Creating bots, twinks in Raidcall


Hello everyone, you probably noticed the groups in which from 10 to 5,000 online users, no matter how you say that these are real people, in fact it is not quite so.

There are special RC programs and modifications that increase online these groups. And now I will try to describe them in detail.

Use RaidCall modifications

From the first thing we start, it is from the modified and blurred clients of the RaidCall program, really in the network there are many of them, we will give the most common: Raidcall Multi VPS v7.3.6. This is over a lightweight modification, the developer left only input to the group, so that you can run a lot of your accounts, thereby compensate for the load on your computer processor, and fill a lot of online in your group, you can download it at the bottom of it, we provide it As test material. In the future, after downloading, you will be responsible for your actions yourself. If your group imposed sanctions for the huge online, you can unlock in this article.

Open sandboxie through sandbox

If you categorically do not want to use various modifications, that is, the second way to circumvent restrictions on the opening of the RC program, we will need a sandbox called Sandboxie. Probably you have already heard that the program helps to open a second window in various games, programs, etc. But this is not all its possibilities. All that we need it to download the program, unfortunately you will have to find it yourself, buy or download on the Internet, be sure to Sandboxie must be activated or anything will not work. Sandboxie Unlike RaidCall modification, strongly devours the RAM and loads the computer processor. All that we need to install Sandboxie, activate and create 10 sandboxes, and throw our client RaidCall into each sandbox, so we will open 10 RC windows and go to the group.

VPS Server

You probably ask, but what are they sitting for months, and do not leave the band for years, I can not and the computer will be busy, but suddenly it will break. Everything is simple, you don't need to do it on your computer, for this there are virtual VPS servers, VDS, these are computers in the data center that you rent for a while and go on them in remote access. Such computers can be bought for 500 rubles. For a month and even a year! It is great, and more for lovers of freebies, you can take it for a time in the test version, all that we need it just to register to enter your own or left data and use, running there modifications or sandbox.

Registration of bots, twinks.

In order to run a lot of bots, we need a lot of registered accounts.
Yes, in Raidcall, there is a limit on registering 4 accounts per day, but do not be upset, this system can also be deceived, you say but how? Very simple RaidCall remembers your IP address and gives it 4 registrations, but as soon as you change your IP address, you will also be allowed to register 4 accounts. Your IP address can be changed by various programs and extensions in the browser. I recommend novice browser Tor Browser you will find it on the Internet, all you need to change the country flag in it and your IP address will change, thereby allowing you to register more than hundreds of bots per day!

Bots, twinks in Raidcall disguise

Friends So that your group did not impose the SONTION, disguise twinks, creating accounts invent them as real logins and nicknames as possible, be sure to download them the avatars, sign, insert them various statuses, earn them the icons. No need to create the same nickname Matrix1, Matrix2, Matrix3, users will definitely open the profile and see it, they will complain to the RC administration and you will be banned. So create each account individual and realistic, as if you wake them all your life. On the Internet there are a lot of nickname generators, generate and create, be sure to have a notepad or a sheet with a manual to write, so as not to forget them later.Mail and password you can write the same to all 100 accounts, this role does not play much. There is a lot of quotes on the Internet and pictures take them from there, do not regret the time it will protect you from the ban, and protects from the dead group, since users will think that they are in the truth sit with 100 real people in the group and will not pass you by the RC administration . In Raidcall groups, it is very common to twist music, create a music channel, put 20 bots there, prohibit or allow the input to the queue and twist the songs themselves, sing karaoke, in general, do it all the same as in the rest of the bot bands.

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