Borderlands 3 - How To Get The Legendary Yellowcak Rocket Launcher


Don't eat this. Borderlands 3 always has a few guns that are dangerously close to breaking the game, but the legendary Yellowcake rocket launcher just breaks it.

The version you can get at higher chaos levels can roll with all kinds of perks, as well as the anointed version, which adds another 300% increased damage to enemies with over 90% health, to weapons that already tend to roll at 200 -300% damage buff. Due to a potential bug right now the weapon also only has red health for this buff, so if your enemies are all shields and armor, they will be swatted like flies.

The yellow cake does radiation damage, so it has a habit of melting large groups of enemies from three missiles and the huge area of ​​damage it can deal. Needless to say, all damage values ​​just go up if you handle it at higher Chaos levels, so you probably want to get as far as possible into the new Chaos mode before the current event ends.

You can grow yellow tortilla from several different sources in the game, all of which can be found in the same location. You will need to sneak into Villa Ultraviolent, as well as try out farm weapons from Fish Slap, Tyrone Smallums and Joey himself ultraviolet.

Slap fish and Tyrone Smallums can spawn in several places, such as at the main entrance of the villa itself, as well as in a room where you often need to grab part of the fountain in the center of the mansion. Both are easy enough to remove. They can also breed alongside Joey UV during the boss fight, making him a pretty efficient farm.

Fish Slap and Tyrone Smallums can also spawn if you grow decorator rings when you kill cartel members, as the Lighthouse sometimes summons them. If you see an enemy with some kind of glowing neon armor, you can kill him and they throw a beacon that summons other enemies. Sometimes it can be a character like a fish slap.

The higher the chaos level, the better the loot, so make sure you play a level that allows you to quickly handle enemies, but also rewards you with some decent weapons. Even if you get the yellow cake, it's still worth fighting as hard as you can to try and secure the post of a possible role.

How to get the legendary weapon Yellow Cake

Yellow Cake is a new CoV Launcher that drops in Borderlands 3. If you don't get yourself this legendary weapon during this event, it will no longer be available. However, there may still be a chance to get this weapon in a future event or something else if the Gearbox allows it. Yellow Pie ​​can shoot exploding balls and split into two exploding spheres that turn into 4 exploding spheres. It's total chaos when playing with this new legendary launcher. To get the Yellow Cake in Borderlands 3 Cartel Revenge, you must kill any of the three bosses.

  • Joey ultra ultraviolet
  • Tyrone smallums

You can farm these bosses when they respawn. All of these bosses in Revenge of the Cartels have a small chance of dropping the legendary Yellow Cake launcher. To trigger the Revenge of the Cartels event, you need to find and talk to Maurice at the Sanctuary. Maurice will offer you the "Revenge of the Cartels" quest. Open the map and beat the glowing enemies.

Glowing enemies spawn cartels, and cartels dump information you can give Maurice. You need 30 pieces of information before moving forward. Once you start the event, you can kill any of the three bosses listed above and get yourself the Yellow Pie ​​Launcher in Revenge of the Cartels. We suggest going after Joey Ultraviolet as this will also solve one of the problems.

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