Grand Theft AUTO V - How to enter codes


How to enter codes in Grand Theft Auto V to spend a series of bold robbery and survive in a big not friendly city, street telchile.

I came to retire the robber of banks and the institution of horror, psychopathies have to work with the most torn and insane criminals, showmen and civil servants of the west coast and this guide will help you deal with it.

How to enter codes in Grand Theft Auto V?

It's pretty simple, you need to use the console that opens if you press the Tilda (~), it is E. as soon as the window appears on the screen, it is necessary to enter the code and press Enter, which contributes to its activation. If the code for PC is entered correctly, you will see the window with the "Cheat code" message.

As in the previous part, you can use a mobile phone, which is relevant for PS4 and Xbox: Remove it by pressing the up arrow and go to the contacts. After that, click the "Space" button (x on consoles), which will transfer you to a number of numbers. Using the arrows and the "Enter" keys, dial the desired code and press the space again to make the call and activate the cheat, and if you need to enter the code again, then simply press the star on the phone. I also note that you can enter codes from the gamepad, for this just press the set of buttons that came up with the game developers.

In the event of activation of codes in GTA 5, all the achievements of your gaming session are disconnected. Just download the previously saved game and continue to conquer achievements.

And that's all you need to know about how to enter the Grand Theft Auto V codes. There is something to boldly leave a comment below.

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