Syberia 2 walkthrough - 100% completed


We are halfway to the dream - distant Siberia. The first half-station is a snow-covered Russian town called Romansburg.

We arrive in Romansburg, get acquainted with its first inhabitant - the owner of the shop Emelion Gupachev. We go into the store, steal the key from the table near the broken lamp, go to the candy boxes, open the far right, pick up a bunch of coins. We use the second coin from the left from the row on the middle candy bowl, we get a fish candy (you need to put a coin in the pocket and turn the handle), on the left candy bowl we use the fifth coin - we get sugar candy. We leave the store, talk to the girl, she leaves. We return to the store, we speak with the colonel, we inquire about the key. He confesses that he lost the key, and now someone downstairs has it. We return to the girl (she has a red balloon in her hands), we talk, we throw sugar candy down to her, she raises the key to the gate on the balloon. We return to the gate, open them, go down. Downstairs we speak with the girl (Malka), once again we ask her for details about the inhabitants of the lower city, and in particular about the coal-distributing machine. Malka says that the Burgov brothers, Ivan and Igor, may know something about her.

On the way to them, we go to the cabaret of Tsirkos, get acquainted with the owner, he offers to see the mechanical horses located on the right (obviously the work of Hans). The mechanism is broken. We speak with the owner, he remembers Hans and invites Kate to invite him to a cabaret so that he can fix the horses and see him. We leave the cabaret, we get to the fence with posters, we approach the gate. We speak with Ivan about the coal car. He advises filling the generator with gasoline from a red canister. We go to the generator, take the canister - it is empty. We return to the brothers, they say that we need to find gasoline, but, despite the gasoline generator working in the yard, they do not want to share - even for money.

We continue our passage of Syberia 2. We go along the fence to the left, we come across a man gluing posters. We leave the location, return and find that a freshly pasted poster covers a hole in the fence. We tear down the poster, we get into the yard. We release a dog that looks like a polar bear cub from the cage, the younger brother runs away to catch it. At this time, we replace the canister with an empty one. We wake up the second brother, the first one returns, we run away. Pour gasoline into the generator, press the red button on the pile nearby - it starts to work. We go upstairs, start the train using the apparatus next to Oscar. Then we lower the lever on the mechanism behind the shop - the car is filled with coal. Oscar immediately comes running and says that Hans is missing. We go in search.
Hans is sick - that's bad. After asking the locals (Malka), you will find out that Hans can be cured only in a monastery near Romansburg. Talk to Colonel Gupachev, he will lower the ladder to the attic for you. Get in and take a set of winter clothes. Then go downstairs, talk to Malka, and then to Tsirkos, he will tell you that the monks determine the condition of the sick by a special face print. To get this print, you need to get a special linen towel. The box with these towels is located at the bridge, at the exit from the city. From Tsirkos, we already know that Malka is the keeper of the towels - the monks once helped her mother, and now she is in their trust. Complaining to the girl about the poor condition of the old man, we lure her token. We go to the bridge, throw the token into the slot of the machine, pull the lever, pick up the towel. We return to the train. On the way we go into the shower room and change into a set of winter clothes. We enter the patient's room, put a towel on his face, pick it up. Everything, you can go to the monastery.
On the way to the monastery, probolzhaya passage "Siberia 2", we see that you can get into it with the help of an elevator, however, pulling the rope, we get a silent refusal from the monk-"elevator". Okay, let's be smarter. We turn to the path to the right, we go out to the shore of the lake, where the novice washes dirty linen (monastic cassocks). We start a conversation with him. The lonely monk is extremely talkative, from a conversation with him we understand that only nuns are allowed into the monastery. It also turns out that the comrade is a great connoisseur of Latin, overwhelmed by the dream of seeing the bird of his dreams - Merula Alba, which means "white raven". By the way, this same bird sings nearby. We return to the city to Colonel Gupachev. He gives us from the master's shoulder three calls for birds - black, silver and gold. We return to the lonely erasing monk and give him a silver decoy. He blows into it, Merula Alba responds, and the comrade runs away in search of a dream, and in the meantime, with a clear conscience, we steal a cassock from the stones, change clothes and penetrate the elevator into the monastery. To the left of the elevator we take matches from the wax melting machine.

