Minecraft - the best seeds (April 2021)


In this post we will provide you with a complete list of wonderful worlds related to the new update of 1.16 Minecraft 2021.

List of Semyon 2021 (April 2021) Minecraft 1.16


  • Seeds Java
  • Neverwinter: 627689198065479624
  • Shipwreck Bay: 7777777777988733304
  • Hi, neighbor !: -999239145001000977
  • All biomes near the place of appearance: 64971835648254
  • Monument to fruitless lands: 6106940150691661575
  • Beautiful village on the top of the mountain at the point of revival: 46663436141796529
  • A lot of biomes on the threshold and a huge dining room: 9058136630944956755
  • Four witch huts: 17451728208755585
  • Forest mansion at the rebirth point: 1609055592099966422
  • Octopus Island: 2945671375784082726
  • Seeds of indigenous rocks
  • Valley village: -679532036
  • Smithtown: 770405633
  • Kvadument Island : 73771637
  • Calling a robber: 1613434103
  • Ocean monuments in abundance: -1113465022
  • Great Start: 1487266664
  • Island of three Kuznetsov: 542630838
  • Village in the desert surrounded by biomami: -807569075
  • Overlapping savanna with dark oak forest: -98141769
  • Natural sculpture: -1709005712

Seeds Java


Key places

  • Village №1: 70 80 20
  • Village number 2: 120 80 520
  • Village number 3: -810 80 75
  • Fortress: 1380 35 1252
  • Mine shaft: 20 35 60

Bay of shipwrecks

In ShipWreck Cove, you appear at the shipwreck place, thrown into the island, away from civilization.

However, there is one more shipwreck here, which means that you may not be alone.

Well, in a single game you know that you are alone. Use your imagination! Come up with history or just enjoy the silence and solitude of shipwreck bays!

Key places

  • Shipwreck №1: 70 70 25
  • Shipwreck number 2: 40 70-90
  • Mine shaft: -55 40170
  • Taiga village: -1212 90-432
  • Fortress: -1212 40-636

Hi, neighbor!

This card is slightly unusual compared to other seeds of our village.

In this you appear near the village of Savannah, which is on a large broken hill.

When coordinates 0 0 (zero zero) is a floating island with a single rural resident, all alone! This is a rather strange house, and it is well protected.

Incredibly seductively make history from this scenario, and we wanted to include this seed so that you can do it!

Key places:

  • Neighbor: 0 90 0
  • Village number 2: -320 80-190
  • Village number 3: -230 80 520
  • Mine shaft: 40 30 55
  • Two sources: -52 56 21 | -66 15 2

All beomas next to the appearance

Key places

  • Temple in the jungle number 1: 56 80 360
  • Temple in the jungle number 2: 184 80 552
  • Temple in the jungle number 3: -408 80 360
  • Ocean monument: 536 40-280
  • Witch hut: -248 70-408

Monument of fruitless land

We wanted to include this seed, because he has an interesting place for the appearance.

Fancy lands are not the most common from biomes, but this seed creates you next to a large lake in barren lands, with the ocean monument right in the center!

If you have ever been to Salt Lake City, you will feel that this is its version for Minecraft.

Key places

  • Ocean Monument: 24 40 8
  • Village №1: 372 80 804
  • Village number 2: 836 80 676
  • Shipwreck №1: 168 40-360
  • Shipwreck number 2: -280 40 520

Beautiful village on the top of the mountain at the point of revival

This seed simply captures the Spirit as soon as you appear, you can see the height on which you are.

You can see all the beauty around yourself. Then, when you descend down and look up, you will see how the water with a cascade descends from the mountain, like a waterfall, surrounding the village, it's just wonderful.

Key places

  • Temple in the desert: 152328
  • Temple in the desert # 2: 216-408
  • Temple in the desert # 3: 104 -744
  • Biom Muster: -1287 300
  • Witch hut: 856 1112
  • Fortress: -1640-496
  • Destroyed portal: 136-280
  • Shipwreck: -280 8

Many beomes on the threshold and huge messenger

If you want nearby a variety of biomes, this is a great Java seed for this!

Next to the Renaissance is a swamp, a dark forest, a mountain and desert. Mesa is absolutely huge, and there is at least three open sources of spiders!

You will also find quite a few chests with mine carts on the tracks throughout the area.

You will also find a couple of villages are not too far from the place of rebirth.

Emptiness - Pretty good rebirth when you leave the caves. You will find the twisted forest, the shower and raspberry forest valley within reach of each other. There are also bastion remnants and a big fortress that should be explored!

