Valheim how to create and use a cart?


Find out how to create and use a cart in Valheim, what difficulties await you, what you need to do to complete the goal, read in our guide.

On this page of the Wallgame guide, you will learn how to create a cart and how to use it.

How to create and use a cart in Valheim

The Wooden Cart is extremely useful on any major resource quest. Inventory capacity in Walheim is limited - each character's base weight is set at 300 - not much considering one stack of wood (50 pieces) weighs 100.

How to make a cart?

To craft a cart, you will need 20 pieces of regular wood and 10 bronze nails. Bronze nails can only be crafted after building a forge and making a bronze ingot - it is obtained by combining copper and tin ingots. More information about mining and smelting can be found on a separate page of this guide.

After crafting 10 bronze nails, equip your character with a hammer and select "Basket" in the "Miscellaneous" tab. You can place it anywhere and start using it right away.

How to use the cart?

To load or unload a cart, approach it so that the Storage command appears on the screen. When you confirm the action, your character's inventory will appear on the screen, as well as free space on the cart - you can move items between these windows (drag and drop), or click the Take All button to immediately move all items from the cart to your inventory.

To grip the cart correctly, stand in the position shown in the picture above - between the arms of the cart, facing the loading area. Press the E key when the Cart command appears on the screen - your character will grab the handles and be able to start pulling the cart.

It should be noted here that while you are pulling the cart, your character can still sprint and even fight, but this will be somewhat limited. Additional actions will obviously use up stamina. It is also worth knowing that:

  • The cart is not indestructible: it can take damage from enemies, as well as when driving carelessly - it can get stuck on obstacles, fall from a height;
  • The cart may get stuck: if you are driving between trees or rocks, the cart may become blocked;
  • The weight of the trolley matters: a loaded trolley is much more difficult to steer. If you want to climb a steep hill, you will have to douche.

And that's all there is to know about how to create and use a cart in Valheim.

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