Warframe - Xaku Ability Guide


The new warframe Xaku is coming soon, here's everything you need to know about what they can do.

What are the new abilities of Warframe Xaku? The next major content update for one of the best MMO games, Warframe, is approaching its release date. The Heart of Deimos takes players to the new planetoid Deimos, where we can battle the hordes of the infected in its devastated landscape. One of the tools we'll be acquiring to help us in the coming conflict is the new Warframe, Xaku.

Xaku is weird, even compared to the rest of the cast. Xaku are not one frame, they are three separate Warframes held together by the power of the Void, and they use the abilities that each Warframe provides. Xaku will arrive with three other new Warframes in 2020 as part of a lineup of new content coming to Warframe. Players will also be able to pilot Undead robots in the Warframe and rework older Warframes for more customization options.

There's a lot going on in the Heart of Deimos update, and while we don't know everything about this new Warframe, we do know what Xaku abilities we'll have to play with.


Whisper of Xaku is their first ability that acts as a personal damage buff. When used, Xaku's primary, secondary, and melee weapons gain an additional void damage buff for a short duration.


Grasp of Lok is Xaku's next ability, which allows them to steal weapons from nearby enemies, turning them against their previous owners. To do this, Xaku shoots into a void filled with tentacles and disarms nearby enemies. This weapon then floats around the player and automatically fires at nearby enemies, dealing invalid damage. If Lok's Grasp hits any non-ranged enemies, Void Weapons will be generated independently. The damage from this weapon depends on the level of the enemy, so the more difficult the content you make, the more powerful the stolen weapon will be.


The third ability that Xaku can use is Lost, which is actually a collection of three separate abilities taken from the three Warframes that it is made up of, and which you can choose between. Three abilities that can be activated with The Lost:

Gaze - Xaku yells at a single enemy who grabs them with empty tentacles, holding them in place. This trapped enemy emits an aura that lowers the defensive stats of other enemies that enter its radius.

Deny - Xaku fires a thin beam of void energy in any direction the player aims the crosshair, then this beam will damage any enemy it hits. If the beam doesn't kill an enemy, it applies a crowd control debuff to them.

Accuse - Xaku creates a fissure at the selected location with a range. Any enemies within this radius will be corrupted, causing them to turn on their allies and shoot any undamaged enemies they can find for a period of time.


Finally, Xaku's ultimate ability is Immeasurable Timelessness. This ultimate starts off with a big self-destruct where Xaku fires the Warframe parts they are made of at enemies around him, dealing damage to those hit by the shrapnel. Once this is done, Xaku's skeleton will be revealed and can be controlled. In skeletal Xaku form, they take 75% less damage in all directions. This buff lasts until parts of Xaku transform around them, which happens automatically after a short time.

Overall, Xaku seems like a unique addition to the Warframe cast. Xaku's abilities revolve around void damage, a rare type of damage that is almost never used by Warframes, and even if we briefly look at what they can do, there will be enough room for variety in buildings. We're very eager to experiment with the Xaku kit to see how far we can push this mysterious new frame once the Heart of Deimos drops.

While we're not sure exactly how we got our hands on this shiny new Warframe, it will most certainly be linked to a new quest starting with the Heart of Deimos update, which will be released on August 25th.

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