Yes, Your Grace - How to Befriend Lords and Capture Their Armies!


Guide to Yes, Your Grace, you will need all the help you can get, so your friendship with the Lords will be big! This guide lets you know exactly what you need to do with everyone!

Welcome to Yes, Your Grace! You will need some resources ...

To complete the Battle of Radovsky, you will need at least 600-700 people and several special agents, so you will definitely need lords on the side!

Do not forget that if the Lord has a precious stone over his head, like in a castle, it means that there is news for you - be sure to invite them to register!

Although you will need to ally with nearby lords, their friendship does not come in vain! Here's what you need to befriend everyone!


Jovan is part of a story that features two other characters, Sir Friedrich and Noaxi. You will need to make some decisions to decide which one (or two) you would like to help you!

Jovan insists that he won't lend his support if you don't take Sir Frederick - that sounds simple enough! It turns out, however, that bringing in Sir Frederick is a bit tricky, as he would like to make Noaxi a liar.

It doesn't matter who you side with, Noaksey or Sir Friedrich - you will always fall back on the choice to kill Jovan or spare him. By sparing him, he becomes his ally.

Sir friderick

As explained above, Sir Friedrich is part of a larger story involving Jovan and Noaxi!

To get him as an ally, you need to talk to him and learn about his plan to trick Noaxi, then invite Noaxi and carry out the plan!

As soon as Noaxi returns as a liar, they will clash and you will be presented with a choice between them - Frederick's choice will give you his troops, no matter what happens to him later.


For Noaxi, you can follow the same steps as above, then stand next to him, or warn him about Frederick's trap. After the story is settled, Jovan will also be on your side, no matter which one you choose, as long as you spare him!

Lady lena

Lady Lena is very straightforward if you are ready to promise her your daughter Asalia - she has a son who will soon need a wife!

As long as you agree with her proposal, she will send a golden week for a week!


Etton and Lurs have an intertwined history, although it is much simpler than Jovan, Friedrich and Noaxi!

Atton will alliance with you until you stop him from trading in dust and imprison anyone who sells dust! Easy!


The Lurs alliance requires two things: that you stop Etton's dust and imprison anyone who sold dust in your throne room. This will result in the loss of Etton's troops, so it's important to consider what you want more!

After you have completed both tasks, simply invite Lurs back and he will hand over his troops to you!

Via Lyt

Via Lit is one of the easiest allies, but it is very early to lose it.

She hates the Radovites, so when someone comes to you VERY EARLY at the start of the game, you have to either imprison him and hand him over or kill him.

If you let him go or refuse to transfer him, Via Lit hates you, and from there it will be impossible to lure her away.


Gaining Ada as an ally requires a bit of your focus, but it's pretty straightforward. She will come to you, explaining that she was caught by a thief and money was stolen. You must be on the lookout for someone in a green suit, dirty apron and hat.

Once you find the thief, imprison him and inform Ada - she can come, pick him up and lend you her help!


Grego is another very easy way, but it requires you as a player to make moral choices.

Grego is burning paintings so his own art can flourish, and he wants to buy the stork painting that hangs in your bedroom. Just pull it off the wall and sell it to you as an ally!

For extra gold, you can also sell him other art around the castle (if you don't mind if he destroys them!)


Masha, like Ada, is looking for a bandit in red gloves! All you have to do to get her to side with is find the thug in the petition line (this can take about two weeks after you first invite her) and put him in jail before handing him over to her. Just!

Pietro: The Paranoid Lord

Pietro is sneaky because he is not an ally you can invite. He will visit you regularly, and if you make the right choice, he will lend you his people!

Pietro worries that someone is coming for him, always worries that he is not safe. It turns out that if you imprison him, he feels MUCH safer as he now always has bars and guards! Talk to him in your dungeon to join him!

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