Overview of Paladins Battle Royale Mode


The video game deserves attention, having been in beta for over a year, watching all the developers "search for themselves" and enduring all the hard changes in the video game economy and some gameplay features.

Now, it seems to me, the video game has found an impeccable way to spin. Apart from trivial advantages, such as a card system, lovely customization of heroes, optimization for weak PCs at the time of writing the review, a moot point, pretty solid graphics, I would like to note the attitude of developers to their own product. The creators are not shy about talking with their own community, they have every chance of humor and invest a lot of effort into the development of the video game. They promise that big additions will be released every 6 months, and small changes and changes will be made between big updates.

It is permissible to praise the game for an extremely long time, but the PR people themselves will show all the pluses in detail, I would like to tell you about the minuses, which I really hope will be corrected in the future:

1. The video game does not work stably, although everyone says that it is made for weak PCs, there are difficulties, my computer is not so weak. Firstly, if your video game drags on for more than 3-4 hours in 1 -y session, expect subsidence of fps to 20-30. Secondly, after the last addition, for some reason, the fps in the game does not rise above 60 before it was 175, I'm not sure that there is a problem in the game, but it's worth paying attention, because the video game is extremely dependent on the supporting software installed on the PC.
2. Not a good rating system, I don’t know about the others, but I either have 10 wins in a row, or 10 losses. There is no other way In fast-paced games, there is no such difficulty, it is relevant only for rating ones.
3. Not enough game modes. For the fast-paced video game, only 2, specifically: "siege" and "skirmish" includes, 2 modes "onslaught" and "team battle to the death", the rating video game contains only one scenario, similar to the "Assad" mode.
4. Mistakes. Personally, I encounter errors and crashes from time to time, but in the VKontakte group I often see screen shots with bugs and read the indignation of gamers, so it’s better not to expect a video game to work perfectly
But, without looking at all the problems, I recommend getting acquainted with Paladins, since the video game contains developers who are ready to develop the project. In each update, it is possible to see bug fixes, contests will often be held, which will diversify the video game process, and the right marketing campaign and support from gamers will make it possible to make a good choice in the ranking.

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