We immediately go forward, pay attention to the monk cutting the grass and the wheelbarrow standing next to it - now it is empty. We move further, we leave on the monastery square and we go to the left, to heavy doors. We go inside, we speak with the Patriarch who came out to the sounds. We show the shroud with the imprint of Hans. Yes, he is bad. So, Hans is brought to the monastery. From the Patriarch we learn the sad news - Voralberg is dying. We go to the cell in which Hans lies, we speak with him. He says that some monk can help him - an old friend Alexei Tukiyanov, with whom he lived together with the Yukols - a small northern people. We ask him about Alexei. At this moment, the man who washed the cassocks comes to the door to eavesdrop. We leave the cell, drive him away. Then we ask about brother Alexei. After a long conversation, he gives a scroll and a lens with the image of a mammoth - you can see them by turning the page in your inventory.

We read the scroll. And then we continue the passage of Syberia 2. We go out to the area in front of the cells, where the Patriarch told us about the plight of Hans, we pick up a brush from the floor. We leave at the crossroads, go down to the apartments of the Patriarch. We go inside. We pass one screen forward, then pay attention to the two frescoes on the sides. We are interested in the left. We approach it, use the brush on the book, which is held in the hands of the saint. We have a diagram in front of us. We remember the location of the highlighted points relative to the cross. You can talk to the patriarch. We return to the crossroads, enter the door, on the sides of which are the monks. We run to the right, we go down the spiral road down. Ba! A familiar cross on the floor.
We remove a long poker from the wall on the right and lower the candles in the order in which they were depicted on the hint - relative to the top: the top one, then we skip two on each side and light two more in a row on each side. After that, a viewing window with a view of Romansburg will open on the second floor. While it is open, put a lens with a mammoth on it - for this you need to flip the page in the inventory and click on the icon with the palm, after which you can install. We return to the view of the window. We raise the sashes in the following order: lower, left, upper, right. If it doesn’t work right away, try again - perhaps their position is generated randomly, in any case, you need to raise them in a circle, clockwise. After this operation, the window is covered, and an image of a mammoth is projected onto the opposite wall. We approach the round bas-relief, on which the light falls, activate it. On the right, a secret closet opens, from which we take the diary of Alexei Tukiyanov and the Yukol relic. Read the diary carefully - it is very interesting in itself and gives a hint.
From the diary we learn about the recipes of Yukol medicine. We leave this building and go along the passage leading from the elevator back.Now the monk cutting the grass is gone, and there are garden shears on the wheelbarrow. We select them and return to the fork. Passing further Siberia 2, we go to the monastery cemetery (with a white tree), where the novice is already digging a grave for your friend Hans. Too early! We go along the right path, inspect the tombstones and stumble upon the grave of brother Alexei. It is all overgrown with grass - we take out the scissors and cut this grass, we pick it up. We leave to the left, pay attention to the crevice in the wall, to the left of the place where the monk is digging. We leave the cemetery. We return to the screen with the elevator, we approach the wax machine. We do the following operations: we pull a thing resembling a fly swatter. The fire starts to boil. Open the filling cylinder, which is located under the faucet. We put grass in a pot with wax, a wick in a cylinder (they lie side by side), close the cylinder, lower the faucet. Everything, the herbal candle is ready, take it. Yes, don't forget the matches!

We go to the cell to Hans. We put the Yukol relic on the table (which turned out to be a banal candlestick), put a candle in it, set it on fire with matches. In the best traditions of opium smokers, smoke begins to curl around the room and white mammoths run around. Of course, after such a "therapy" Hans jumps like a young man - as if he was not going to die. It's time to do the legs. We go to the elevator, we speak with the patriarch, who categorically forbids Hans to leave the monastery and hints that he can only get out of here in a coffin. Well, in a coffin so in a coffin. We go to the apartments of the patriarch, we pass into the curtained room, we take the ornamented key. We return to the entrance to the patriarch's chambers, we approach the grate on the right, we use the key on it, we enter the room. It has only one active item - the cord from the bell. We pull on it, a ringing is heard, and the monk digging the grave leaves. We go to the cemetery, move the coffin to the crevice, return to Hans' cell and say that it's time to know the honor ... We sit down with Hans in the coffin and leave the monastery (you will see exactly how in the video).

