Mass Effect How to Drive Maco


In Mass Effect Shepard and his detachment will spend a lot of time at the wheel of Mako, exploring the planet. Here's how to use it new management and control.

Maco is the preferred way of movement for most planets of the galaxy in Mass Effect, and in the Mass Effect Legendary Edition, its control and control were somewhat changed. MAKO is an armored vehicle used for driving on land. It is equipped with a gun and machine gun that can make less dangerous struggle with major enemies, in particular with the fittings of the GETOV, trains of geth and the colosum of geths. It is also especially useful for overcoming mountain landscapes in Mass Effect, since Shepard and their squad can not overcome these obstacles to another way. Mako can be used even as an indestructible shelter or as a weapon in itself, because it can be moved through getes and other enemies.

Manage Mako in Mass Effect Legendary Edition is a bit simpler, as the car has a little more weight and it is less sensitive when trying to turn. Despite the fact that the management still leaves much to be desired, and although still you can turn over and fall into the lake Lava, players, most likely, it will be easier to keep your tank under control. Here's how to manage "Mako" in Mass Effect.

How to manage "Mako" in Mass Effect

To manage Mako in Mass Effect, players will use the same movement controls as when driving Shepard. On the console, players will use the left analog stick, and on the PC - the WASD keys. To change the direction when moving forward, you can also use the right analog stick or mouse. Since Mako still performs broad turns, when approaching the edge, players may be better to give the reverse, and not try to turn around.

Maco is equipped with a heavy cannon and machine gun. The gun can do only one shot at a time, and the machine gun can overheat, so it is better not to lead a continuous fire. As a rule, on the console the same buttons that are used for shooting from Shepard weapons (R2 or RT) allow shooting from the machine gun "Mako". On the PC, this mechanic is controlled by the left mouse button. To shoot a cannon on the console, use R1 or RS, and on the PC, the right mouse button. The players also have the ability to increase the image to make more accurate shots.

Being on board "Mako", players can click on boosters to accelerate for a short time. This is especially useful in order to turn over the back or tear away from the landscape. On the console, the accelerator control is L1 or LB, and the SHIFT key on the PC. They can also use jumping nozzles to bounce into the air. It helps to shy away from fire and overcome obstacles. On the console, the control is carried out by the x or a buttons, and on the PC - a space."Steering with reference to Mako Camera". It is not yet clear whether this feature will be added on consoles and when, but it is possible that it will appear in one of the updates.

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In Mass Effect Shepard and his detachment will spend a lot of time at the wheel of Mako, exploring the planet. Here's how to use it new management and control. Mako is the preferred way of movement for most planets of the galaxy in Mass Effect, and in Mass Effect

Watch the video" lang="en" style="height: 28px;">Finally, to jump out of the "Mako" and fight or continue moving on foot, on the console players need to use the Circle button, button B or Q key.

It is important to note that players will receive more XP for murder, perfect outside the "Mako" than for murders committed by artillery "Mako". Perhaps a good idea will mitigate and remove the shields of major enemies using the "Mako" guns, and then jump out to complete the murder to earn the maximum number of XP. Mako himself can be used to cover in such cases, since it will never fail and will not lead to the critical failure of the mission until Shepard is out of it.
