AFK Arena how to get through the Mysterious Labyrinth


Find out in this guide how to get through the Mysterious Labyrinth in AFK Arena, if you are still interested in this question, then read on.

AFK Arena is a casual action card game. Players can create a custom team and level up with the unique AFK Awards auto-farming system. Join players from all over the world on this fantasy journey and stop an ancient evil from destroying the kingdom of Esperia. Here's how to get through the Mysterious Labyrinth.

How to get through the Mysterious Labyrinth in AFK Arena?

The mystical labyrinth is the first location that opens up for the player to pass in the "Dark Forest" tab. The labyrinth is 3 islands that open in turn. The islands are covered with nets that indicate several options for passing:

  1. Abandoned wagon - here you can choose a hero with whom the player will go through the maze. During the passage of the location, you can meet several wagons.
  2. Mystic - this stranger can resurrect one of the player's fallen heroes.
  3. The battle mode is indicated on the map in the form of a chest with the definition of the number of enemy forces.
  4. Fountain of vitality - restores lost health points to characters by 50%.

The labyrinth has its own rules for passing:

  1. Updated every 48 hours. All monsters, rewards and quests are back.
  2. The player can only select the current and nearby grids. Once the player chooses where to go, all other grids disappear.
  3. For the victory, a certain number of labyrinth tokens are given, which can be spent in the labyrinth store.
  4. In the labyrinth, for defeating the boss, relics are given that can only be used in this location, but repeatedly. In other adventures, the player will not be able to use these artifacts.

Passing mechanics. The player, entering the labyrinth, selects one of the cells, then performs a task on it (heals, selects an auxiliary hero, etc.). After each battle, players' health is not automatically restored. For treatment, you must use the fountain. If the hero dies, only the Mystic can resurrect him. After passing the first level, the player receives a reward and moves on. Each new stage is more difficult than the previous one.

Tricks of passing. It happens that some enemy units are much stronger than heroes, so you should take care of your main unit. It is better to walk on those cells in which there is no battle. It happens that you can go through a whole etym and never fight. You should save the Tears of Gifts, which are given after the complete passage of the Labyrinth. They should be used as a last resort. After each battle, you can increase the level of characters, then health will be automatically replenished.

King's Tower. The tower consists of 300 floors. On each floor, the player is waiting for a team of opponents who must be defeated. For each battle, a reward is given. To successfully complete the Tower, it is necessary to increase the level of characters each time. The tower is not particularly difficult to pass. There are no special tricks here either. Just battle after battle, if you fail to pass the floor - the level of the character increases.

Why are my relics missing? Relics are special items that are only available in the Arcane Labyrinth and the Peaks of Time. It is impossible to use them in other game locations.

Why are the enemies I encounter different from other players' enemies? The difficulty of the enemies in the Labyrinth depends on the player's attack rating. The stronger the player, the stronger his enemies. Trophies for defeating strong enemies are better than for defeating weak ones.

How often is the assortment of products in the "Labyrinth" store updated? Once a month.

If I have several identical relics, do their properties and bonuses add up? Yes, the bonus properties of relics that exist in multiple copies are cumulative.

How do relic bonus modifiers work? Relics directly change the properties of heroes, which can be viewed on the hero page. If a hero's crit rating is initially 10%, then he uses a relic with the "Crit Rating + 10%" add-on, the hero's total crit rating in the Labyrinth will be 20%.

Are the Labyrinth floor rewards random? Yes, the rewards for completing the Labyrinth floor are given randomly.

That's all you need to know about how to get through the Mysterious Labyrinth in AFK Arena.

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