Fallout 3 how to turn on the flashlight


Find out in this manual how to turn on the flashlight in Fallout 3, if you are still interested in this question, then read further, we will tell you how to do it.

Games Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas Pip-Boy 3000 is the most important tool for the main character. In addition to controlling inventory, maps display, music playback and the ability to use the aiming system of Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System, PIP-Boy can perform an improvised flashlight function. It can be very useful in examining the caves, metro tunnels or abandoned storage.

How to turn on the flashlight in Fallout 3?

To activate the PIP-BOG 3000 backlight, hold the button or key you typically click to activate the PIP-BOY. On the Xbox 360, this is the B button, and on the PlayStation 3 - the O. PC players must press and hold the Tab key to turn on the light. To turn it off, press and hold the same button or the key again until the light turns off.

Disadvantages of the Lantern Pip-Boy Light

Pip-Boy light is convenient to see in the dark, but it also allows others to see you in the dark. If you are trying to sneak, enemies will be much easier to see you if the PIP-BOY lantern is turned on. This applies even to those cases when the armor who gives the bonus to tricks, or even if you have an invisible boy activated. If you want to avoid detection, make sure your light is turned off. If you have often to turn on the light, you may need to adjust the brightness of the screen.

That's all you need to know how to turn on the flashlight in Fallout 3..

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