The passage of Syberia 2 continues. We are back on the train. It's time to leave, but Hans asks Kate to return to Cirkos' cabaret and fix the mechanical horses. Taking the detail from Voralberg, we go to the cabaret. We pass to the horses, install the disk on the pin. The disk is divided into quarters. The lower left is responsible for the first (if you count from the left) horse, the upper left is for the second, the upper right is for the third, the lower right is for the fourth. Each quarter has a hole to which you need to bring the pipe. We do this: in the first quarter we put the pipe in the middle, in the second - on the upper division, in the third - on the top, in the fourth - on the extreme right (upper). When all the tubes are standing, touch the knob in the middle. After all the horses start, we disconnect the tubes, touch the knob again, the disk turns. We install the nozzles in the same way as for the first time, touch the knob. We do these manipulations four times, watch the video.

The train has left, but all is not lost. We go up to the colonel in the store, we complain to him about the mountain. He gives the go-ahead for the use of the service cart. We go out to the railway platform, we approach its left edge, we pull the lever. We sit down in the cart, we pass ten meters. Yes ... you need traction. We return to the cabaret. We ask Tsirkos for permission to pick up the yuki. After obtaining consent, we go to the fence, behind which the brothers Ivan and Igor were hiding. Open... Strange. We go inside, take the newspaper from the bench, then lure the yuki with fish sweets, go to the trolley, sit down - and forward, from Romansburg!

The villains staged a trick for us - we will have to go around the world of "Siberia 2". On the way we come across a boulder with frozen fish - until we need it, we move on. Seeing the beaver, Yuki starts barking and doesn't let him finish his job. We go along the fork to the left, pick up brushwood from the ground, return to the boulder, put the brushwood down, set it on fire with matches. After a while, the fish is defrosted - we take it away. We return to the yuki, we lure him away with fish. Beaver fells a tree. Now you can go to the other side of the river.

We get to the fishing house, we go inside. We take three items from the shelf above the fireplace: a hatchet, a fisherman's guide to catching golden salmon and a nesting doll. Let's go through the room to the left, and in the kitchen we take an aquarium. We leave through the back door, we go down to the river. We take a fishing rod from the railing. We take out a small green lure from the suitcase below, dress it. We throw the fishing rod into the place where the shadow from the tree falls, we take out the golden salmon. If you didn’t cast your line correctly, you can pull out a green salmon - you will have to use it to return for the golden one. Where to use? And you try to get out of the house back onto the road - you will find out.

So let's say you've already caught golden salmon. We approach the window to the left of the exit, throw salmon to the bear, he leaves. We leave the house, pick up the remaining bone in the snow in front of the window. We return along the road to the chopped suspension bridge. On the remnants from our side, we use the hatchet, cut off the rope with the board. We use this rope on the tree hanging over the abyss, we move through the gorge. Then we follow the yuki, observe the plot scene and rejoice in the truly divine retribution. Now you need to climb up the steep wall. To reach the first ledge, we use a hatchet, we pull ourselves up. To climb to the very top, it will be necessary in some places to move left and right. This is not difficult. Here we are at the top.

We continue to pass "Siberia 2". We go down, we pass by a gang on a snowmobile. We approach the shack with a radio transmitter, activate it - press the red button on the radar display and the same button on the sensor with four rows of buttons and a window. In principle, the radar is needed for the second part of the puzzle, but I had it turned on, so I will describe how I did everything myself. We exit the screen, return to the fork and go up to the crash site of the plane. We pass a little further and try to wake Comrade Boris, who is entangled in the parachute lines. Hopelessly - sleeps like a groundhog. But he has a headset with headphones on his head ... We climb into the cockpit of the downed plane. Yeah... Don't be scared - in fact, everything is quite simple and logical, although this is one of the most difficult places in the game. I myself, to confess, spent a lot of time until I found out that not all of these toggle switches and buttons matter. Two button areas are really important. The first group is the top one, lighting red (powering the entire cabin), yellow and green lights. First, we “power up” the control panel by turning the red lever. We don't touch it anymore. The second most important group of levers is at the bottom right - according to the results of the work, the call signs of Boris' headset frequencies are displayed (the window is at the top right). We are working with this group. First, we make sure that the green light next to it glows. To do this, click two toggle switches up. "Turntables" a little lower can stand in any position. Then we look at three multi-colored small toggle switches a little higher.

