Ace Combat 7 sound design wows players


If you haven't played Ace Combat before, the amount of information on the screen can be overwhelming. But most of what you need to know is passed on to you through audio games. And the sound of Ace Combat 7 is damn good. Watch the video to see and more importantly hear it all in action. In the middle of a fight, you'll hear the aircraft's warning system begin flashing as an incoming missile hits you, and your team's helpful chatter on the coms helps you navigate the chaos. My favorite touch is what the game does to the music as you cut through the cloud. Clouds serve a rather strategic purpose during fights.

If you can't shake the rocket, just jump into the cloud and confuse its tracking systems so you can take it off your back. Compromise - you lose visibility for a short time. If you're driving too fast, it could mean sinking into the ocean quickly. Spend too much time inside the cloud and you risk also freezing the plane too hard and slowing down. Every time you are in the cloud, the game adds a nice wetness effect to the camera. Hands down, the coolest touch is a way to dynamically change the volume of the music inside the cloud. The moment you dive into the cloud, the music is muted as if you were underwater.

It leaves only the sound of your command along with system alerts and the sound of your plane as it crashes through the void. The muted music adds a pleasant tension to the feeling of losing ground and makes breaking through to the other side feel heroic as the music ramps up again. It may not sound like much, but it's a subtle embellishment in an already tense situation that can actually impact your gameplay. Either it makes you more stressed or helps you focus. We've seen countless examples of dynamic audio woven into the gaming experience lately, but this one is one of my favorites.

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