The Witcher 3 Console Commands and Cheats: The Complete Guide


Fast travel from anywhere, craft items, be Ciri, turn on god mode, and more!

"Evil is evil," says Geralt during one of the many lectures on ethics 101. "Less, more, average. It's all the same." So we can conclude that he probably won't think too much about us using all those The Witcher 3 cheats and console commands to take on the god-like powers of creation and destruction - but hey, if he starts complaining , we can just turn him into Ciri, who I'm sure is a lot less picky about things like that.

How to enable The Witcher 3 console

Turning on the console in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is very simple and will take you less than a minute. Here are the steps if the above beautiful diagram is not clear enough for you:

1a) Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the Witcher 3 folder.

1b) Alternatively, right-click The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt in the Steam Library and click Manage -> Browse Local Files, which will open Windows Explorer in the same folder.

2) From here go to bin -> config -> base and open the general.ini file with Notepad++ or Notepad.

3) On a new line at the bottom of the file, enter "DBGConsoleOn=true" without the quotes.

4) Save and close the file, then launch The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

5) After entering the game, you can open and close the console by pressing "~" tilde or @, #, F2.

That's all! Now, when you want to enter a specific console command, you simply open the console, type in the command, and press Enter.

List of The Witcher 3 console commands

Below is a complete list of all console commands and cheats in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, as well as a description of their functions and how to use them. Don't forget to use the search bar at the top of the table to find a specific command!

Note: If a command is enclosed in parentheses, then it requires certain parameters (sections in italics). Some parameters are optional, but most of them are required for the command to work.



GodTurns on/off invulnerability.
likeabossEnables/disables boss mode. When enabled, you deal 40% of the enemy's health as damage on each hit.
addkeysGives you all the keys you need to open all doors.
addmoney(amount)Adds the specified amount of crowns (money).
removemoney(amount)Removes the specified number of crowns (money).
additem('item code', amount)Adds the specified item to inventory. You can optionally specify the quantity. See this list of item codes for details.
removeitem('item code')Removes the specified item from the inventory. For details, please refer to the list of item codes.
witchcraftAdds one item from the game to your inventory. WARNING: The command may take some time to execute and/or crash your game.
spawn('npc code', amount, distance, hostility)Spawns the specified type of NPC in front of you. Optionally, you can specify the distance from the player. You can also specify hostility towards you (true/false). in this list of NPC codes.
killall(distance)Kills all enemies within the specified radius around your character.
healmeSets health to full.
setlevel(level)Sets your level to the specified number.
levelupIncreases your level by 1.
addexp(amount)Grants you the specified amount of XP.
learnskill('skill code')Learns the indicated skill/talent. in this list of skill codes.
addskillpoints(amount)Gives you the indicated number of skill/talent points.
AllowFT(0/1)Enables (1) or disables (0) the ability to fast travel from anywhere.
ShowAllFT(0/1)Enables (1) or disables (0) the ability to see all Fast Travel locations, whether you've opened them or not.
ShowPins(0/1)Enables (1) or disables (0) the ability to see all pins (points of interest) on the map, whether you have found them or not.
ShowKnownPins(0/1)Enables (1) or disables (0) the ability to see all previously discovered pins (points of interest) on the map.
settime(days, hours, minutes, seconds)Sets the time of day in terms of days/hours/minutes/seconds since the start of the game.
TM(multiplier)Sets the speed of in-game time. Examples: 1 = 1 minute passes every second (default). 0.5 = 1 minute every 2 seconds. 5 = 5 minutes every second.
ciriSwitches your character to Ciri.
GeraltSwitches your character to Geralt.
Cat(0/1)Enables (1) or disables (0) the cat potion effect (night vision).
Drunk(0/1)Enables (1) or disables (0) the Drunk status effect.
dismemberRemoves from the targeted NPC.
SpawnHorseSpawns a horse.
instantMount('horse')Spawns and instantly puts you on a horse. This can only be used with the 'horse' option.
staminaponySpawns a horse with unlimited stamina.
spawnBoatAndMountSpawns and instantly locks you onto a boat.
maketrainMake it rain.
stoprainStop the rain.
changeweather('weather code')Sets a certain type of weather. in this list of weather codes.
winGwint(0/1)Instantly win (1) or lose (0) the current Gwent game.
addgwintcardsGives you one Gwent card each. The exception is the Katakan card, which requires: "additem('gwint_card_katakan')".
secretgwintStarts the game in Gwent against artificial intelligence.
addable('buff code')Give yourself the indicated buff effect. in this list of buff codes.
rmbabl('buff code')Removes the indicated buff effect. For details, refer to this list of buff codes.
cleardevelopReset the character, remove all items and levels, and reacquire the starting equipment.
buffme('effect id', seconds)Bestows the indicated effect on you. Different from the addabl command! See this list of effect codes for details.
appearance('appearance code')Sets your appearance to match the specified model. in this list of appearance codes.
WitcherHairstyle('1'/'2'/'3')Sets the hairstyle of the specified type. Apostrophes are required around the selected number.
addHair1Sets the hairstyle to the default style.
addHair2Style your hair in a ponytail.
addHair3Style your hair in a long loose style.
addHairDLC1Style your hair in a loose short style.
addHairDLC2Sets hair style mohawk / ponytail.
addHairDLC3Customizes your hairstyle to look like an elven rebel.
shaveShaves his beard.
setbeard(bear code)Gives your beard the specified style. in this list of beard codes.
settattoo(0/1)Enables (1) or disables (0) Geralt's neck tattoo.
setcustomhead('head code')Sets the character's head to the specified model. For detailed information, please refer to the list of head codes.
removecustomheadResets the head model to its default value.
xy(x, y)Teleports you to the specified x/y coordinates.
gotoWyzimaTeleports you to Vizima.
gotoNovigradTeleports you to Novigrad.
goto SkelligeTeleports you to Skellige.
gotoKaerMohrenTeleports you to Kaer Morhen. Yes, you must write "KaerMorhen" for this to work.
gotoPrologTeleports your character to the White Garden.
gotoPrologWinterTeleports your character to the White Garden (Winter).
ToggleCameraAutoRotationEnable/disable automatic camera rotation.
fade outTurn off the display.
fade inDecrease display brightness.
testpausePauses the game.
testunpauseUnpauses the game.
dlgshowEnables/disables the game's user interface.
activateAllGlossaryBeastiaryIncludes all Beastiary entries in the Glossary.
activateAllGlossaryCharactersIncludes all character entries in the Glossary.

That's it: a complete guide to cheats and console commands in The Witcher 3. But that's not all we have on this RPG masterpiece.

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