Story Of Seasons - How to Raise Your Family


In this guide, we will tell you how it is possible to have a baby in Story Of Seasons Olive Town Pioneers?

Basic moments.

In order to have a child in Story Of Seasons: Pioneers Of Olive Town, you will need to find a life partner and marry him.

What are the basic requirements to create a complete family in Story Of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town

How to have a baby in Story Of Seasons: Olive Town Pioneers

  • In order to have a child in Story Of Seasons: Pioneers Of Olive Town, you must first get married in the game.
  • If you don't know how to do it, you can check it out right here. After that, you will have to raise your relationship level to 15 hearts in order to have a child.
  • You can have a baby in Story Of Seasons: Pioneers Of Olive Town regardless of the gender of the person you marry in the game.
  • Once you reach 10.5 or 11 audibility in your relationship, you will get a cutscene where your partner will discuss the gender of the baby.
  • Here, your choice will depend on what kind of child you want to have. If you select the "I have no preference" option, the baby's gender will be randomly selected.
  • After you reach 11.5 to 12 hearts, another cut-scene will appear in the game where your partner will again talk about his dream about a child.
  • After you hear from 12.5 to 13 hours, you will need to return after 23:00 to your house to start a cut-scene where your partner will talk about you being late or being late lately.
  • The penultimate cut-scene occurs when you have collected from 13.5 to 14 hearts and as soon as you return to your house after 19:00. Your partner will talk about shared memories.
  • All you have to do is keep going and aim for another heart, once you reach the 15th heart in the game, the Earth sprite will appear randomly.
  • For this to happen, you will need to watch all previous cutscenes and also be married for more than 2 months in the game.
  • Earth Sprite will give birth to your child, and from that moment on, you are responsible for his well-being.
  • At 30 days the baby will become a toddler and start crawling, at 76 days the baby will learn to take its first steps, and after 96 days the baby will grow into a little baby who will eat lunch and roam Olive. City by chance.
  • That's all there is to know about how to have a baby in Story Of Seasons: Pioneers Of Olive Town.

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