Valheim - How to tame any creature (Alltameable Mod)


Have you ever wanted a pet troll or a brutal goblin? The Alltameable mod allows players to tame every creature in Walheim! Find out how to set it up here!

By default, Valheim players can tame a wide variety of creatures, and a new mod from Nexus Mods user "buzz" has given players the ability to tame and breed even more creatures! This mod also contains configs for taming speed, taming food amount, taming food range and more. By default, only Troll and Goblin Brute can be tamed, but this can be easily changed in the mod's config file.

How to use the Alltameable mod in Valheim

If players are only happy with taming trolls and goblin cattlemen, they can start taming! But if players want to tame things like Greydwarf or Drake, they will need to get under the hood and change the config file. By default, the configuration file is located at teamappscommonValheimBepInExconfiguzz.valheim.AllTameable.cfg

Once found, create a copy of the original .cfg file in case something goes wrong. Open the .cfg file with text editing software. There will be a series of items and values ​​that the player will need to set for each creature they wish to tame. For example, if the player wants to be able to tame Neck, they would need to add a line by line "GoblinBrute,true,1800,600,2,10,10,20,CookedLoxMeat:Bread,false,false,3,0.99,10,60; Neck,true,1800,600,2,10,15,20,FishCooked:FishRaw,true,true,5,0.66,12,60" (without quotes), starting immediately after the previous specified value. The mod authors buzz provides the following breakdown of the values ​​here:

  • ; This is placed between each tamed creature.
  • : Used between each added food ID.
  • , This is used to separate each of the following parts
  • Neck This is the ID of the creature being added (all creature IDs are listed below).
  • true (the first true value I added). Sets the ability to order them to follow you or not (can be set to true or false)
  • 1800 This is the time it takes to tame them (in seconds)
  • 600 This is the taming duration each food gives (in seconds)
  • 2 This is the maximum range at which a creature can eat food.
  • 10 This is how often the creature checks to see if food is within reach and decides if it needs it (in seconds).
  • 15 That's How Much Health Food Gives
  • 20 This is the distance at which a creature can detect food.
  • FishCooked and FishRaw These are the IDs of the items the creature can eat (it doesn't have to be food).
  • true (second truth I added) Whether the creature will change faction when tamed (if set to true, it will attack/be attacked by its own kind)
  • true (the third truth I added) This is whether the creature can procreate

5 This is the maximum number of creatures within 30 meters you can have; if it exceeds this value, they will stop breeding

0.66 This is a chance to get pregnant. Fewer number = more chance (scale 0.00 to 1.00)

12 This is the duration of the creature's pregnancy (in seconds).

60 This is how long it takes for offspring to grow into adults (in seconds)

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