The middle one (red) should always be activated - raised up. And the extreme ones serve only to extract parts of the code - left and right, respectively.
We return to the first - top - group of toggle switches. Two non-primary toggle switches are responsible for powering the left and right side of the code display and do not work simultaneously, i.e. The code can only be recognized in two parts. First, turn off one toggle switch, move to the second group of buttons and flip the two extreme small toggle switches - part of the code is displayed. Then we go back up, reverse the positions of the two toggle switches, go down and do the same with the small toggle switches. Voila! Code - 0328. We leave the system turned on and return to the hut with a walkie-talkie. We crawl up and direct the antenna to the east. We go down - a large dot should flash on the locator.We dial the required number on the coordinator, press the small button on the microphone - the call has gone! Boris wakes up.

We return to him, we talk. Of all the options to get off the cliff, only one remains - to eject in the co-pilot's seat. But you need to know where. We pay attention to the control panel - the left side panel of the control panel with the landing coordinates of the chair has opened there. We return to the hut. This is where it becomes clear that the big dot (the antenna to the east) is actually a train, and the small one (the antenna to the north) is the plane. We are now interested, of course, in the train. We determine the approximate coordinates on the radar: 81 horizontally, 18 vertically. We return to the cockpit, enter the coordinates in that order, and eject.

So we are on the train. We continue our journey through Syberia 2. We approach him, pull Oscar out of the snow by the hand, and talk. Then we go into the passenger car, into Hans's room, select the train plan from the floor, go to the workbench, select the oiler. We leave, lubricate Hans, he returns to duty. But the train does not go again - the last car is holding it, as Oscar notifies us. We return to the passenger car, we approach the place where the column with dancing figures used to stand. We need to open the hatch. We take out the phone, select Oscar's number with the arrows, dial. The hatch is open. We look at the plan of the train, draw out the locking rods - the middle and two extreme ones. The train moved on.

...We stopped again. After leaving, we find an abandoned snowmobile at the foot of the monument to mammoths, we take a sheet from the bag fastened to it. To the left of the train, stupid Igor is waiting, who believes that he is being overcome by spirits. The spirits turn out to be howling sounds made by the wind passing through the hole in the owl totem. We approach the totem, plug the hole (mouth) with a sheet. We return to Igor, we speak with him, he leaves on a snowmobile. We raise the spikes remaining from the snowmobile, attach them to the soles. Now you can climb the slippery hillock. We find ourselves face to face with the second brother, who threatens us with a tusk and does not let us move. We call Oscar. He starts buzzing from the train. Ivan is distracted, we run to the sleigh with tusks standing on the left, raise the knife and cut the rope with which these sledges are tied. Let's watch the video.

We are at the yukols of the world Syberia 2. We look at how Kate dresses, we leave the hut, we speak with the leader of the tribe. To the right of the door we raise deer antlers. We pass a little further to the right and down. I must say that the village is very, very large, so you have to run around a lot. Not far from the place where an elderly yukolka is stirring something, we take a leather strap from the fence - a slingshot automatically appears in the inventory, made from this very strap and the horns stolen earlier. We pass a little further, stop at the place where the yukol draws water. We approach the structure for lifting a flask of water. We remove the flask, near the bottom, by the jug, we select the cork. We twist the handle, the hook rises, we cling to it a flask. We twist the handle, the flask falls and scoops up water. We raise the flask, remove it - now we have a device for transferring water. We return to the passage where the poles beat the drums, we need to go through them to the shaman. We take out the slingshot, shoot at the icicle hanging over the water wheel - the device jams, go to the shaman, talk to her.
We remove the mask of a smiling yukol from the wall on the left, go to the room on the left, pick up a wind drum from the table to call a harfang (white owl) - poles are scattered throughout the village to call her, on one of them she sits herself. We go into the cave behind the bridge (it is well illuminated), we turn into the left passage. We approach the wall with a plant frozen into it - it looks like this is the same laughing tree that the shaman was talking about. We take out the cork, plug the lower right hole, go to the pole to call the bird, hang the wind drum on the crosshairs, twist it. A bird arrives, a frightened lemming rushes into the left hole. We take out the cork, move it into the hole in the middle of a large void - the lemming jumps and makes its way into the leftmost passage. Move the cork again, plug the leftmost hole. Pour water from a flask into the upper left channel, the mouse rises up. We throw a fish bone from the inventory into the upper right channel, the mouse runs, picks the berries, climbs up the bone and immediately falls down. We select berries, we go to the shaman. Let's watch the video.