Key places

  • Bolotnaya biome: -119 63 123
  • Biom Dark Forest: -48 78155
  • Destroyed portal: 38 70 347
  • Pyramid: 100 65 298
  • Mine: 195 64 244
  • Open source of spiders: 201 64205
  • Open source of spiders # 2: 195 64 179
  • Open source of spiders # 3: 245 71231
  • Village: -510 64 439
  • Village number 2: 688 64 -186

Locations of emptiness

  • Distorted by forest biome: -75 74 57
  • Biom Sandy Valley Souls: -799 84238
  • Biom Baghrovaya Forest: -657 39 97
  • Bastion residue: -78 91 204
  • Fortress: -777 61 245

Four witch huts

Not far from the Renaissance there are four witch huts who almost form the perfect square in a big swamp biome!

This is a rather rare phenomenon, and it can be useful to you if you want to be near the witch and have the opportunity to hunt the slippers.

What is even better in this seed, so this is what you appear right in the village with a huge ravine in it.

In this gorge you can get to the diamond level, which can help you get started with some valuable resources at an early stage. I did not find anything while I flew there, but if you go deep into this area, you could find good finds.

Key places

  • Witch hut №1: -140 65 -160
  • Witch Hut No. 2: 0 65 -157
  • Hut witch # 3:16 65 3
  • Witch hut # 4: -143 65 19
  • Biome of birch forest: 406 83 361

Locations of emptiness

  • Basalt delta: 46 68-29
  • Sand Valley Soul: 28 41-9
  • Crimson forest: -250 54 176
  • Distorted forest: 352 36-143
  • Bastion residue: -52 39-829
  • Fortress: -572 64 -1136

Forest mansion at the rebirth point

If you are looking for a huge mansion in the forest at the Renaissance, then this seed will suit you!

Also nearby have a swamp and flower forest within walking distance.

You will also find a rather beautiful village right on the beach with a pier and really well designed. Not far from the mansion there is another big village, as well as a destroyed portal and shipwreck.

Key places

  • Forest mansion: 207 63 65
  • Floral forest: 109 64-89
  • Village: -140 62 801
  • High birch forest: 514 91-81
  • Village on large plains: 694 66 72
  • Destroyed portal: 951 64 205
  • Shipwreck: 979 55 228

Locations of emptiness

  • Brown forest: -28 35 318
  • Distorted forest: 160 46 452
  • Basalt Delta: -13 77-27
  • Fortress: 299 68 639
  • Bastion residue: -318 59 34

Osming Island

What a unique find for seed! You appear on the island with a giant taiga and mushroom biome. Taiga is excellent biomes where you can find a homemade fox if you are looking for easy communication.

If you move away from him, you will see that this island has the shape of octopus / squid!

This is really a stunning layout, and it is great for the start of your base. In the forest zone there is a good size ravine to search for the first resources. You will also find an ocean monument, not so far!

Key places

  • The ravine near the Renaissance: -14 64-205
  • Coral reef: 33 53 388
  • Bolotnaya biome: 546 69 389
  • Ocean Monument: 880 61-322
  • Shipwreck: 181 53 -372
  • Destroyed portal: 116 51-605
  • Village of snowy tundra: -835 67-1356

Locations of emptiness

  • Brown forest: -33101-30
  • Distorted forest: -145 36-141
  • Basalt Delta: -98 54-323
  • Fortress: -848 73-432
  • Bastion residue: -579 66-777

Seeds of indigenous rocks

Village Valley.

Do not allow the image of this seed to mislead you, is an accident. You are actually spawning in a pleasant taiga village, with a sufficient amount of wood and available resources.

However, if you like Strongholds, you will have a lot of work in this world.

This LED offers a village and citadel, built with two creators in the library. If you can master the dungeon, you deserve the right to brag!

Key places:

  • Valley village: -300 80 0
  • Village: 560 80 475
  • Fortress number 1: -1116 40-204
  • Fortress # 2: -1228 40-732
  • Double source: -146 24 -399 | -147 24 -388


In this incredible seed you appear within walking distance of the city with four blacksmiths.

We have already mentioned cities with three blacksmiths, and they were so popular enough.

If you go through a small distance on this map, you will find what we called Smithtown, which, in addition to the four Kuznetsov, is also an absolutely huge village!

Key places:

  • Smithtown: 188 74 76
  • Village №1: 133 80 -285
  • Village number 2: -280 80-310
  • Village number 3: -270 80 535
  • Triple dungeon: -314 36 -343 | -295 19 -339 | -294 15-359

Quadment mansion

On this seed you have a huge selection of ocean monuments. Not one, two or three, and four oceanic monuments are created next to your tiny island of the Renaissance, which is full of sponges.

If you are looking for resources and equipment to fight in this world, full marine monsters, you can turn just a few hundred quarters and get into the mansion in the forest, which is located north of the Renaissance point!

