often as possible. This last category includes items that can be used to increase the combat spirit, although many of them perform a cosmetic function.

Beginning of work

For the first time, hitting asylum, Igor meets the construction mechanics and gets the first step - to build a simple workbench that will allow him to start creating more complex items. Further, the player can decide what to do next, but Olivier offers a good offer - build a bed. The construction of beds for teammates is a very good way to support their moral spirit: to sleep on the hard floor - it only aggravates their condition. It makes the beds with what Igor should do as quickly as possible when he recruits a new ally, or even prepare them before others join the team.

Intor inventory items should be created as soon as possible, as they can be used to obtain valuable resources that will save time and strength on the battlefield. The ability to create weapons and ammunition helps Igor be well equipped.By building a laboratory, Igor will be able to make first-aid kits, which will come in handy both to him and for the treatment of other members of the party. There are also gardens that can give resources. The construction of at least one garden will help support food reserves, and the gardens of herbs and mushrooms will give materials for crafts.

However, some of them require basic upgrades first. For example, gardens can only be built after Igor builds a laser cutting machine. Although there is no correct or incorrect order of construction, it may require Igor to appreciate that at the moment you need to mostly and place priorities accordingly.

Listen to the advice of your comrades

Igor's partners will sometimes share tips on how to equip the base. Although Igor may not immediately accept all their suggestions, he must try to take into account their requests at the first opportunity. Some of them will offer useful tools for assembly, such as a tool for calibrating a revolver.

In other cases, this will be proposals for less important things. At some point, they may ask Igor to buy radio and / or indoor plant - both, and the other will help allies feel more comfortable. Although it may be necessary to arrange priorities depending on the resources available, these requests should not be ignored.

Watch out for the level of stress of comrades

There are various potential stress factors that can affect the mention of the Allies of Igor. Monitor their condition and celebrate possible problems - a good way to determine what needs to be built. The food distribution menu contains information about what will help the team members, and what will cause stress. Lack of food is very light stress, so the construction of the garden will help.

But there are other factors that can play a role. The absence of a normal bed causes discomfort, but as Igor moves, other problems may occur. For example, it may be necessary to solve the problem of air quality or radiation protection. Know about the level of stress of comrades and understand that it can become a problem - a good way to identify priorities. For example, if the air quality is a problem, it may be time to build a car wash or at least air purifier.

Create many storage space

The category "Inventory Igor" includes many good options for resource mining, but it also has a section for storage. Igor can assemble a good collection of resources both during missions and, in the presence of appropriate equipment, on the basis.

However, at a time he can only carry so much. Sooner or later, Igor will end the place in the inventory, which can cause problems if he suddenly hesitate to throw part of the inventory to free the place.

This is where it becomes a valuable storage.Any resources that come across Igor - ammunition, food, medicine, materials for crafts - can be stored in one of these structures, freeing the place in the inventory and without losing potentially useful items. Warehouse premises are especially good for storing and accumulating materials for crafts, which in the long run will make the construction of the base much more efficient.

That's all you need to know about how to build a base in Chernobylite..

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