You are in a dream in the world of "Siberia 2". Familiar places, right? Yes, this is the first Siberia, only a slightly stripped down version. We pass directly into the cave, pick up the mammoth doll from the floor, and return to the city. On the way we will stop and talk to Anna Voralberg. We enter the city, pass through the gates of the factory area, turn immediately to the right.

We find ourselves in the Voralberg mansion, go to the living room, talk with the stern father of the family, return to the hall, pay attention to the clock. To get started, you need to start them. We look at the scoreboard (on a general view, bring the magnifying glass to the very top of the screen and a little to the left - to the stucco molding), remember the time. Now we need to set the time on the small display, similar to the readings of the large one. To do this, use the toggle switches on the right and left. At first it seems that they move the dial strangely, but in fact everything is very simple - by clicking them alternately, we will move the dial forward exactly 15 minutes each. When you set the required time, move the weights and touch the pendulum. Everything, the clock has gone. We return to Anna and find out the exact time when Mr. Voralberg goes to the factory - 7.15. Back to the mansion! We set the small dial to 7.15, then start the bell - for this we lower the right weight down. While the mechanism is buzzing, we touch the bell - the clock starts to beat. Mr. Voralberg leaves the living room, leaving the key to the attic on the coffee table. We take the key, go upstairs, open the door. Once in the attic, we go deeper and use the mammoth doll on Hans. After the conversation, Hans disappears. We examine the table, we are transported back to the village of yukolov.

We go to the train, we speak with Oscar, we give him the mask. He is shown to the yukols in a new form, and they are no longer afraid of him. We speak with the yukols at the train, ask them for help - they hook a hook to the train. We approach the hook, pull the rope. Then we pass a little deeper into the cave, climb the stairs to the left, approach the mechanism with the drum, pull the right lever. So, the train arrives at the "terminal" station. We speak with Oscar, he goes to the shaman to fulfill his last duty.

And we continue to pass Syberia 2. We also need to go to the shaman's hut. As soon as we go in, we touch the round amulet hanging on the right by the door with our hand. The otherworldly voice of Anna Voralberg recalls the time - 7.15. We approach the bed. That's the design! Leaning over Oscar. Before us is an image of the driver's chest. If you take a closer look, all the buttons are made in the form of a dial. We press two, corresponding to the numbers 7 and 3. The second level of the castle opens. The internal bulkheads are located in a cross, therefore, we press the keys corresponding to the numbers 12, 3,6,9. We turn the key and watch a video that is luxurious according to our idea.

