Swag and Sorcery - Fashion Show: 0 to 5 stars


An easy way to get 5 star reputation for your village. Okay, this guide is going to be pretty short since there really isn't much to it. The entire 0 star fashion show is a random mess, so don't worry about bribing the judges and don't even compete at all. This is a complete waste of resources and valuable items that you can sell to level up your characters. When I was at the 0 star level, I invested a metric amount in *** tons of items to figure out the preferences of ALL the judges. Then, using an Excel sheet, I meticulously figured out what each hero needed to wear and equip to achieve the best result. And you want to know what grades I got? 3x 1, 1, 1, I even tried it a few times while digging around with savegamee with the same result. TLDR of the previous paragraph: DO NOT bribe the judges and don't worry about entering the contest while you are at 0 stars.

Here's what I found out, and it's pretty interesting. At some point, you will receive a quest in which you need to deliver a legendary (orange) amulet called Helper Beetle. As a reward, you will receive a reputation. Unfortunately, you cannot buy the recipe from the fashion house. You need to find it in one of the following dungeons:

1. "Hot springs"
2. “Swamp”
3. "Underground City"

Once you get it, you will notice that it is an epic (purple) amulet, so use your best stamina symbol in the order for a chance to get a legendary (orange) rating and build this bug. When I finished the quest, it instantly catapulted me from 0 to 4 stars. So now that you're entering the competition again, don't worry about bribing the judges (unless you've achieved the Speech Master achievement, which requires you to know all the preferences of ONE judge). What you need to do is look up what the "Color Trend" is. Dress up 3 of your guys in this color and ignore the other equipment. Only the trend color matters. Send them to the competition and easily get 1st and 2nd place. At 0 stars, the "Trending Color" game mechanic is not available. Therefore, you need to first complete the quest in the Order to increase the number of stars a little in order to unlock it. Once you've done that, it should look like this:

And here you are. Congratulations. You will immediately receive 5 stars, and the Fashion Village achievement will be yours.

Game page: Swag and Sorcery.

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