The arrow in the image above indicates the world of revival

Key places

  • Ocean monument number 1: 215 40-250
  • Ocean Monument number 2: 685 40 -170
  • Ocean Monument number 3: 170 40 -115
  • Ocean Monument number 4: 600 40 100
  • Forest Mansion No. 2: 480 85-1060

Calling a robber

This complex seed offers you a fascinating quest right at the time of appearance!

It appears within walking distance of the village, the mansion and the observation of robbers.

For those of you who love immediately proceed with the action when you appear, you can challenge yourself to protect the city and capture the stamping and mansion. If you succeed, this seed will be the perfect starting point for the world of survival!

Key places

  • Village near the Renaissance: 1060 80 460
  • Forest mansion: 1660 80 330
  • Forcing robbers: 1480 80 350
  • Fortress: 1630 1040
  • Ocean Monument: -310-660

Ocean monuments in abundance

Key places

  • Ocean monument number 1: 140 40 -380
  • Ocean monument number 2: 340 40 215
  • Ocean Monument number 3: 240 40 735
  • Ocean monument number 4: -780 40 60
  • Ocean Monument number 5: 200 40-840

Great start

Key places:

  • Village: 225 80-750
  • Fortress number 1: -770-660
  • Fortress # 2: -1250-770
  • Forcing robbers: -980 80-870
  • Temple in the desert: -480 80120

Island of three Kuznetsov

This seed is one of the millions! You appear in a small village on the island where there are three blacksmiths! This is the perfect installation for those who like the ocean and mining. As soon as you are ready (which will not take a lot of time!), You will get access to the ocean monument, which is within visibility from the village. If you were looking for a card to use the new power of the conductor, this is the perfect seed for use.

Key places:

  • Village №1: -740 80-730
  • Village number 2: -410 80-1060
  • Village number 3: -1200 80-380
  • Fortress: -1200-370
  • Temple in the desert: -1450 80-420

Village in the desert surrounded by biomami

If you are looking for a seed with a variety of biomami and many villages, then it will be what you need!

You not only appear next to the cute village in the desert surrounded by unique biomami, you also have a lot of villages that you can visit, which differ in the types of their biome!

Key places:

  • Desert village with biomami: -249, 68, -273
  • Mine: -134, 71, -284
  • Forcing robbers: -424 78 372
  • Taiga village: -287 65 548
  • Destroyed portal: -454 69 950
  • Village: -280 67 981

Savannah Village Overlap with Dark Oak Forest

This is a rather cool seed, because there is this magnificent village in Savannah, which is blocked by the biome of the dark oak forest.

You are also near the desert, so there are three biomes in the village.

Next to the village there is also a very large ravine that you can explore. Next to the Renaissance you will find the village that you should visit! If you go to the desert, there are a pair of pyramids and another village.

Key places:

  • Village near the Renaissance: 162 75 108
  • Savannah and Dark Oak Forest: 126 68 588
  • Large ravine: 130 16 518
  • Biome of birch forest: 188 72 374
  • Pyramid: 250 65 816
  • Pyramid number 2: 202 65 1120
  • Deserted village: -368 67 1278

Locations of emptiness

  • Sand Valley Soul: -11 47-3
  • Destroyed portal: -643 40 485
  • Brown forest: -537 73 659
  • Bastion residue: -96 83528

Natural sculpture

This is a seed for you, more creative people, because there is a natural formation that looks like a head holding a hand, not far from the place of appearance.

You could cut it a little more and become really artistic if they wanted!

It will become an excellent focus for your next base. Also not far from the Renaissance point there is a rather interesting area with three ocean ruins on land! You can explore them and quickly get resources from chests.

If you do the portal of the lower world not too far from the original sauna, you will get a really beautiful layout! Sand Shower, Raspberry Forest, Curved Forest and Basalt Delta - everything is pretty close to each other.

If you want to have access to these areas, then this is a great seed. Neighboring Bastion Remnant is also really good and has a great shape, and the treasure room is easy to get as soon as you find yourself inside!

Key places:

  • Sculpture: 1117 79-320
  • Three terrestrial oceanic ruins: 986 66185
  • Destroyed portal: 826 67-275
  • Birch forest from icebergs: 513 70 -376
  • Bolotnaya biome: 450 63-956
  • Village: 124 71-767
  • Pyramid: -256 69 74
  • Forcing robbers: 1501 85 378

Locations of emptiness

  • Sand Valley Soul: 140 75 6
  • Crimson forest: 74 90-33
  • Distorted forest: 55 42108
  • Basalt Delta: 256 68-125
  • Bastion residue: -214 68-77
  • Fortress: -246 67-699

Use key locations

If you want to teleport to one of the places mentioned by me, simply copy the numbers shown next to the one you want to visit.

Go to your game and in this seat, then in the command window simply enter / Teleport @Player XYZ and insert numbers!

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