Now we need to prepare for the journey. After talking with the leader, we understand that we can’t go further by train. But you can still use the locomotive. We go to the train, climb into the driver's cab, then perform the actions in the following sequence: insert the Voralberg key into the well (it is located in the center of the dashboard, between two white dial gauges), pull the large lever on the top left, switch the free-standing toggle switch on the left, then the left toggle switch from the pair on the right, turn the small lever located on the top right, then the left large lever again, click the second toggle switch from the pair on the right - as a result, both central dials should work.We turn the large valve on the left, then the small one, placed next to it and connected to a separate sensor. Let's watch the video. Once again we speak with the leader - he is standing at the entrance to the ark. We pick up yuki from the corral - for this you need to click on the hinges of the gate. We load on the ark and depart.
Here we are at sea, sailing on the ark. The Ark may not be Noah's, but it's also okay. Yes, that's the trouble - ran aground! We rise to the deck, we pass to the left, we speak with Hans, then we go down to the glacier. We pass to the skeleton, we select a tusk from the ground, which looks like an icicle, we go to the left. We approach the anchor, use the tusk on it, go even more to the left. We watch the scene of the appearance of the next obstacle. We pass to the very edge of the glacier - to where the group of penguins stands. We look at the ship. So, a current goes to it and something does not allow the side door to open. We return to the skeleton, only a little to the left. On the ground we find a nest of penguins, put a matryoshka in it, call black and white birds. As soon as they surround the nest, we run to the place where they recently crowded. We pass to the very edge, use the tusk again on a crack in the ice, swim to the ark. Once in the hold, we roll back the barrel from the door on the right, we pass into the room with Hans. We climb up the stairs next to the bed, pick up the bone hook from the floor, return to the door from which we left when we entered the ship. We climb on the barrel, hook the hook to the mast, put a rope knot on it, go down, pull the lever and watch the cruel but fair reprisal against Ivan Burgov. The ship leaves for Siberia.

Well, here she is! The land that gave its name to two great adventure games. Siberia. We get off the ship, run to the right, climb the stairs, touch the human figure. Oops! We take away the Yukolov medallion from the skeleton, return to the ship and go left. As soon as we go down the stairs, we proceed down to a kind of pier, at the base of which there is a box. We take three stones with Yukol runes from the surface of the box. We run straight up, we pass along the corridor with a ceiling of tusks. At the very entrance to the corridor, inspect the grass - you will stumble upon an active zone. Be careful - it's very easy to run past it. We raise another stone with a rune from the ground and pick the bud of the Yukol flower. We pass along the corridor further, we leave to the gate. We speak with Hans, then use the lever to lower the cage on the right at the gate. We return to the ship. So, and the lazy yuki is still sleeping ... We need you, my friend! Without any pity, we slip a freshly picked bud under his nose. Oh, how he jumped! Looks like a strong-smelling thing ... We return to the gate - yuki himself jumps into the cage and opens the passage for us.

We rise to the platform from where the ancient yukols called mammoths. There are two groups of mechanisms here: on the right is a circle with runes and a sand pear, on the left is a Yukol organ. You can get to the playground by going through the booth with Hans sitting. Well, go ahead! It's terrifying how you want to see a live mammoth - is it in vain that you waved away so many kilometers? First, let's examine the Yukol medallion - it is in inventory, on the second page. On it, each white symbol (they are located on a circle under a pear) corresponds to its own red one (they are inscribed on previously selected stones with runes). Near the runic circle lies the fifth, the last missing runestone. Referring to the medallion, we place the stones in a circle. In addition, their location can be chosen along the edges - the patterns of the edges correspond to each stone. Just in case, I give their placement: a stone with a rune that looks like a slingshot (y-shaped) becomes the lowest position; a rune resembling a fishhook is on the top left; a stone with a pattern like the English character & - at the very top; with an icon similar to Russian B - on the right, at three o'clock; and the last, with a pattern most reminiscent of a Chinese character, is on the right, at half past four. If everything is done correctly, turn the wheel - a cross-shaped key will appear in the center of the circle. When you get it, notice that one of the stones has moved a little, remember the symbol - this is a clue to the next puzzle.

We go to the left of the booth with Hans. There is a horn for summoning mammoths here. First, go to the cabinet with the wheel - on its left side there is a board that resembles a row of small boxes. Insert the key, turn it - a window with runes will open. Take out the key and insert it into the bottom row, second window from the left, then turn the wheel. The intake horn will rotate and a hum will be heard. Now go to the pipes to the left of the mechanism. I was lucky - I guessed the correct location on the fifth try, but there is information that the clue was depicted on a scroll (with a picture of a man on a mammoth). It is necessary to close the holes in the following order: in the top row - close the middle half, in the bottom - close the middle completely, and the left half. Now turn the double handle to the right of the pipes.

Everyone, enjoy the final video. I just want to note that the ending was a success - just as romantic as in the first part, and at the same time leaving room for fantasy: how did it all end up, and where did the mammoths take Hans ... This is how the passage of "Siberia 2" ends .

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